Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 173 Letter, Skeleton in the Foggy Sea, Roger surrenders

As he spoke, Kurokas took out an envelope from his arms. The wax seal on it also showed that the letter had never been opened.

"What's this?"

"I don't know. You may not believe it. Not long after Roger became the so-called Pirate King, the Roger Pirates officially announced their disbandment.

And after that, the first person to leave was Roger himself. What he went to do no one knew, but maybe Raleigh had a guess.

Anyway, this is what he gave me before he left.

Roger believes that I will definitely come here after leaving the pirate group, so let me pass it on to you. "

After handing the envelope to Olan, Kurokas cleared his throat again, and then said: "By the way, Roger also has something else for me to convey to you.

'Doctor, thank you for the medicine. I actually want to say something to you face to face, but I'm afraid it will cause trouble for you. The rest of it is in the letter. ’

Well, that's what Roger said. "

After shaking the envelope, Olan didn't realize there was anything inside, so he opened the envelope directly in front of Kurokas without any hesitation.

[Doctor, when you read this letter, I may be dead, or I may still be alive. Although I am very curious about the future, this is probably my destination.

You may not know that I have a very special ability. When I left Firefly Island, I could feel your thoughts. Although it was not obvious, I felt that we might be the same kind of people.

It's a pity that I'm here early. I'll ask you, doctor, to look at the future for me. Please remember to wait patiently.

Plus, your wine tastes really good. 】

The letter was very short, not even a full page.

Oran usually acts as the riddler, but today he became the riddle reader.

Olan could understand Roger's so-called special ability. It should refer to listening to the sounds of all things.

Based on Olan's analysis of his situation on the way to Fish-Man Island, Olan felt that he also had this ability. After all, Olan could also hear the sounds of Neptune-like conversations.

But Olan has never heard of this ability to hear other people's voices. Even Otohime, who has extremely strong perception, can only feel the unknown when facing Oran.

"My mental power is so strong that some of my thoughts are the same as those of those ancient giant creatures, so can Roger feel a little bit?"

Oran had an idea that he didn't quite believe, and then he focused on the four words "Continue to wait."

"Kulokas, have you ever landed on the Final Island?"

"Ah, I've been there. Everyone except Shanks and Bucky has landed on that island."

When approaching Lovedrew, Bucky suddenly developed a high fever for some reason. At this time, Shanks also gave up the opportunity to land at Lovedrew and chose to stay and take care of Bucky.

In the end, the two of them became the only people on Roger's ship who had not reached Lovedru. As for Barrett, he who had quit long ago naturally did not count.

"So, what exactly is there on that island?"

"Hahaha, Dr. Sidilir, let young people explore this matter. It's pointless to say it now. After all, it's too early."

Seeing Oran ask about this matter, Kurokas laughed a few times and did not continue to mention the follow-up.

"Wait patiently, it's really an interesting topic."

Olan put the information away without worrying too much, and just made the intriguing comment casually.

If I had to guess, it might be something like Joeyboy, Nika or something like that.

He does have enough patience, but what he is waiting for is not that kind of thing, but climbing his own technology tree.

"Let's get back to the topic, do you plan to work here? The salary is good."

"It will take a while. I still have a problem child at home that I need to take care of. I've been out with Captain Roger for so long, and I'm afraid it won't be able to wait any longer if I don't go back."

"Are you referring to the small island whale who had a close relationship with the Lumba Pirates back then?"

Kurokas was very calm before, but when the name of the Lumba Pirates came out of Oran's mouth, Kurokas was no longer calm.

"How do you know that name?"

Kurokas has not yet reached the point of being an old fool. He remembers clearly that he never mentioned such a thing in front of Oran.

It is reasonable for a member of the Roger Pirates to say such a thing, but for Oran to say this, it is too abnormal.

"You have also been sailing with Roger for three years. You have heard more or less about my situation, right?"


Those who work in the underground world will always have some nicknames, such as Dark Gold King, Sea Transport King, and the like.

As a middleman, Olan also has his own code name. Usually people in the underground world call him gray, the Gray King.

"Don't underestimate my intelligence capabilities. The Lombard Pirates entered the Grand Line 25 years ago and were destroyed in the Devil's Triangle in the same year."

Oran's words were not good news for Kurokas. He felt that the Lombard Pirates could not stand the dangers of the Grand Line, so they broke through the windless zone and escaped from here.

Although this sounds a bit embarrassing, it at least shows that the members of this pirate group are still alive.

Olan's news extinguished Kurokas's last illusion. Although he had the news for a long time, it was still difficult to accept it after hearing it from others.

"How did you find out about this news?"

"It's a secret, but the authenticity is guaranteed. Maybe there are still survivors. Don't be so pessimistic."

The fact that a pirate group was destroyed shows that Oran has strong intelligence capabilities, but it's hard to tell the news that Brook is still alive.

If Oran can confirm that he is still alive, and even knows that he is the user of the Yomizu fruit, it can only mean that they have met.

After all, Brook himself didn't know what the fruit was capable of when he was alive.

But if he didn't bring him out after meeting him, it would be a bit unclear, and even seem contradictory.

After all, according to the current situation, finding out the truth is also to invite Crocus to work on the island.

No matter how you think about it, bringing the living Brook out is the best solution.

Even if other pirates have encountered Brook, Brook's choice should not be to continue to stay in that sea area, so Oran only said half of the words.

As for Brook's specific situation, you can wait until Crocus chooses to come to work and then go there to look for him on the grounds of searching for the body.

Otherwise, given the complex situation in the Devil's Triangle, wasting manpower to search for this is a bit of a loss.

That sea area is huge, and Brook has no beacon. Even if he searches with a net, he may not be able to find it if he is unlucky.

This news makes Kurokas feel a little depressed, and he says that he will go back to Twin Gorge to see Lab first, and consider this issue after Lab is stable.

Originally, it was the end of 1497, and not long after Kurokas left, it was 1498.

Since Roger became the Pirate King, a new round of competition has started on the sea. The number of people going out to sea has increased a lot compared to last year, but it has not yet entered the era of blowout.

But this year, something more troublesome than last year is brewing.

In a naval base, a person who should never appear here appeared.

From the moment he entered here, the navy in the base was on high alert.

The alarm was deafening, the artillery of the entire base was concentrated, and the navy stationed inside also surrounded it in several circles, ready to face the man in front of them.

This is all because the man in front of him is the legendary Pirate King, the sinner who is reported by the World Government.

Gold Roger, the pirate with a bounty of 5.5648 billion berries.

"Don't be nervous, navy, I'm here to surrender."

Although Roger only needed one move to destroy this place, he had no intention of attacking. Instead, he raised his hands and surrendered honestly, allowing the navy to arrest him.

The navy felt that they had caught a powerful criminal and sent people to guard Roger day by day, but they didn't know that whether it was shackles or prison, this level was ineffective for Roger. If Roger wanted to, he could leave here at any time.

But Roger didn't have this idea, he just talked to the navy from time to time.

This made the navy responsible for guarding Roger miserable. Every move of Roger made them extremely nervous.

It was unknown how long this day lasted until a dog-head warship appeared, and the people in the branch breathed a sigh of relief.

Garp, who had forced the Pirate King into a desperate situation several times, has come, so Roger will definitely not be able to escape.

"Vice Admiral Garp."

"Vice Admiral Garp."

With greetings, Garp successfully came to Roger, and Roger in the prison was not surprised.

"Oh, Garp, is it you who came?"

Roger expected Garp's arrival. After all, this was the navy that had been chasing him for decades, and Garp was directly connected to Roger in the navy.

No matter how he was caught, Garp's appearance was very reasonable.

"Roger, you guy"

Garp never thought that the person he had been chasing for half his life, fighting and teaming up with, would choose to surrender at this time.

After Roger became the Pirate King, the navy finally received good news, that is, the culprit was arrested.

Yes, it was arrested, not surrendered.

The navy needs to boost morale. Such a powerful pirate, no matter how you think about it, can't be delivered to the door.

In this case, Garp's glory has increased.

In order to deter more and more pirates on the sea, Roger will be executed in the East China Sea, his hometown, and the final location is chosen as Rogue Town.

Because the East China Sea is a symbol of peace, executing Roger here has special significance.

After the decision was made, the news bird sent the news that Roger was going to be executed to all parts of the world, which was a big news for Morgans.

The navy only needs to reveal a little news to him, and then Morgans will do it without leaving any room, regardless of the truth or falsehood of the matter.

Even if it is used incorrectly, just paste the report error on the next edition of the newspaper.

For a time, the East China Sea became a place where people gathered.

Countless young people began to set sail for Rogue Town. They all wanted to see what the Pirate King looked like.

Crocodile, Gekko Moriah, Hawkeye Jorakur Mihawk, these newly famous people on the sea began to choose to move to the East China Sea.

The news bird will not screen readers. In addition to the navy and civilians, most of Roger's crew members also saw the news. They understood what path their captain finally chose.

Roger did not choose to die of illness on the ship, but wanted to do something.

Many pirates sighed and even laughed at this. Roger had many enemies on the sea.

Seeing Roger fall into the hands of the navy, Charlotte Linlin was very happy.

But among the many enemies, Golden Lion also has his own ideas, and he and Roger can be regarded as mutually recognized.

At the Golden Lion's base camp, they were originally just doing daily training.

"Admiral! An unknown cyclone is approaching here, and we need to avoid it!"

Indigo was reporting the situation to Shiki in the Golden Lion's air base.

Some pirate groups have special top teams, which are all related to the captain's preferences.

For example, the BIG·MOM Pirates have a top dessert team. If there is no suitable dessert supply, the BIG·MOM Pirates will self-destruct without doing anything outside.

Due to its own ability, Golden Lion has an excellent meteorological team under its command.

Especially after the Battle of Edwall, Golden Lion paid more attention to this aspect.

Because the Flying Pirates often appear in the sky, the weather on the sea has a greater impact on them. They must avoid those dangerous clouds to ensure the safety of their navigation.

Otherwise, any storm cloud will cause him to suffer heavy losses.

Hearing that Roger was arrested, Golden Lion angrily swept away the things in front of him.

The one who knows you best is always your enemy. Golden Lion has fought with Roger for many years and knows Roger's strength very well.

Such a person will never fall into the hands of the navy without a war.

"Impossible, Roger will never be caught by the navy. That is an opponent recognized by me!"

Golden Lion was furious about this, but when Golden Lion looked up and saw the mirror, he suddenly shouted in surprise: "Why is there a chicken here!"

Since the rudder was inserted into his head, his brain circuit has become abnormal, and he often makes similar remarks.

And this so-called chicken is just himself.

The surprised expression is more like a comedian, and it is impossible to see that it is intentional.

"Isn't that you! Idiot!"

Indigo on the side slapped him on the head without hesitation, looking extremely skilled.

Every pirate has his own trusted subordinates, and Golden Lion trusts Indigo.

These pirates are particularly tolerant of such subordinates, and this behavior is completely acceptable.

After being patted by Indigo, Golden Lion also walked out of the base.

This time Indigo did not speak, but stomped his feet frantically, making a very abstract sound with his shoes.

And Golden Lion understood his meaning from this sound.

"I have to do something, but this thing is really a bit of a hindrance. I originally thought it was no problem, but now, I have to find a way to get rid of it."

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