Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 25 Lao Lai's Kizaru

Capone family lair seaport. Fang Yuan hundreds of miles ice-covered sea. Yan Luo stood on the ice. Clap your hands. A Sage Mode face appeared on the face: "Sage Art. Wood Style. True Several Thousand Hands."

"Boom..." A giant Senju Buddha hundreds of meters high quickly rose from the ice. Everyone was shocked. Even a member of the Pendragon family who has seen the Senju giant Buddha once. This huge picture hundreds of meters high is still so shocking.

Acedes's face was full of excitement, "It turns out that the boss kept his hand last time. But I don't necessarily lose."

"Let's wait and see, Acedes." Yan Luo smiled while standing on the bridge of the giant Buddha's nose.

"Then give it a try. Binglan Admiral Army." "Top Buddha"

Acedes and Yan Luo shot almost at the same time. Yan Luo and Acedus are responsible for half of the tacit understanding. In the north, the fists of the giant Senju Buddha smashed down on the mafia. south. The ice knight growled. A blizzard swept by.


"Run." Facing this kind of nuclear attack. The only thing the coalition forces of the five major families can do is run. At this moment, they only hated why their parents had lost two feet.

No surprises. Can't resist. Hundreds of thousands of people were facing the attack of Yan Luo and Acedes, and there were very few people who were still alive in the end. And it's the side that Yan Luo is in charge of. As for the south that Acedes is responsible for, it is much more direct. Tens of thousands of humanoid ice sculptures of various shapes. The frightened and panicked expressions on their faces were still vivid.

"I won, boss." Acedes proudly raised his hand in a victory gesture.

Yan Luo dismissed the giant Buddha, still smiling. Either Acedus won or he won. In short, it was Yan Luo who took advantage in the end. "In love?" Yan Luo smiled. This smile is very natural and joyful.

Whether it is past life or present life. As an orphan in the previous life, he was sent to training early. As a mercenary, there are naturally many women. Most are of the sort that each takes what he wants. As a mercenary, no extra worries are allowed. Otherwise you are near danger.

In this life, Yan Luo knows that he was born in the world of pirates. I am more satisfied to talk about love. In this man-eating world. Strength is everything. Yan Luo has no intention of falling in love. until now. Yan Luo's strength is already among the top in the world. And there is system help. Maybe you can try the feeling of falling in love.

Yan Luo walked up to Acedes. Laughing: "Acedes. Be my woman."

Acedus' eyes were full of attachment. He raised his arms and hugged Yan Luo. A face greedily stuck to Yan Luo's chest, "Boss, I am extremely happy."



"Long live..." The younger brothers of the Pendragon family cheered loudly. The strength of Yan Luo and Acedus is obvious to all. They believe in such a powerful boss and mistress. From now on, the Pendragon family will already stand at the top of the world. Just like Four Emperors. Even Marine dare not mess with it.

Yan Luo lowered his head. Had a five-minute kiss with Acedus. Finally raised your hands "Little ones. From today on, Acedes is the mistress of the Pendragon family. It's called sister-in-law."

"Long live sister-in-law..." more than 20,000 younger brothers roared earth-shatteringly.

Rem and Ram felt a little unhappy. But thinking of the strength of Acedes, he is indeed worthy of the boss. As long as the two of them have a place in the boss's heart, they will be satisfied. After thinking this way. The mood of the two sisters improved a lot. Only Robin was in mixed feelings. I feel uncomfortable for no reason. I don't want to admit it.

Not to mention Yan Luo's side. The battle has come to an end. Aokiji and his party, who received orders from Sengoku, also officially entered West Blue. Came to the x6 base. I met Kizaru relaxing in the sun on an old-fashioned chair.

See Naval Headquarters generals like Aokiji and Ghost Spider. Kizaru raised his hand in greeting and said, "Hey, you are finally here. The old man is seriously injured, so he won't get up to greet you. You are welcome to sit casually."

After Kizaru finished speaking, he took a sip of the juice on the side. The generals who came to support from Naval Headquarters rolled their eyes one by one. ‘Old man, are you so ashamed to say that you are seriously injured? If Marshal Sengoku saw it, he would probably go crazy. '

Only Aokiji is very calm. Moved a chair and sat down next to Kizaru. Put your legs up. "I heard you almost died?"

Kizaru didn't hide it. He sighed: "The young people nowadays are really scary. In that battle, the old man was almost crushed and beaten. When he finally wanted to make a full shot. The young man seemed to use a strange ability. The old man felt that everything stopped. Wait for the reaction When I came here, there was a knife stuck in here."

Kizaru lifted his collar. Pull off the wrapping gauze. This time, the generals of Naval Headquarters stared wide-eyed. I saw a knife wound on Kizaru's chest. Surrounding it was covered with traces of frost. Even Admiral's pervert Constitution has not fully healed.

Aokiji raised his hand and tapped Kizaru's wound. His eyes widened in shock. Withdraw your fingers. He found that his fingers were numb from the cold. You must know that he is a person with the ability to freeze fruit. It will be frozen by frost.

"It's so cruel, even I can't get rid of it." Aokiji's face was serious. "Now I can be sure. The other party didn't mean to kill you."

Kizaru said with a wretched smile, "Allah. It seems that the old man took his life."

"How is that possible? Can't even Aokiji Admiral undo that kid's freezing power?" Ghost Spider exclaimed in disbelief

The generals of the headquarters all looked dignified. When I first came here. They thought Kizaru was being careless. After all, Kizaru's sloppy character, if it is careless, they can understand it. but. Aokiji's words shocked them completely. The power of freezing surpasses Aokiji. The degree of danger of the enemy needs to be re-evaluated.

"In short. I won't be able to do anything for half a year. You can figure it out." Kizaru looked like a rascal. Anyway, he is going to take a half-year vacation. It doesn't work for anyone.

On the other hand, Kizaru didn't want to face Yan Luo anymore. He didn't want to face the feeling that he could die at any time. I don't want to fight that monster. You can do whatever you like.

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