"What? How dare you say I'm ugly!"

"Wait for me to tear your mouth apart! Weibull! Kill them!"

Miss Ba Jin was furious at this time. No woman could tolerate others saying that she was ugly!

She slapped Weibull's calf and kept urging him to hurry up.

Weibull was also angry when he saw that the guys on the opposite side dared to make his mother angry.

"You guys! How dare you talk about my mother! I'll chop you to death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out.

The powerful force made a big hole on the ground where he just stood.

Ka Er and others looked at each other.

"Why does this guy look like a fool? Dumbfounded."

While Smoothie was talking, the giant sword had already collided with Weevil.

But he was shocked by the huge force from his hand and took two steps back.

The three of them, fighting with strength, none of them was Weevil's opponent.

But, they had three people. And a group of biscuit soldiers! A large group of biscuit soldiers first surrounded him.

Then they launched an attack together.


The long swords in the hands of those soldiers all began to spin rapidly.

The spinning long swords stabbed towards Weibull without hesitation.

"Humph, here come so many annoying cookie men again! So annoying!"

After saying that, Weevil used a half-moon sweep to hit the cookies that surrounded him.

Those indestructible cookies were all shattered by this blow.

But just when he had just swept out that blow.

A trident had already stabbed towards the back of his head.

But he was not panicked at all.

It was as if he had eyes on his back, and he slightly turned his head to avoid it.

But how could Katakuri not know where he wanted to hide?

The trident seemed to be equipped with a tracker, following Weevil's swing, and continued to kill accurately and without error.

Weevil had never encountered such a situation before, and he was a little panicked for a while.

Those opponents in the past could not hit him at all.

But Now this strange guy could actually guess where he would go next!

He only had time to cover a layer of armed color behind his head for defense.

The long sword in his hand also slashed towards the trident.

With a clang, Weible felt a pain behind his head.

Fortunately, it was swept away by his long sword in just a moment of contact. The wound was not deep.

He did not hesitate, turned around and chopped down again.

But just when he was about to touch Katakuri.

Katakuri's body changed strangely.

He dodged Weible's powerful sword in a strange posture.

But Weible did not give up, and slashed down several times very quickly.

But the result was still that he could not hit Katakuri.

"What is this thing?! How can I not hit it?"

Wei Bulb looked at the guy in front of him whose body could change and reorganize at will, and several question marks appeared on his head.

He had never seen such a person before.

Is this a human?

Wei Bulb was confused.

He couldn't help but feel a little scared. He slashed the three people who were approaching together with a knife.

He ran back to Miss Ba Jin as if he was escaping. He hid behind Miss Ba Jin like a child looking for his mother.

But Miss Ba Jin didn't care about him at all.

Seeing this, he started to curse on the spot.

"You useless thing! What are you afraid of! Isn't that a devil fruit? Come on! If you keep on dithering, I'll beat you up!"

She cursed and hit Weevil.

These guys just humiliated her. She couldn't just swallow this anger! They must pay the price!

Weevil didn't even fight back at this time. That's why she was so angry.

Katakuri was ready to withdraw.

With this guy's strength, although the three of them could win, they definitely wouldn't be able to take him down in a short time.

It's possible that they would fight for days and nights. There would be too many variables by then.

But judging from this guy's current situation, he only has strength, and his brain is really not working well. He is completely following the orders of the woman behind him.

With Katakuri's observation Haki, he had already sensed that the woman was not strong.

So as long as he used a little trickery, he could get past the big guy and kill the woman directly.

"Old woman, please don't embarrass him, he's just a child, hahahahaha."

Cracker almost died of laughter, it was the first time he had seen such a combination.

The angry old woman beat up the eight-year-old child who was like a little giant.

This scene was quite dramatic.

"Go! Find a chance to kill that woman directly!"

Kaji didn't say anything nonsense. He took advantage of the fact that the guy was afraid of him and quickly dealt with them.

The three of them didn't stop at all. They cooperated tacitly and attacked Miss Ba Jin from three directions!

In the blink of an eye, they were in front of Miss Ba Jin. It seemed that they were about to fall on her.

Miss Ba Jin was so scared when she saw this. She frantically slapped Weibull who was hiding behind her.

""Hurry up! Protect your mother! They are going to kill me! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!!"

Weibull, who was looking down with a scared face, heard that his mother was going to be killed. He seemed to suddenly wake up.

He raised the long knife in his hand and held it in front of Miss Ba Jin to block the fatal blow for him.

Miss Ba Jin fled to the back even more frantically.

Cracker looked at Miss Ba Jin who was so close and kicked her directly!

""Save me!"

Miss Bakin yelled.

Weevil didn't hesitate and directly blocked the kick with his body.

But after being kicked, he took a few steps back uncontrollably.

Because Miss Bakin was behind him, he was afraid of stepping on her, and fell straight down in panic.

After a bang.

Weevil directly pressed Miss Bakin under him.

Just when Katakuri and others wanted to rush forward and suppress Weevil in one fell swoop, a strong sense of uneasiness surged in their hearts.

Katakuri's top-level observation Haki was activated instantly, but then it began to sound the alarm frantically!

The alarm frequency was so high that it was astonishing, and it was definitely something Katakuri had never experienced in his life.

Faced with such a huge sense of crisis, Katakuri stopped without hesitation and dared not move lightly again.

At the same time, the other two companions saw their second brother suddenly stop, and their faces showed confusion. However

, based on their trust in the second brother's extremely sharp and accurate ability to perceive danger, the two of them almost stopped their charge at the same time.

Katakuri looked around vigilantly, trying to find possible threats or abnormal situations.

However, after a careful observation, he did not find anything unusual.

Just when he began to wonder if his observation Haki had made a misjudgment, a figure suddenly appeared above a complete house not far ahead without any warning.

This figure seemed to appear suddenly from the void, without any signs or traces to follow.

But when he saw the face clearly, the pressure in his heart had doubled.

The sense of oppression was even more oncoming.

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