Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 102: Prison of Books, Warning from Bears

No. 1 and No. 2 were walking through the smoke, with the special scanners on their heads checking the life signals in the forest. At this combat distance, the shotguns in their hands were the sickles of the god of death, and each shot would cause a fatal blow to the range.

Four shots were not the limit of the weapon capacity, but the limit of the range these people could bear.

"Ahem. Ahem. There are only a few of us, so there is no need to release smoke bombs, right?"

Kate poked her head out from the treetops nearby. An overly sensitive sense of smell can sometimes cause trouble.

When the smoke bomb was just released, Kate took out a special cat-head gas mask from the equipment book distributed by Orlan. She took it off when she saw that the smoke below had almost dissipated. Unexpectedly, the irritating smell left behind still made her cough repeatedly.

"Isn't this a try? I didn't expect the smoke bomb to last so long in actual combat."

Ginny's mecha did not open the cockpit.

Mecha driving safety rules, do not open the cockpit protection before returning to the camp, even if the battle is over.


Number One stepped on the ground in front of him. Although the shotgun can achieve fire suppression at close range in a very short time, it also has a disadvantage. Occasionally, some lucky people will escape fatal injuries.


Ginny heard a prompt sound, and the originally red visual screen turned green, which meant that the battlefield was cleared and there was no life activity signal within the detection range.

"Take this back, I will continue to be alert."

Kate returned to the forest, and Ginny controlled the mecha to carry the surviving Sweet back to the camp.

Sweet had fainted in extreme panic. On Ginny's way back, the sea breeze from the sea and the shaking of the mecha's arm woke him up again.

[Familiar beach, where am I? By the way, those idiots were shouting because of the enemy's weapons]

Ginny's way of capturing him was to grab him casually. At this time, Sweet could even see the huge metal feet of the mecha, and the muzzle of the gun in Number One's hand was pointing at his head from time to time.

Raising his head with great effort, Sweet happened to meet No. 1's eyes. Looking at the scarlet one-eye, his neck tilted and he fainted again.

When he woke up again, he found himself in a pure white space.

His hands were stuck on the wall by a finger-sized white bookmark. Although he didn't feel any pain, no matter how he struggled, his hands couldn't get away from there.

"Sweet, a member of the Firefly Island Pirate Alliance, the vice captain of the Delhi Pirates, no bounty, joined the Delhi Pirates that had just landed twelve years ago."

Oran's cold voice sounded from the side. At this time, Sweet was imprisoned in his book prison. The bookmark that restricted his actions was Oran's ability.

Although it was just an ordinary bookmark, the binding force was terribly strong. After Luffy was captured by the BIG MOM Pirates before Kaido's special training, he was locked in the book by Mondor who ate the Book-Book Fruit in the original time.

After two years of training, he had no way to deal with the reward of 500 million Baileys. The only way he could think of to get out was to break his arm. This shows how strong the binding force of the Book-Book Fruit is.

Extremely strong domineering may be able to break free from this kind of bondage, but if the domineering has been cultivated to this point, it will not be confined to this position.

What Orlan just read out was the biography of Sweet recorded on the left page.

This is also another ability of the Book-Book Fruit. For objects imprisoned in the book, the Book-Book Fruit will automatically generate a biography of the other party.

As a book, it will interpret the things in the book, and occasionally there will be some mistakes. After all, there is a possibility of misprints in the printing of books. In this regard, the ability of the Book-Book Fruit is extremely close to reality, but most of it is correct.

The Book-Book Fruit cannot read the memories in the other party's mind, but the identity of the imprisoned person cannot be hidden.

"Tell me about you."

"I say! My captain is old Delhi, the nominal leader of the Pirate Alliance, and a person who has eaten the Advance Fruit! Among the remaining few people,

I can lead you and take you into the Alliance's base!"

Olan had just finished reading his biography, intending to use this method to increase some deterrence, so as to successfully pry out information about the pirates on the island from him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Orlan opened his mouth, before he even finished speaking, Sweet finished answering, selling out his captain like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

"Brother Orlan, I told you that the brains of these pirates are not normal. Now you believe it, right?"

"I didn't say I didn't believe it, but now I can better understand your feelings."

"This guy is a coward. When I caught him, he wanted to hide in the fallen leaves and pretend to be dead. Look at his posture of betraying the boss. Tsk, it seems that this is not the first time."

[Hehe, laugh, you guys just laugh for a while, wait until I trick you into the boss's side, I will make you wish you were dead or alive, right? 】

Sweet just said nine true and one false, concealing some very critical information. He wanted to use this method to complete his counterattack, but after he finished saying everything, there was only a black gun muzzle pointing at him.

"Everything I said is true, you believe me!"

"I didn't say I don't believe you, but after saying all this, you are no longer valuable."

Letting Ginny bring a live person back is just to collect intelligence. After the interrogation, he must be sent to reunite with other pirates.

"Didn't you say that you would let me go as long as I told the truth?"

"It's a beautiful thought. Have you learned to predict the future? I didn't say anything, but you interrupted me directly.

Originally, what I wanted to say was, if you tell me, I will let you die happily. "


There was a gunshot and blood splattered on the pages behind him.

Then Olan closed the book directly. It was only then that the words on the book appeared in Stewie's sight, but unfortunately he could no longer see it.

The bottom part of his life resume is filled with many crimes he committed. According to the recording pattern of book fruits, these are only some of the worst ones at most.


After leaving the book world, Oran shrunk the book and threw it into the bonfire of the nearby camp. There was no need to keep the stained book. Creating another book was just an idea anyway.

"Brother Oran, can you believe what he said?"

"I don't know, just use it as a reference. When Xiong and the others come back to compare the information, we will know how much is true. But the abilities of the ability user he mentioned are somewhat interesting."

"Huhu. I'm going to beat the bad guy away."

In the hammock nearby, the sleeping Leliana made her own declaration. She always slept deeply, and even the gunshots there before did not wake her up.

Originally, many tents had been set up in the camp, and Oran's fruit power also built a rest room, but Leliana insisted on camping outside, and Oran did not stop her.

Although Firefly Island is Autumn Island, it is currently in the summer of Autumn Island, and the climate is very warm. In other words, even if Leliana lies directly in the snow to sleep, it will not be affected.


When Leliana was fighting the bad guys in her sleep, her fists were swung to the side, and Terra, who was being used as a pillow by Leliana, was thrown away.

Leliana was 1.1 meters tall two years ago, and Terra was 1.5 meters long when she was born. After slicing off her tail, she weighed about one person, one dragon, and half a pound.

Two years have passed, Leliana has grown two meters taller, and Terra has grown two centimeters taller. The status of the family has suddenly become clearer.

It was obviously a dragon, but like a kitten, it shook its head, climbed back into the hammock, and lay down again.

"What a cute little guy. Brother Olan, aren't you going to rest?"

"You know my situation. It's common for me to stay up for several days when I'm busy. If you're tired, just rest first. There shouldn't be anything going on tonight."

"I'm fine, I just don't know how the bear is doing."

"Well, can you please leave from here? Otherwise, you will get hurt."

At the same time, the bear whom Ginny cared about was staying with Frankenstein in a small town hotel room. At this time, the bear was held up to his chest, trying to persuade the person in front of him to stop his dangerous behavior.

The Meat Ball Fruit is very powerful, and the bear knows how much damage this fruit can cause, but he doesn't like doing it.

In the original timeline, he first took action in anger after King Becoli tried to reduce the share of heavenly gold, split the kingdom in half, and turned the southern island with more elderly people into a lawless zone.

Frankenstein's appearance brought them some trouble. In this unstable island, beauty is a sin, and being beautiful has become the source of misfortune.

After the collapse of order over the years, the town has long become a gathering place for pirates. Ever since Bear and Frankenstein entered here at dusk, they have attracted a lot of attention.

"Go away, we are not interested in a big guy like you. Hand over the chick in your room. We are not the losers from the Kuhlhe Gang! We are pirates!"

They were not the first people to come. Seeing that the bear was fine, they thought the people who came before did not take action for some reason.

"That's it, I understand."

After hearing them say that they were pirates, Xiong stopped trying to dissuade them and instead gave up his position at the door.

"That's pretty much it. I guess you know what's going on."

The pirates thought the bear was afraid, so they tried to kick open the door, but were stopped by the bear again.

"Big man, do you think we don't dare to kill people?"

"No, don't kick down the door. The boss's life is already very hard."

After saying that, the bear opened the door for them, but the scene in the room was beyond the understanding of these people. More than a dozen members of the Kuhlhe Gang were stacked in a row, and Frankenstein looked expressionless. Sitting on top of them, they were mumbling something.

"Can't charge, I'm in a bad mood, I don't like it here."

When they realized something was wrong, the bear had already bent his way through the door and locked the door.

"Aren't you the ones who want to come in? Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Please cooperate and tell us what you know about the island, otherwise, you will get hurt."

The familiar words and familiar smiling faces still gave them a chilling feeling.

Realizing that he was trapped, the pirate immediately drew his knife and slashed at the bear, but he just blocked it with the ball of his hand.

And Frankenstein also picked up a hammer and walked towards them. The dark hammer head seemed to be stained with a lot of blood.

The next morning, when the bear and Frankenstein went downstairs to check out, the hotel owner looked very dull. Behind Frankenstein, a dozen people were strung together like grasshoppers, and they were just like her. Dragged out of the room.

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