The doctors behind Whitebeard were even more amazed at the scene.

Their eyes widened.

Their mouths opened slightly, covered by their hands.

This... this strength, is this really the captain they knew before?

The captain who only knew how to ask for wine all day and got angry when he was not allowed to drink?


At this time, Kaido, who was far away on Onigashima, looked at the phone that was suddenly hung up in front of him, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

Whitebeard appeared on the island?

Just now, his subordinates sent a message saying that they met Whitebeard in the Sabaody Archipelago.

How come Whitebeard appeared in the New World in just a few minutes?

Opened a portal?

Or cheated?

This is really incredible.

But there is no need to panic. Even if Whitebeard appears, what can he do?

The three disasters under his command are not vegetarians.

If it was just one Whitebeard, it would be impossible for them to be opponents.

He just felt a little pity that there was no way to continue to grab the territory.

Then he reacted again.

What to continue? Obviously nothing was grabbed.

It was over as soon as it started.

It was just that they held Whitebeard back, and Lingling got a lot of benefits in vain.

This also made him feel a little unhappy.

He was already planning to ask Lingling for some benefits afterwards.

After all, they are allies now.

Just when he was thinking about it.

The hung up phone in his hand rang again.

Someone called again.

Kaido did not hesitate and immediately picked up the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, a familiar voice came out.

However, the voice was extremely panicked. The surrounding environment was also very noisy.

""Captain! The big bosses can't hold on any longer!"

This was the voice of Fuzzy F, one of the Flying Six.

But Kaido was a little confused by what he said.

"What? Even though they said they couldn't beat Whitebeard, how could they be defeated so easily?"

"Are there other people on the other side?"

Kaido didn't think that Whitebeard's strength was overwhelming. He just thought that it was Su Chen and Whitebeard who joined forces.

But what Fuzzy F said next made Kaido unable to sit still.

"There is only Whitebeard! But his strength... seems to have made a qualitative leap! The big bosses are struggling to hold on! They may lose at any time!"

"Even Jack had his trunk cut off by Whitebeard! If you don't come, the three of them will definitely die here! We are fleeing to the ship."

Foz F was running and speaking quickly.

Although he was several kilometers away from the battlefield, the vibration did not disappear at all.

It was as if it was right in front of him.

This also made him walk faster.

"What!! ?"

Kaido's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

His face, which was originally as calm as a mountain, finally had a crack because of extreme shock.

These three big bosses are his right-hand men!

Not only are they the people he trusts and respects the most, but they are also his companions who have experienced countless storms and accompanied him through life and death!

At this moment, Kaido no longer has any hesitation or hesitation in his heart.

He knows that time is running out and he must go to rescue people immediately!

As for other things, they can only be temporarily put aside.

With his incomparable strength and amazing flying speed, it won't take long to reach the destination.

I just hope that during this time, they can hold on and wait for me to rescue them...

At the same time.

The Big Mom Pirates are not idle either.

They are different from the Beasts Pirates.

All members dispersed at the beginning.

After the news of the Whitebeard Pirates' safe retreat came back, they knew that they only had enough time to plunder an island.

So they dispersed directly, and there were about ten ships.

One Each of them drove in different directions.

Almost all of them have landed on the island by now.

The Beasts Pirates have three big bosses, and Big Mom corresponds to the three generals.

The eldest brother Katakuri, with Cracker and Smoothie, is conquering a place called Kiryu Island.

Smoothie is a long-legged beauty, more than four meters tall, holding a long sword that looks to be about two meters long. He also has the ability to squeeze objects dry.

Cracker is staying in the body of his biscuit soldier.

The three of them are walking on the main street of the town.

The surroundings are extremely noisy. But it seems to have nothing to do with the three of them. They are strolling on the main street as if they are walking in their own back garden.

Surrounded by pirates rushing in. There should be nearly a thousand people at a glance.

But these people are not very strong.

The biscuit soldiers are sweeping all the way.

There is no need to take action along the way, only Cracker's biscuit soldiers are constantly killing the enemy.

The situation of the troops stationed on the island is the same as that of the Beasts Pirates.

It is simply a one-sided massacre.

""Brother, there's no need for us to do anything. They're just some minions. It's a waste of time to come out this time."

Smoothie said to Katakuri in a negative tone.

She didn't look very happy and felt that this was a waste of talent. It would be better for her to rest at home. She has nothing to do when she comes out, and she just comes to hang out.

With this time, she might as well squeeze two glasses of human juice to drink.

Katakuri, with the lower half of his face covered, didn't even look at her.

He just said lightly:"Let me tell you first, if you want to disobey mother's orders, the consequences may not be very good."

"Yes, Smoothie, if you feel bored, just go up and play, just treat it as a vacation, isn't it?"

The cracker in the cookie also said.

Although Smoothie was a little dissatisfied, Katakuri's words once again awakened her fear of Big Mom.

Forget it, let's just go on vacation.

But she was getting more and more annoyed.

Then she killed the surrounding pirates without saying a word.

Since we can't disobey, let's end it quickly.

The cookie kills too slowly.

"Let me do it next!"

Cracker glanced at Katakuri first, and when he saw his brother nodded, he also took back the cookie soldiers.

"She is too impatient, let her vent. You let the cookies go to other areas."After hearing this, Cracker responded and clapped his hands in the air. The returning cookie soldiers began to run wildly in other directions again. They soon disappeared from sight.

Smoothie was moving around the field at a very fast speed.

The long sword was constantly piercing the chests of the enemies.

The body of each person who was pierced shrank at a very fast speed.

It was as if the water was completely sucked out.

After Smoothie absorbed the nutrients from these people's bodies, she was constantly getting bigger.

The fall of each shriveled corpse would make her a little bigger.

There are nearly a thousand people here for her to absorb.

Soon these people were killed and only a few hundred were left.

Smoothie's body had grown to a height of tens of meters at this time!

These people were frightened by the killing and began to flee one by one.

"It's a... monster! Run away!"

"What the hell! Whoever can run away is the best!"

"Ahhh! Help! Help!……"

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