Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 26 Heads-Up? Aokiji

"Mr. Sengoku ordered the two of us to shoot together. Send that little guy to Imperton." Aokiji said slowly. He knew that Kizaru wanted to be lazy. But Sengoku's order Kizaru cannot refuse. So we moved out of Sengoku in the first place. Want to be lazy and let me work alone. There are no doors. Aokiji is going to pull Kizaru together.

"Are you kidding me?" Kizaru sat up with an exaggerated expression on his face. "I don't want to face that monster. You want to die by yourself. And I was seriously injured. It's fine if I don't get work-related compensation. You need me as a wounded person to fight. This is cruelty to the wounded. This old man wants to protest."

Kizaru simply pissed off. Want to fight that monster yourself? Don't even think about it. To be honest, some people may not be afraid to face death. But after facing death for the first time. It takes a lot of courage to do it a second time. At least Kizaru doesn't have the courage not to fear death.

Aokiji and the ghost spider twitched their faces. I said you are Marine Admiral anyway. Can I show some face. Going to protest? Sue the parents? As for Kizaru saying Yan Luo is a monster. The three of them, Admiral, are they not monsters?

"Kizaru, this time Mr. Sengoku gave the order to die. You must take down that little guy. If you don't want to do it. This time I will be the main force. You cooperate and support me." Aokiji suggested

Kizaru thought for a while, and his immediate superior gave the order to die. If I really don't go, will I be put on small shoes? And with Aokiji carrying it in front. The danger is not so great. And the big deal is that the old man will hide far away. It would be nice to support Aokiji with a long range attack.

Think about it and find it feasible. Kizaru had a bitter face on the surface: "Mr. Sengoku is really good at calling people. Even my sick patient has to work. This time I will apply for overtime pay when I go back. You can testify to the old man at this time. The old man went into battle with injuries."

A group of people's faces darkened. Can that injury affect your Admiral? What an international joke. Just want to be lazy and raise wages. But they didn't say it. After all, Admiral also wants face.

"Boss, Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji. Headquarters Vice Admiral ghost spider... Now they add Kizaru. They have set off from the x6 base. The target is our Pendragon family." Robin has been paying attention to Marine's movements. Report to Yan Luo every day.

After Yan Luo solved the Capone family, he was not in a hurry to deal with the remaining four major families. And let your men prepare for the battle with all their strength. Get ready to take on Marine. After hearing Marine's intelligence. Without hesitation. Immediately command the Nine Guardians of Pendragon. And the newly formed Queen's Army (led by Acedes) with more than 20,000 mafia boys. The mighty departure.

Waiting for Marine to attack is not in Yan Luo's character. If your own site is destroyed, you will waste time and money to repair it. Yan Luo intends to fight Marine in the sea. Anyway, both sides have freezing ability. Just create the battlefield directly. This time we must conquer Marine. At least let Marine not dare to act rashly.

Give him time to clean up the West Blue Mafia. Complete the system selection task. Just beat the two Marine Admirals. I believe that the Marine side should stop for a while. After all, Marine's main enemy is the pirates, the Four Emperors. Dealing with his own Mafia isn't Marine's primary responsibility.

Helia sea area. The Marine fleet and the Pendragon family's fleet meet unexpectedly. The two sides put on a posture. Marine side plus Marine on x6 base. There are more than 10,000 Marines. Six Rear Admirals. Two Vice Admirals. Two Admirals. This luxurious lineup, that is, the Four Emperors will go all out.

Used against West Blue's little mafia. This lineup is very exaggerated. Marines are also very confident. Even if the mafia has twice as many people as Marine. Marine soldiers are not afraid at all.

The Pendragon family is also full of morale. Watching Yan Luo and Acedes adoringly. In their view. The boss and sister-in-law are simply invincible gods. What about Marine Admiral? It wasn't that he was beaten away by the boss last time.

On the Marine warship. Although separated by a few kilometers. However, Aokiji et al. felt it clearly. The morale of House Pendragon is strong. Aokiji couldn't help admiring: "Facing Marine is still fighting high. These people are very good."

"Cut. They're all some bumpkins who haven't seen the world before." Ghost Spider disdainfully. In the eyes of most people in Marine. Soldiers who have never entered the New World are rookies. What's more, the Pendragon family has never even entered the Grand Line. It is simply a rookie among rookies. It's not too much to call a bumpkin.

"Vice Admiral, the ghost spider, seems to look down on the enemy. Then I will leave the task of eliminating the Pendragon family to you." Kizaru was unhappy. Are they bumpkins? So what is Laozi? Trash beaten by bumpkins? Kizaru decided to let the Ghost Spider lead the charge first. Let him understand that he can't talk nonsense.

The ghost spider was stunned. He's a good hawk. It's not bad to look down on the little one. But bin does not mean he is stupid. Let him wipe out the Pendragon family? Even Kizaru lost. Isn't this letting him die? The ghost spider also understood that he had said something wrong. "Kizaru Admiral. I will be on the front line." Ghost Spider whispered

"Yo. Aokiji, come to the duel?" At this moment. On the bow of the Pendragon family. Yan Luo roared loudly. Marines thousands of meters away could hear it clearly.

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