Jack laughed out loud when he heard this.

"Hahahaha, you old thing, your tone is older than your age. You are so awesome at your age, and you still think you are so great?"

Everyone in the audience had almost the same idea as Jack.

Even the few ship doctors behind Whitebeard who had been on his ship for many years were not optimistic about Whitebeard's strength.

When they heard Whitebeard say this, they were also afraid that he would be overwhelmed by the death of Kessie.

After all, even if Whitebeard was at his peak, he might not be a match for these guys on the opposite side.

Even if he could win, it would definitely take a long time to decide the winner.

By that time, Kaido would be here.

Everyone would be left here. The guys behind the enemy were already reporting the situation to Kaido.

Kaido would definitely be here soon.

Several people behind him whispered to Whitebeard not to be impulsive.

"Dad, let's go quickly."

The voices of several people came with tears.

After all, they are the ones who know Whitebeard's physical condition best.

Although he took Su Chen's medicine.

But they don't think Whitebeard can really recover to his peak.

Fighting against the opponent's high-level combat power of almost the entire Beast Pirates, it is definitely not going to be easy.

Whitebeard ignored Jack's ridicule and just cast a reassuring look at them behind him.

Then the whole person tensed up.

"Come and let me see what strength you have, young man."

After a short period of accumulation, Whitebeard clenched his right hand. The white light on his hand was extremely dazzling at this time.

Then he instantly sent a powerful shock wave to the people in front of him!

The range was wide and the power was extremely strong.

The power of this attack could be seen from the fact that the ground within a range of several kilometers collapsed in that instant.

Before everyone could react, the strong shock wave had already hit!

Jin and others had to take a defensive stance to block the vibration.

Jack still had a look of disdain on his face at this time.

Although Jack also felt that this attack was a bit powerful, he still said stubbornly

"It's just bluffing. Old man."

But now Whitebeard has already surpassed the peak of his youth.

Su Chen's compressed pure blood is so powerful that Whitebeard's strength has surpassed his peak.

This also makes this attack so powerful that it is difficult to resist.

The three people at the front blocked the first wave of impact. But the vibration could not be stopped.

The vibration seemed to have life.

It easily passed through their defense line and broke into the camp behind!

In an instant, all the people in the back, except for the Flying Six, turned into blood mist under this vibration.

The others were also blown away by the shockwave.

They all suffered more or less injuries.

But since they were all relatively rare animal-type ability users, even though some were seriously injured, it did not affect the following battle.

But now, there was no contempt in their eyes. Instead, there was an extremely solemn look.

Because of the shockwave that Whitebeard had just sent out, the three of them all sensed something unusual.

The vibration that seemed to come alive, although it could be seen that it had just begun to show activity.

But this was a precursor to the awakening of the fruit.

If it was the eye... The power of this man's fruit ability after awakening is absolutely immeasurable.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it increases exponentially.

But the more abnormal the ability is, the more difficult it is to awaken. Whitebeard's entire life is almost over and he has not awakened yet.

Why did a sign appear at this critical juncture?

Now even Jack dared not say anything.

After all, the strength Whitebeard has shown now has the potential to crush them.

He is just more irritable and reckless. But he is not stupid after all.

It's okay to seek death, but forget about it.

They already have a plan to retreat. In his mind, it was a foregone conclusion that nothing could be done.

If they continued to fight, they would definitely be killed by the angry old man in front of them. They could not wait any longer.

But they wanted to leave, how could Whitebeard let them do as they wished?

At this time, he had already disappeared from the spot.

In the sky, a figure with yellow hair and a long sword in hand was slashing towards this side at a high speed.

On the long sword, the dazzling white light was mixed with a few red electric flashes.

It chopped down with an unstoppable force.

Jin knew it was difficult to get away at this time.

He quickly shouted to the Flying Six members behind him:"You guys can't help much! Retreat quickly! Find Lord Kaido to save us!"

After that, he glanced at the other two big bosses beside him, and his body slowly transformed into a huge pterosaur.

Needless to say, the other two also took out the most resistant beast form.

"Hurry up, we may not be able to hold on for long."

Jin said again, looking at the approaching Whitebeard.

As soon as he finished speaking, he went up with the other two.

The remaining six people did not dare to delay at all.

They all stood up quickly and ran away without hesitation.

Soon, they felt a powerful aftermath coming from behind, which was strong enough to destroy everything.

With the power to sweep away everything, everyone was swept away.

Several people spit out another mouthful of blood.

They got up and looked back.

They saw four people confronting each other.

But only a moment later, the three of us were all swept away.

They fell heavily to the ground!

Jack's huge mammoth body was actually chopped off by this knife.

Looking closely , , it was the mammoth's strong and powerful trunk.

Jack only used his strongest part to fight back, but his trunk was directly cut off.

Whitebeard naturally put most of his strength directly on Jack.

Just now, Jack's stinky mouth was his target.

But he didn't expect that it would be blocked by the trunk.

At this time, Jack's eyes were full of disbelief.

He finally realized the gap between himself and Whitebeard.

His hardest and strongest nose was so easily broken by Whitebeard's knife.

The severe pain that continued from the nose made his eyes twitch constantly.

The three big bosses looked at the red-eyed Whitebeard who was still approaching.

Only solemnity remained in their eyes.

"This is hanging in the balance."

The three of them all thought so.

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