Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 316 Unlocking The Soft And Cute Nun

About half an hour later, both Xenovia and Irina left Yan Luo's apartment with their holy swords.

Originally, Yan Luo planned to keep these two girls from the church here all night to help him do things.

However, Aisha's mood becomes unstable when she sees them. The kitten is also very afraid of the so-called holy sword.

So Yan Luo could only drive them out.

After Xenovia and Irina walked out of Yan Luo's apartment with aggrieved faces, Yan Luo turned his head. Looking at Aisha who was sitting on the bed.

There, Aisha's expression is not more or less sad.

Seeing this, Yan Luo stood up, came to the bed, stretched out his hand, and touched Aisha's head.

"What? Are you still thinking about what those two psychopaths said?"

"No, not at all..." Aisha subconsciously wanted to deny it. But as soon as he felt Yan Luo's scorching gaze and the kitten's worried eyes. Put your head down immediately.

"I just feel that my faith is really not enough, the Lord didn't favor me."

"Even you say that yourself?" Yan Luo frowned.

"Listen well, Aisha, although these words may be difficult for you who grew up in the church, but I think that sometimes, too much faith is not a good thing."

"No, that's not the case." Aisha quickly shook her head and explained, as if she wanted to persuade Yan Luo the other way around.

"The Lord is merciful, as long as you believe in the great Lord devoutly, you will definitely be able to receive the Lord's care and blessing.

"Then why haven't you been favored and blessed by the so-called Lord?" Yan Luo said bluntly to Aisha.

"Stop telling me you don't have enough shitty reasons for not having enough faith, do you think I've been with you all these days?"

"I can tell you clearly that your belief is the most devout among all believers." Yan Luo curled his lips.

"If you can't even get the favor and blessing of the so-called lord with your level of belief, no one in this world can get it. Then there is no need for the so-called lord to exist, and there is no need to believe in it."

"The teacher is right." Kitten nodded heavily. He also said such a dangerous word.

"Useless people have no value in existence, and there is no need for useless gods to exist. That kind of god, let the teacher use the power of a godslayer to destroy it.

"Alas? Alas?" Aisha didn't seem to expect that the kitten would say such words suddenly, and looked at Yan Luo with tears in her eyes.

"Are you going to attack the great Lord? Please let the Lord go? The Lord is innocent!"

Hearing this, Yan Luo and the kitten were speechless.

Since Aisha, who is looking forward to God's redemption, turns to intercede for the so-called Lord, what is this?

"No matter what, too much faith will make people crazy." Yan Luo said ruthlessly.

"Because they think that they can get God's salvation, they can do things that both people and Gods hate without hesitation. There are many people, and some even use the so-called belief as an excuse, thinking that as long as they have enough devout beliefs, no matter what. You can get God’s forgiveness for everything you do, so you don’t feel guilty, so you can do bad things unscrupulously, that kind of person also exists, and it’s the best proof of belief poisoning.”

Elsa is speechless.

As the former saint in the church, how could Aisha have not seen the situation Yan Luo mentioned?

Of course, in general, that kind of people will be denigrated as heretics by the church, but can this deny that they do not have faith in God in their hearts?

"Faith is, in fact, similar to faith. Some are bright and upright, while others are twisted and crazy, but can you say that those are not human beliefs?" Yan Luo stroked Aisha's head repeatedly.

"I don't object to you continuing to dedicate your faith to that so-called god, but I absolutely don't want to see you become that kind of lunatic who is poisoned by faith, so, Aisha, your faith needs to be flexible, you can't pursue it blindly, but you can follow it To change as circumstances change, that is true piety."

Hearing Yan Luo's words, Aisha nodded absently and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Yan Luo rubbed Aisha's head affectionately, and then looked at the kitten.

"Little cat, tell Rias what the two church guys said just now, and let Rias tell Canna by the way, there is a fallen angel cadre hiding here, one is not good, Rias If Yu Cangna doesn't pay attention, it will be dangerous."

The levels of angels and fallen angels are basically ranked according to the number of wings.

The more wings, the higher the level of angels and fallen angels, and generally speaking, the higher their strength.

Like Linali, if she only has a pair of wings, she is undoubtedly the lowest-ranking person in the entire camp of fallen angels, and she can only be a lower-level fallen angel.

……ask for flowers…

As for the level of the cadres of the fallen angels, they have at least four or five pairs of wings.

Whether it is an angel or a fallen angel, the current highest existence has only six pairs of wings.

Then, one can imagine how powerful the cadres of the ten fallen angels are.

To put it bluntly, no matter how many high-level demons like Rias and Cangna come, they are not enough to kill them with one hand.

It is the highest level demon, and it is not difficult for others to deal with it.

After all, that is a fallen angel who survived the battle with the god and the devil, and his ability can be imagined.

Therefore, if Rias and Cang were targeted by a fallen angel cadre without knowing it, Rias and Cang would be in real danger.

"What about the teacher?" The kitten looked at Yan Luo, its big watery eyes fixed on Yan Luo's face intently.


"Isn't the teacher going to contact the minister himself?"

"Me?" Yan Luo narrowed his eyes.

"The people from the two churches said that the holy sword is in the hands of the fallen angel cadre Kokbor, I will try to find him!"

"Find it?" The kitten was stunned.

"For a person of Kokbol's level, the complete holy sword may be a little bit interesting, but there is no need for that guy to go to the church to grab a few incomplete holy swords. I think, Kirkball must have other plans." Yan Luo explained aloud.

"Plus, Kokball didn't go anywhere, but came to this town. It's impossible that he didn't have his own considerations."

Yan Luo did not say that Kirkball was probably attracted by him.

Cang Na said that an existence like Yan Luo who has the power to rival gods and demon kings and who claims to be a godslayer is too sensitive for the current three major forces, and all kinds of people with bad intentions will be attracted. , trying to use the introduction of God Killer to do something.

Therefore, Yan Luo felt that it was necessary for him to find out the whereabouts of that Kirkbol.

"Don't meddle in the struggle between the church and the fallen angels?"

Recalling what Xenovia and Irina said, Yan Luo sneered.

"If you're not sure, don't you? Laozi don't want to lose face! Laozi is the most vicious party."

After leaving the apartment, Yan Luo first raised his head, glanced at the dark night sky, and then closed his eyes.


Observation Haki rises from Yan Luo's body.

The mighty Observation Haki began to scan the city and the mountains. .

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