Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 174 So what is the price of the Golden Lion?

Three years have passed since the Battle of Edwall. In addition to causing Golden Lion to lose most of his fleet, the most direct impact of that naval battle was the rudder that was inserted into Golden Lion's head.

Because it was inserted too deep, pulling it out might endanger his life, and finally the rudder remained on Shiki's head like a decoration.

At first, Golden Lion didn't take it seriously. It was just a thing on his head, so he still did what he had to do.

And he believed that his medical team was equally capable. Among the many pirates in the same period, Golden Lion became famous not only because of his strength and flying ability, but also because of his large fleet.

With the ambition to rule the world, he did better than others in this regard. Whether it was scientific researchers, medical personnel, or meteorological personnel, Golden Lion had summoned them.

But as time passed, Golden Lion noticed something wrong. His current strength had declined to a certain extent compared to three years ago.

Although it was still very subtle, Golden Lion firmly believed that he would not be wrong.

Even though he has dropped a little, he is still a top-level warrior, and his position will not be shaken in the short term. But at this time, Golden Lion received the news that Roger was captured.

He had done his best to block Roger in the Eidwal Sea, but a tsunami caused him to lose his troops. Such Roger was captured by the navy, which was absolutely unacceptable to Golden Lion.

He wanted to snatch Roger out, even if he had to kill him, he had to do it himself.

Before that, he needed some small preparations to restore himself to a healthier state.

Breaking into the Navy Headquarters, this was his plan, and Golden Lion knew what it meant.

Crazy, dangerous, unreasonable, and even inconsistent with Golden Lion's previous action plan, but he still decided to do it.

Golden Lion is not a good person, but he can be regarded as a hegemon on the sea today.

Such pirates have their own persistence in their hearts, and the opinions of the outside world are irrelevant, and the evaluations of others are not worth mentioning.

As long as they think it is right and reasonable to do so, they will do it.

They will be angry, unwilling, and forbearing, but they will not be cowardly and retreat.

When they lose this breath, they can no longer maintain their status as strong.

"Sidilier may be able to."

This was the conclusion of his medical team at the time, but Golden Lion did not take it to heart at that time. In Golden Lion's view, his doctors were also top-notch, and even if Orlan was strong, he was not that strong.

Moreover, Orlan's most famous technology is still prosthetic replacement. Golden Lion has a rudder inserted in his head. Can he still go to Orlan to replace his head?

Moreover, the medical team at the time made a judgment that the rudder would not have much impact.

The slight decline in strength is unexpected. If this problem can be treated, it would naturally be the best.

Because of this, Golden Lion came here after such a long time after the Battle of Edwall.

"It's a good island. I hope it can solve my problem."

Looking at the magnificent buildings on the island, Golden Lion quickened his pace and flew directly to the tallest building.

Even though he had never been here, he assumed that this was the royal city. After arriving at the top, the golden lion waved his finger, and the unknown object flying with him fell to the platform below.


With a loud noise, a dozing orange cat suddenly woke up. In front of it, a cup made of gold with a red gem inlaid on it appeared.


Before it could observe the unknown object, several shadows covered the place, and countless treasures and bundles of Bailey fell from the sky.


The orange cat ran to the side with a fury, looking at the pile of treasures and the people stepping on them with a puzzled look.

"Where is the doctor? Where is the doctor king on this island!"

The golden lion used a very special way to find Orlan, literally throwing money at him, but not long after he shouted this sentence, a strong man appeared in front of him.

"What do you want to do with Brother Oran?"

"A very loyal subordinate. Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble. A person who comes to see a doctor with money must be here to see a doctor."

Looking at the bear in front of him, Golden Lion was a little surprised. This is the first half of the Grand Line, a paradise in the eyes of the New World pirates.

Golden Lion didn't think there would be any troublesome people here, so he didn't take much precautions. He didn't even notice how the bear appeared in front of him.

At the same time, in the circuit in the castle wall, Ginny was looking for something. In just a few blinks of an eye, she left the circuit through the laboratory socket.

"Brother Oran, here comes a very troublesome guy. It feels much more difficult to deal with than Roger before."

As the most basic ability of the natural system, each natural system fruit has different uses.

Whether it can fly and how fast it is depends on the element itself.

And the thunder fruit is undoubtedly the most convenient in areas where electrical energy is widely used.

Using wires, Ginny can appear anywhere on the island at a faster speed.

Although the lack of wires will not affect the high-speed flight of the ability user, for the ability user of the Thunder Fruit, this is a more convenient highway.

"Xiong Zai is over there now. What should we do? If we need to move, I will inform Xiong Zai right away."

Among the pirates of the same generation, Golden Lion, Roger, Whitebeard, and Redfield can be said to be the four strongest.

That is to say, there is no such thing as the title of Sea Emperor these days, otherwise they would have become the Four Emperors.

There is no doubt that the golden lion is also the most dangerous of the group.

The Roger Pirates focus more on adventure, while Redfield is withdrawn and rarely interacts with others. Although the Whitebeard Pirates are notoriously vicious to the outside world, people in the territory also regard Whitebeard as their protector.

Among these people, the Golden Lion is the most difficult to deal with, both in terms of personality and the frequency of external battles.

"Don't worry, he appears here at this time, and I can probably guess what he wants to do. If I don't say anything strange next, then it will be no big deal."

"Well...Brother Oran, I think you are saying strange things right now."

As Olan's close confidants, they know many things produced by Olan, but there is only one thing that only Olan himself knows - the Z-type drive device.

Even if it was an accident, I have to admit that Ike may really be a genius in this regard.

As long as the driving device is still there, there will always be a chance to reopen. Even if the driving device is a disposable item due to limitations in materials and energy, that is enough.

A chance to start over can change the world for those who have the ability.

"You are brave enough. My question is very simple. Please help me take this thing off. You can have as much treasure and Bailey as you want."

Seeing that Olan sent everyone away, even the cats were driven away, and a person came to him alone, the golden lion also began to look at Olan.

When it comes to seeking medical treatment, Golden Lions are still very disciplined and use the simplest method, spending a lot of money.

He didn't believe that such a leader in a gray area with a good reputation in the underground world would give up this sky-high medical expenses just because he was a pirate.

"My subordinates told me that the rudder was inserted very deep and compressed the nerves and brain. All in all, it was very troublesome and the risk of taking it out was very high.

I heard that you are a world-famous doctor, what do you think? "

"In this case, we have to check it before we know it."

"Then check it out, but I don't have much time. If it doesn't work, don't waste your time with me."

The Golden Lion won't care if it can't be cured. He also has his own tolerance. There is no conflict of interest or contradiction with him, and he won't do anything inexplicable.

But if he delays his time for profit, the result will be different.

"You don't have to worry about that. I only earn what I should earn."

Olan did not take the golden lion to the hospital, but entered the underground laboratory, and then turned on some instruments to scan his head.

The improvement of the Source Plan universe is very big for Olan. The technology of the Tyrant Universe and the technology of the Source Plan Universe have their own advantages and disadvantages.

If it is a war between giant beasts, there is no doubt that Tyrant Universe will be more destructive. Those mechas are weapons designed to fight against alien civilizations with aerospace-level capabilities.

But the Source Project is superior in some details, especially when it comes to biological modification.

The medical equipment there is also top-notch.

Within a moment, a scan of the golden lion's head appeared in front of Olan.

"Interesting, is this what this boat looks like inside?"

Looking at the enlarged 3D avatar, Golden Lion understood himself for the first time. This clear illustration was much clearer than the description in words.

"This is your brain. This is an extension of the rudder. There is some slight pressure. You should be able to feel this at ordinary times, right? This area is somewhat related to the actions of the body."

"Okay, that does feel a bit like that, so what's your conclusion?"

"It can be handled, but it's a bit troublesome. If you had come directly three years ago, it might have been easier. Now this thing is even integrated with your body tissue, so you have to be very careful to separate it."

Ordinary doctors don't dare to do it because they can't figure out what's going on inside, but Olan's equipment can solve this problem.

Excellent medical skills and cutting-edge equipment are never contradictory, and the significance of modern medicine is irreplaceable.

"I told you, I don't have much time."

"I'm sure to remove it in one day, but you have to pay the medical bills first."

Hearing this, the corner of Golden Lion's mouth finally raised a smile.

He didn't believe that Olan dared to lie to him. Things like medical fees had never been a problem for Golden Lion.

"It has been placed on your castle. If it is not enough, tell me how many. I will definitely send someone to deliver it to you after I finish handling the matters at hand."

"Your Excellency Golden Lion, you are also a big pirate on the sea. Do you think money is still important at this level?"

"Then what do you want? My favor?"

"No, what I want is "everything" from you."

After hearing the word "everything", the golden lion was obviously stunned for a moment, and even pressed his ears to make sure he heard it correctly.

"Jie hahahaha, I've seen a lot of ambitious guys, but I've never seen such a crazy careerist like you. How do you want to get everything I have?!"


A terrifying aura suddenly filled the entire laboratory, the experimental equipment on the table was scattered all over the floor, and Orlan's robe fluttered wildly under the wind pressure.

The golden lion's golden hair fluttered behind him, like a roaring lion, but Orlan's expression did not change at all, he just pushed his plain glasses.

"Hahaha! Interesting guy, can you remain calm like this? I'm beginning to be interested in you, Sidilier Orlan, right? Do you want to join me and do something big with me?"

This momentum comes from the golden lion's domineering color. There are not many people who can remain calm and fearless under the baptism of his domineering color, not to mention such a behind-the-scenes medical staff.

"Let's talk about that when you can come back here again. Come with me first. Everything I have is not the same as everything you have. Also, you have to pay for the equipment you broke."

After a moment, he looked puzzled at the discs attached to his body. These things were attached to his veins along his body, and even some discs were tied to his hair.

"What is this?"

"This is the "everything" I want. Please show me all your combat modes, including the ability of the fruit. In addition, I need your blood."

"Weird, what do you want these for?"

Golden Lion did not understand what these things meant to Orlan.

This is like telling a patient to run two laps, and I will solve your problem after running two laps.

"This has nothing to do with the patient. You do your best, and I will do my best to solve your rudder. It's equal exchange and fairness."

This is about the content of the Source Project. The Source Project has many transformation projects.

There are body modifications for humans, simple equipment, killing bodies made from various animal genes, and artificial security intelligence composed of pure mechanical bodies.

The latter two, Annihilation and Superbody, can be said to be the two most powerful individuals. As the designer of Annihilation, Orlan naturally has a certain participation in other projects. What Orlan has to do now is a perfect combination.

Reproducing the memories of ancient warriors and recreating ancient warriors has always been one of the ways to implement the Source Plan.

That's why Orlan needs all the combat modes of the Golden Lion as his reference data.

Today, when Leliana has not grown up, such a combat power is enough to fill the gap in high-end combat power.

"Equivalent exchange. Interesting, I agree with your consultation fee, but I can't use it here."

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