Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 136: The Giant Battleship San Juan Wolf

Chapter 136 Huge Battleship-San Juan Wolf

"This is his information. I have found it. He is a very troublesome guy. He has destroyed three countries recently. He is an out-and-out evil party!"

Ginny still has the intelligence about San Juan Wolf in her hand. With the right equipment and resources, Ginny perfectly plays her role in the intelligence position.

The framework of these databases was established by Oran. Ginny really doesn't understand the equipment, but the content inside is filled by Ginny herself.

Some are collected according to the bounty order, and some are eavesdropped by her. Except for the navy and the world government, almost no one has more detailed intelligence than her.

Almost all the people who pose a greater threat on the sea are recorded by her, just in case.

"Well done, it's easier to target them."

Olan doesn't understand why someone would bring such a talent to the front line to lead the troops. Even if there is a shortage of people, he shouldn't be able to see the position that Ginny is suitable for.

Perhaps after training, Ginny's force value will not be too low, but that force value is not enough to be compared with the ability to steal intelligence.

[Giant Battleship-San Juan Bad Wolf, bounty of 370 million Baileys, life or death]

The top is the bounty order of San Juan Bad Wolf, which briefly records the many crimes he has committed since he became a pirate, and more than one country has been destroyed.

Although the population of those countries is only about 10,000 at most, it also shows his destructiveness.

Even though he has been a pirate for more than a year, San Juan Bad Wolf's bounty is growing rapidly.

This is related to the composition of the bounty, which itself is a comprehensive data.

In addition to the most intuitive influence of strength, the bounty is also related to the harm and severity of the opponent. The pirate group to which he belongs generally affects the amount of the bounty.

But San Juan Bad Wolf has no pirate group, he is his own pirate group.

"Giant, superhuman type·Big Giant Fruit ability user."

"Well, that guy is not a special individual, just an ordinary giant. He can grow so big because of the fruit ability.

Because he can grow so big, most of his body is not submerged, and this guy can even wade forward."

Devil fruit ability users are afraid of sea water and will become powerless in the sea water, but this premise is that the sea water must submerge part of the body.

This ratio is relative.

The minimum height of adult giants is twelve meters, and well-developed giants can grow taller. Dongli and Broki are both more than twenty meters tall.

San Juan Bad Wolf's height itself is nothing, the problem is that after he activates his fruit ability, San Juan Bad Wolf's height will reach 180 meters. Near the continental shelf, the sea water can't limit him at all.

San Juan Bad Wolf's usual way of moving is to use several large trees to form a raft. After reaching a certain distance, he uses his ability to enlarge himself and wade through the water directly.

Therefore, when the destroyed countries discovered this big monster, they were usually near the coast.

In the original timeline, he was one of the legendary criminals imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel Down.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment by the World Government. Because his crimes were too brutal, he had to be erased from history, and intelligence was difficult to investigate.

Now the time point is different. It is the time when San Juan Wolf is active. If you have the ability, you can still find out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The artillery on the shore has locked San Juan Wolf. Such a huge target does not even need to be aimed. You only need to aim the muzzle roughly in this direction, and it will never miss.

"Fire! This guy has been confirmed to be an enemy. Don't let him land, otherwise the port area will be finished!"

Refusing to respond, ignoring warnings, and attacking the guard post on the seaside, all these behaviors have shown that the newcomers are not friendly.

After the evacuation alarm on the island, without too much reminder, people who saw the figure of the wolf were about to move to the underground shelter. This is the result of several drills.

"Oh, there are fish biting my feet. The fish here are so annoying."

San Juan Wolf in the sea muttered to himself. Although his body has become bigger, his body's tolerance has not changed much. The fish that were disturbed by him underwater seemed to be taking revenge on him, but it was useless.

"Damn, these mosquitoes sting me so painfully."

One shell after another exploded on his body. At this time, San Juan Wolf had already noticed the difference of this island. The artillery of those islands before couldn't even break his skin.

The old-fashioned round shells hit him, and it felt like someone threw a stone at him.

But the artillery here was different. The broken shrapnel actually directly cut his skin. Although it didn't knock him down directly, it also made him extremely painful.

The impact of body size is very huge. To this day, Elbaf is still recognized as the world's number one power.

Except for the strength of the unknown giant king and a few strong men, the strongest of the giants is actually the average combat power.

Although most of the giants who appeared were defeated, the ones who defeated them were all strong ordinary humans. There are not many people who can reach this level.

In the more basic combat power, if there is no heavy firepower, ordinary giant soldiers can easily deal with thousands of ordinary human soldiers.

"Damn it, stop throwing these things, it hurts!"

San Juan Wolf grabbed a huge rock from underwater and threw it towards the position of the turret. The shells were like someone rubbing a sea urchin on his face. Every place hit by the shells continued to send out painful signals.

In the Grand Line, even the sea kings could not bring such a big trouble to San Juan Wolf. As long as the water was not too deep, he could turn those sea kings into skewers.

After throwing the boulder, San Juan Wolf did not stop. He covered his face with both hands and rushed towards the direction of Firefly Island, but this action also blocked his sight.


There was a sound of breaking wind in his ears, and the boulder he had just thrown was bounced back.


The boulder hit his knee and shattered. Before the wolf realized what was happening, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"I won't let you go. The peace of this island cannot be broken by guys like you. Pressure gun!"


After being compressed, a large amount of air hit San Juan Wolf at close range. The attack on his knees and the impact caused his heavy body to fall directly on the sea.

The huge waves rushed to the port and even triggered a small tsunami.

"That's Captain Bear!"

"He actually defeated such a big monster. Is Captain Bear so strong?! I can't tell at ordinary times."

The bear, who had completed the evacuation mission, returned to the coast at this time. He knew very well that ordinary people could not stop this monster. The boulder just now was directly bounced back by the bear's power.

"It's a pity, it's too big, otherwise I could have bounced you away directly."

After finishing an attack, the bear stood on the wolf's forehead. He is still in the growth stage, and the meat ball fruit is not the target fruit. Although the meat ball has more comprehensive abilities, it is not as convenient as the target fruit in transferring large targets.

Today's bear cannot directly hit the wolf away.

But at this time, the wolf suddenly raised his arm and slapped his forehead.

"It's so dangerous, I almost ran out of energy."

The sea water here is not deep enough, and the fallen wolf did not fall into a state of weakness, and he could even launch a counterattack, but his movements were too clumsy in the eyes of the bear, and he was sent back to a safe position with one slap.


Just as the bear left, a thunderbolt struck over, and the terrifying electric current spread along the wolf's body into the sea. The surrounding fish suffered an unexpected disaster and floated to the surface of the sea with their eyes rolled up.

"Damn. Electricity-consuming guy."

Not far away, the hammer in Frankenstein's hand was still flashing with electricity, which consumed a lot of her energy, and the remaining energy core was less than 99%.

"It's the princess!"

"Great, the princess also took action, but that guy seems to be able to move."

Endurance is the biggest feature of San Juan Wolf. Although he has been attacked by Frankenstein and the bear in succession, this is far from the limit of San Juan Wolf.

"It hurts. It's so annoying. These guys are so annoying. Wouldn't it be better if I destroyed them obediently?"

The fallen San Juan Wolf sat up again, looking at the island in front of him fiercely.

Boom! Boom!

The coastal artillery sounded again. Although the heavy body of San Juan Wolf caused a small tsunami before, the coastal artillery platform was built with this in mind, and it has a good impact resistance.

A few waves are not enough to destroy them, and now the guards here are more morale.

"Aim at his eyes! This guy will bleed no matter how big he is, and more shells will always have an effect!"

"The princess and Captain Bear are both fighting on the front line, so what is there to be afraid of! Fire support, help them share the pressure!"

They are classified as guards, but that's because Piltover does not have the organization of the Kingdom Army now. In essence, they are the army.

As soldiers, they respected not the staff officer who gave the "charge" order behind the scenes, but the general who stood with them and said "charge with me".

Boom! Boom!

The artillery fire roared continuously. Although the effect was not great, it did delay the action of San Juan Wolf, forcing him to cover his fragile face with his arms.

But at this time, the guards found a vibration coming from their feet.

"There is also a big guy behind! This monster is not one, but two!"

"How is it possible? How could such a guy enter the inner city silently? Could he teleport?"

"No, that's not right! It's His Majesty the King! His Majesty the King is standing on top of it. It's not an enemy, but a monster that belongs to us!"

Tomorrow will continue to be a day, and today will be a day off

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