"What should we do? Fight or retreat?"

The other two also saw Su Chen not far away.

He looked at Katakuri with a serious face and asked. In their perception, they still thought that the three of them could fight Su Chen.

After all, Su Chen's performance in the war at the top was not too strong until the screen was interrupted.

With their strength, they should be able to cope with it.

Now it's a matter of going or staying, just waiting for the second brother's order.

Katakuri was thinking quickly at this time.

He was only thinking about his other brothers and sisters.

Since Su Chen appeared here, he must have come to help Whitebeard.

He must have used his flying ability in the demon form. To be able to arrive here so quickly.

If they leave now, Su Chen will definitely not hesitate and will immediately continue to move towards the surrounding islands.

Using his abnormal speed, he will stop the behavior of others.

They can still barely deal with Su Chen, but others don't have this strength.

By then, the casualties will be extremely heavy.

This is definitely not what he, as a brother, wants.���So his idea now is very simple. He just needs to force Su Chen to use that terrifying demon form.

Then they can delay the time of that ability. After that, he can leave whenever he wants without any worries.

Now, he can't leave yet.

At this time, Weibull also stood up.

Looking at his mother who was pressed into the ground by him, he was panicked and at a loss. He cried and pulled with his hands.

""Mom, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Woohoo, I'll rescue you right now."

It took him a long time to pull Miss Ba Jin up.

During the whole process, Su Chen, Ka Er and the other two did not move, but just watched the scene in front of them quietly. Ka Er and the other two did not dare to act rashly.

Su Chen was just observing whether Weibull was Whitebeard's biological son.

But now it seems that it is difficult to associate him with Whitebeard with his stupid appearance.

As for Miss Ba Jin, Su Chen's thoughts at this time are the same as what Cracker said before.

What is this thing? Whitebeard has such a strong taste?

Do the Four Emperors like to do things differently?

Big Mom goes crazy from hunger from time to time. Kaido is crazy from the beginning. Red Hair is not crazy.

I didn't expect that when it comes to you, Whitebeard, you are crazy about aesthetics?

But we can't jump to conclusions so quickly. We will go back and ask that guy Whitebeard first.

If it is true, Su Chen thinks he can play tricks on Whitebeard for a whole year.

Miss Ba Jin, who was pulled up at this time, was completely furious.

Her arrogant and domineering personality, coupled with her current anger. Her mouth has turned into a machine gun, firing continuously at Weibull.

"You are a piece of shit! You can't even protect your mother! I'd rather give birth to a dog than you! You are as fat as a pig, do you want to crush me to death? You are a piece of shit.……"

The situation on the field seemed even more bizarre.

Everyone was watching Weeble being scolded, and Weeble just lowered his head in grievance, accepting the baptism of artillery fire.

Su Chen was even more confused when he saw this.

How could Whitebeard like this? Based on his interactions with Whitebeard these days, he should be able to confirm that this guy has a normal aesthetic.

After all, all the ship's doctors on the ship are black silk leopard print ladies.

Miss Ba Jin is like this. Whitebeard really won't even look at her. Although he has never seen what she looked like when she was young, with this personality, Whitebeard would never be interested in her.

So why is she here with Weeble now? She even helps Whitebeard guard the house.

Miss Ba Jin, who in the original book waited for two years after Whitebeard died before bringing Weeble out of the mountains, just wanted to get Whitebeard's legacy.

Her purpose of appearing here is also very simple: she sees that after the war at the top, Whitebeard not only did not die, but even seemed to have no problem living for another ten years. It would be very difficult for her to wait for Whitebeard to die of old age before seizing the inheritance.

But if he joins the Whitebeard Pirates as Whitebeard's biological son, the difficulty of obtaining the inheritance will be greatly reduced.

That's why she let Weevil protect Whitebeard's territory.

It's to make it easier to join the Whitebeard Pirates. And show strong strength so that he can get a captain right away.

But now Weevil's performance really disappoints her.

Not only did he fail to get rid of the guys who insulted her, but he even crushed her glasses!

Her anger value is full at this time!

Scolding Weevil is not enough, she turned around and pointed the spearhead at Cracker

"And you, you sissy bastard! I can tell at a glance that your mom didn't teach you how to talk. You stink when you open or close your mouth."

"You keep clapping your hands while they are fighting. Do you think this is a kindergarten? Were you a kindergarten principal before?"

"Specializing in teaching children to clap their hands and sing nursery rhymes? I think it would be better for you to go back and ask your mother to teach you how to speak first!……"

Cracker looked at Miss Ba Jin who was covering him with firepower, and his face turned green with anger!

He turned his head to look at Ka Er again and again, and the expression on his face said it all.

The intention to kill the old woman was written on his face.

But Ka Er didn't make any move.

He had no other choice but to listen to the old guy's abuse here as if he had eaten shit.

Miss Ba Jin found it a little strange to see that Cracker didn't even talk back.

Seeing that they were all looking behind her, she turned her head and looked over.

It didn't matter that she looked over.

After recognizing Su Chen, Miss Ba Jin, the machine gun, opened fire again.

"You are Su Chen? The guy who deliberately approached our Whitebeard to try to get his inheritance?"

Su Chen's face was a little confused at this time.


I want to get Whitebeard's property?

Does Whitebeard have anything valuable on his body except the knife in his hand?

A man who always rubs his own son when he goes to the pub to drink, you say Su Chen wants to get his inheritance?

I'll kill you!

But before he could say anything, Miss Ba Jin started bombarding again.

"I tell you, I've seen a lot of bitches like you! You don't want to make money for yourself, you just want to keep your eyes on other people's things."

"Bah, the people I despise the most are people like you!"

"Generally speaking, people like you are not normal in their brains! Are you particularly lacking in love? Have your family members ever taught you the principles of life?"

"Or are you a bastard without a father or a mother? If that's the case, then you are really pitiful!"

"Families like yours that only produce bastards should all be captured as slaves and tortured to death one by one!"

"I advise you to give up the dirty thoughts in your head as soon as possible! Otherwise, I will help your irresponsible parents to educate you properly!"

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