Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 317: Killing The Crazy Priest

Yan Luo started looking for the whereabouts of the holy sword through the huge Observation Haki.

As long as you find out where the holy sword is, there is a good chance of finding Kirkbor.

Yan Luo wanted to see what the fallen angel's cadre was planning to do when he came to this town instead of going anywhere.

After a long time, Yan Luo's eyes lit up. "I found you. It turned out to be the little mouse. Hehe.

Yan Luo quickly flew in one direction. It didn't take long to come to a gloomy cemetery.

In such a cemetery, a priest dressed in black, with white hair, was holding a sharp sword that flowed with holy power and burned like a flame in the dark night.

There is no doubt that it is the holy sword.

However, the person holding this holy sword is not a cadre of fallen angels, but a crazy priest.

Yan Luo's footsteps stopped.

Because, at the moment when Yan Luo appeared, the priest with crazy expression and holding the holy sword suddenly twisted his face, and rushed towards Yan Luo's direction as if going crazy.

At the same time, an astonishing murderous and bloody smell "317" also emanated from the opponent's body, covering Yan Luo's body.

The next moment, a cold sword light flashed, mercilessly slashing in Yan Luo's direction.

next second. Yan Luo lightly raised his fingers and "slapped" the two fingers clamped the opponent's sword.

"Oh, what a murderous aura!" Yan Luo said indifferently

Father Bai, holding the holy sword, stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief.

"How is it possible? This is a holy sword. It was caught between two fingers. Let me go.

Yan Luo let the priest grab the holy sword with a blank expression. It's a pity that the opponent's strength is inferior to that of a baby in front of Yan Luo.

"The holy sword is actually in the hands of a disgusting guy like you. What a mistake. If I had known earlier, I should have eliminated you directly last time, disgusting priest.

The priest holding the holy sword is, of course, Freed.

"Damn, how could there be such a monster. You monster. Let me go." Fried's face was twisted and ferocious, and his sword hand kept exerting force. By the way, the other hand hit Yan Luo in a circle.

Unfortunately, this is just a pointless struggle. Yan Luo grabbed the other one. Caught Freed's fist. Pull hard.

"Ah...my hand...damn bastard I'm going to kill you.!" Fried's arm was directly torn off by Yan Luo.

Yan Luo flicked it casually. Freed was thrown out. The holy sword came out of his hand and stuck on the ground. Freed fell to the ground and was still yelling frantically, "Bastard, damn the blasphemer. Monster, I'm going to kill you. Kill you...

This person is completely hopeless.

It is said that a crazy person generally means a terrible person, and this sentence is indeed displayed in Freed.

Because, this psychopath can take risks without hesitation.

Including your own life.

Therefore, even under such circumstances, Friede still dared to yell at Yan Luo. It's just that his face is getting paler and paler.

Blood, too much.

Even a lunatic has no way to maintain a complete state under such circumstances.

Yan Luo walked forward indifferently, and came to the holy sword. He stretched out his hand, put it on the hilt of the sword, and pulled out the Holy Sword of No Flash in front of him from the ground.

No matter which holy sword it is, it doesn't mean that whoever wants to use it can use it.

The holy sword is the most beneficial weapon used to deal with demons and monsters, and it is also the ultimate weapon of the angel camp and its church.

Those who can use the holy sword, generally, even common humans, will have the strength to rival the superior demons.

The holy sword of sky flash in front of him is because it is only a real holy sword. It is part of the King's Sword, so those who can pick it up will not be able to directly match the superior demon. But it is not comparable to the Intermediate demon of Common.

And if you want to use such a holy weapon, you must be a person who can adapt to the holy sword.

Obviously, Yan Luo's Constitution and strength are very foul. The godslayer also has divinity after being transformed by mantra.

Therefore, Yan Luo discovered to his surprise that he could use the Holy Sword of Sky Flash in front of him.


The holy flame once again burned from the holy sword, covering the body of the holy sword of Sky Flash.

See this scene. A pair of eyeballs of Freed, who was being tortured by the pain, almost popped out.

"Really...really or not?"

On the contrary, Friede's astonishment gradually dissipated the surprise in Yan Luo's heart, and he held the holy sword burning with holy arrogance. He walked to the front of Fried who was pressed on the ground by Beo, and looked down at him who was dripping with blood.

"Did you get your holy sword from Kirkbor?"

The holy sword was snatched from the church by Kokboll.

And Freed is a lost exorcist who turned to the fallen angels.

Yan Luo can almost conclude that now, Friede is working under Kokobol's command, and also got one of the holy swords from Kokobol.

"Oh? Do you want to find my boss?" Fried smiled palely, and after a while, he stuck out his tongue towards Yan Luo.

"Just don't tell you!"

"Really?" Yan Luo suddenly smiled as if he didn't expect Fried to tell him the answer.

In the next second, the holy sword blazing with holy arrogance streaked across the air, and also streaked across Fried's other arm.


With the sound of his body being severed, Freed's other arm also flew into the air.


Freed screamed heart-piercingly, both arms left his body, and the blood flowing from the cut had completely stained the ground under him red.

Faced with this tragic scene, Yan Luo's expression remained calm.

For a bloody exorcist like Freed who doesn't take human life seriously at all, doesn't care about killing innocent people indiscriminately, Yan Luo doesn't need to show any mercy at all.

Because, this lunatic deserves to die. Just his injury to Aisha is enough for him to die 10,000 times.

"I'll ask again..." Yan Luo pointed the holy sword in his hand at Freed.

"Where's Kirkball?"

"Heh...heh..." Friede's voice was already extremely weak, but he still smiled maniacally.

"If you want to know...get down on your knees...beg me..."

As soon as the voice fell, the sword light flashed in the space again.


Still the sound of the body being torn apart, Freed's two legs flew into the air together, and landed on the ground beside him, staining the ground there red.

Freed's screams were completely silenced, only half of his body like a human stick was left lying straight in a pool of blood, his eyes turned upwards, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

This person is no different from a dead person.

"I didn't expect you to tell me the whereabouts of Kirkball directly." Yan Luo glanced at Fried who was on the ground, who was no different from a dead body, dying.

"There are two other holy swords in Kokbor's hands. As long as there are holy swords, I can find him."

Hearing Yan Luo's words, Fried, who was lying in a pool of blood like a stick, forced a mocking smile on his face, looking extremely ugly and weak.

"The holy sword...isn't in the boss's place at all...you...you're looking for nothing...you idiot..."

"That's not something you can care about." Yan Luo smiled faintly.

"I heard that the hell of the underworld is now jointly ruled by demons and fallen angels. Although the hell that houses the souls of dead sinful people is lower in the underworld, if you are lucky, you may be able to fight with the fallen angels after you die. Maybe you will meet the people you turn to.

After finishing speaking, Yan Luo sneered.

"Let me take you on a day trip to Hell for free!"

After the words fell, the sword light flashed.

A bloody head rolled to the front of a tombstone, eyes wide open, looking at the cross on the tombstone, the last emotion in the eyes is the desire for life.

It looks like Freed is praying to God, hoping to be redeemed, which is quite ironic.

After all, this person has not only betrayed the gods and the church, but also has no faith in his heart.

To actually pray to God for salvation at the last moment of death, the life of this person is indeed ridiculous and meaningless.

Shaking off the Bloodline stuck to the holy sword, Yan Luo turned his back.

"Hey. This purpose is tainted by the blood of your trash."

Yan Luo snapped his fingers. A fireball landed on top of Freed's body.


The flames burned all of Freed's broken limbs and infiltrated Bloodline, leaving no trace.

Walking out of the cemetery, Yan Luo stared at the holy sword in front of him and sighed.

"It seems that there is no way to find Kokbor by finding the holy sword."

Although this is the case, it is also rewarding to be able to solve a disgusting priest tonight.

At that moment, Yan Luo left the cemetery and walked towards the apartment. .

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