Her thoughts were the same as those of Kaji and the others.

They all thought that Su Chen was at most a general.

But who was there now who was afraid of a general?

Her precious son had cut off one of the arms of some general Zefa.

A general was nothing.

She didn't take Su Chen's strength seriously.

She was so angry that she cursed as badly as she could. She kept on saying it. It seemed that she would not stop until she had vented her anger.

Cracker, who was watching the battle from the back, felt a little more balanced.

Look, even Su Chen didn't do anything when he was scolded like this. It's not shameful for me to endure it. Kaji was secretly happy at this moment.

This crazy woman in front of him actually chose to provoke Su Chen who came to help them at this juncture.

This was undoubtedly great news.

When the two sides started fighting, they would both suffer losses.

It would be so comfortable for me to sit back and reap the benefits.

By then, the purpose would not only be to delay Su Chen's skill time.

Instead, he captured the two who couldn't stand up and blackmailed Whitebeard.

No, maybe he could blackmail Weibull. But Su Chen didn't seem to be able to. He almost forgot that his mother had always wanted to get him and spend the wedding night with him. If he could bring him back this time, his mother would be so happy.

That would be a great achievement!

The next step is to hope that Su Chen can be successfully angered. Don't just endure it.

The angrier the better, the harder the better!

Ka Er couldn't help but cheer for Miss Ba Jin in his heart.

Under his expectant gaze, Su Chen, who had been squatting on the top of a house in the distance to watch the show, finally made a move.

He looked harmless, but he slowly stood up, and the warm smile on his face gradually faded.

It seems that he is ready to take action!

This also shocked Ka Er's heart.

Is it coming! Are you angry? Let's start! Don't be patient!

Su Chen did as he wished. He jumped down from the roof and began to approach Miss Ba Jin step by step.

At this moment, Su Chen's face was shrouded in a heavy haze.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, which made people shudder.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile seemed a little weird.

Behind him, there seemed to be a breath from hell looming.

From such a distance, the cold breath made everyone present shudder.

But as he kept walking and approached this side little by little, the breath behind him seemed to be constantly strengthening.

Miss Ba Jin shuddered as well, and she looked at Su Chen with some surprise.

But with just one glance, she concluded that Su Chen was just bluffing!

""Weibull! Go and kill him!"

She shouted at Webull behind her.

But Webull hesitated when he saw Su Chen with a weird smile on his face.

He looked very scared.

"Mom, I'm scared. Let's go.……"

Weibull grabbed Miss Bajin's arm and said in a pleading tone

"Why are you leaving? If you leave, our plan will be ruined! Go and kill this bastard who wants to steal your father's inheritance!"

"Hurry up!"

Miss Ba Jin said the last two words with gritted teeth.

Seeing this, Weibull had no choice but to bite the bullet. Although he was very afraid of the man in front of him, he had to listen to his mother's words.

At this time, Su Chen had walked half the distance.

Katakuri, who was still happily watching from a distance, gradually froze his happy smile on his face.

Because the faint and swaying breath behind Su Chen had moved forward with his footsteps, and condensed into the shape of a giant beast bit by bit. The huge beast was grinning and looking at this side.

The expression of the beast was exactly the same as Su Chen at this time.

His observation color that had just been frantically warned began to flash again at this time.

It was very slow at first, and gradually the frequency was even faster than before.

Now it is like a death warrant constantly urging him to leave!

A sense of oppression came towards him, and the powerful breath made Katakuri and the other two stand still on the spot, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

This... this power!

Katakuri finally woke up.

They... can't be Su Chen's opponent!


He made a prompt decision and issued the order to retreat without hesitation.

In fact, he didn't need to tell them, the other two had already given up! They were ready for retreat.

That was enough to kill them instantly!

It was absolutely impossible to defeat them!

Almost as soon as Katakuri finished speaking and the three were preparing to evacuate, a pressure appeared out of nowhere!

Like a mountain, it pressed on their heads!

It made their rising steps suddenly stop. Then they fell to the ground with a bang!

The pressure came too suddenly, and Cracker landed unsteadily and knelt on one knee on the spot.

What's going on?

Katakuri suddenly turned around and looked at Su Chen.

But he saw Su Chen staring at them coldly.

The cold eyes let him know that if they dared to act rashly again, they would definitely end up with their heads and bodies torn apart immediately!

Helplessly, he had to give up the idea of escaping.

The other two were unable to move under this pressure.

Not to mention escaping.

They could only try their best to resist this huge force.

And Weibull, who had just rushed forward two steps, saw a strong aura suddenly burst out from Su Chen. He was so scared that he stopped on the spot.

He even began to slowly retreat. The hand holding the knife was shaking slightly.

He did not have Katakuri's strong perception.

He was just because the scene in front of him was too horrifying at this moment.

He had never seen such a horrifying scene in his life.

"What are you afraid of! He's just a bastard! Go kill him!"

Miss Ba Jin's voice came again.

Weible knew that this battle had to be fought.

In that case!

Then kill him!

Weible seemed to have overcome his fear in an instant, and his whole body was full of strength.

He jumped up and chopped towards Su Chen who had come close.

The veins on his arms were bulging.

He had used his most violent strength!

Even Ka Er felt that this knife was a bit impressive.

He felt that he could not take it.

Ka Er was at this time���Looking over here in anticipation. Hopefully, Weeble can help them attract Su Chen's attention.

So that they have a chance to escape.

Just when the long knife coming down from above was about to hit Su Chen's forehead.

A drop of blood flew from under Su Chen's feet! It went straight to meet Weeble's powerful knife.

That was just the blood of the pirates who had just been slaughtered by the biscuit soldiers.

As soon as the two came into contact, Weeble felt an irresistible force coming from the tip of the knife!

The long knife in his hand had already slipped out of his hand! Inertia made his body lean back slightly.

Before he could be shocked, he felt an irresistible force coming from the back of his head again, pushing him towards Su Chen.

It was as if someone was holding his head from behind and pressing it down.

He didn't have time to do anything, and his head was sent in front of Su Chen by the huge force.

And Su Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, gently raised his hand, and grabbed his head tightly like an iron clamp.

Then, Su Chen exerted a little force on his arm, and there was a crisp"crack" sound, as if something broke!

The sound was extremely abrupt and harsh, which made people shudder.

Weber, who was still struggling frantically, suddenly became silent, and his body fell limply to the ground.

Su Chen took his steps slowly, and each step seemed so steady and powerful. He dragged Weber, who had no power to resist, and walked slowly forward.

When they came in front of Miss Ba Jin, who had already been frightened, Su Chen stopped.

He slowly lowered his head and stared at the petite woman in front of him with a sharp gaze.

Suddenly, Su Chen grinned and revealed a weird smile. There was a hint of chill in that smile, which made people feel terrified.


""What did you say?"

His voice was not loud, but it was like the whisper of a demon from hell.

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