Miss Ba Jin looked at Weibull, who was held in Su Chen's hand, and whose life or death was unknown.

The arrogant expression on her face had long disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by a face full of fear and shock.

Looking at Su Chen who was grinning at her. Although she was extremely scared in her heart, she still forced herself to calm down.

The strength shown by Su Chen was too strong, at least it was at the level of the Four Emperors. Miss Ba Jin also regretted what she had just said.

But now was not the time to regret, she still had to find a way to save her life.

"I...I am Whitebeard's woman! If you dare to kill me, Whitebeard will never let you go! There will be a complete break between you two!"

"I advise you to think about it carefully! It's best not to do anything out of line!"

Miss Ba Jin shouted. Although she was extremely flustered, she did not show it at all.

After she finished speaking, Su Chen's grim smile slowly subsided.

Even his eyes seemed to become a little kind.

Katakuri, who was watching from a distance, saw that Su Chen was actually shaken.

It was also a little unbelievable. Did he really believe that the woman was Whitebeard's lover?

Was he going to let her go just because of this?

It seemed that he did not want to give up his relationship with Whitebeard.

In that case, being scolded by her seemed to be less important.

After all, he was one of the Four Emperors.

There was no need to say more about how to choose.

Be patient and everything will be fine. When Miss Ba Jin saw that Su Chen really fell for her trick, she became tough on the spot.

That arrogant attitude reappeared.

His back was straight and he spoke toughly.

"Well, a smart choice."

She nodded and said. After that, she looked at Weibull who was unconscious and bloody. Her face was full of worry.

Weibull was the biggest contributor to her dominance so far. She must not lose him.

Then she pointed at Su Chen and said

"Let him go quickly, he is the son of Whitebeard, and his status is the same as mine! If anything happens to him, his father will never let you go."

After saying this, she seemed to suddenly remember something and spoke again

"Oh, you have some medicine that can save lives! It can even cure Whitebeard's serious injuries. Hurry up and give it to my son! Hurry up, don't waste time!"

Miss Ba Jin has already determined that Su Chen will not do anything to her. She has even started to give him orders.

At this time, Su Chen actually let go of the right hand that was holding Weibull.

""Okay, treat my son quickly."

Just when Miss Ba Jin thought that Su Chen would give pure blood to Weevil to treat her, she actually floated up slowly.

To be precise, she was controlled by something and flew up.

Miss Ba Jin looked around in panic to figure out what was going on.

When she saw Su Chen's right hand raised towards her, she knew that this guy was playing tricks on her.

"What are you doing? Let me go."

But Su Chen ignored her.

At this time, she felt her mouth opening uncontrollably.

Not far away, a pair of pliers made of coagulated blood was slowly floating towards her.

"What do you want to do! Are you crazy! If you dare to touch me, all your previous efforts will be in vain! You will even be hunted down by the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Seeing this scene, she couldn't bear it anymore. She began to struggle violently, trying to get rid of the restraints.

But all her efforts were in vain.

She could only watch in horror as the pliers slowly approached her. Is he really going to do it? Katakuri also looked at this side with some disbelief.

If what the woman said was true, then this guy's relationship with a Four Emperor would be broken! Does he really not care?

At this time, the bloody pliers had come to Miss Ba Jin's mouth. In her bloodshot expression, it stretched into her mouth that could not be closed.

Then she felt a sharp pain coming.

This also made her scream and curse like a pig being slaughtered. One of her teeth was pulled out alive. A lot of blood filled the entire mouth.

The bloody pliers did not pay attention to Miss Ba Jin's abuse, and kept moving in her mouth.

One, two... all the teeth in Miss Ba Jin's mouth were pulled out completely.

Miss Ba Jin was in so much pain that tears were streaming down her face. Blood was flowing out of her mouth and all over the floor.

Fortunately, the intense pain had stopped.

Just when she thought everything was over, she felt her tongue being clamped by something!

This feeling immediately made her panic!

"No, no, no! I was wrong! No, no! Let it go……"

As she begged for mercy, her tongue was pulled out.

And it was stretched longer and longer under her gaze.

Soon, her tongue was stretched straight.

The pain came again.

But this time it was more intense.

The screams began to rise!

Then, when her high note reached its highest point, her tongue was pulled out.

Blood spurted out of her mouth as if it was free.

Miss Ba Jin's expression was extremely horrified. She really regretted what she had done just now.

The guy in front of her was really a lunatic.

The pain almost destroyed her nerves.

It was too painful.

The tongue was a fragile part, and it was unbearable to get hurt even a little.

Not to mention her.

At this time, she felt that the power that bound her disappeared, and she fell heavily to the ground.

Her mouth could move.

She closed her mouth immediately, trying to stop the surging blood.

But two minutes later, the blood had no intention of stopping at all!

Normally, only 20% of the blood should be lost when the tongue is pulled out.

But now, with this amount of bleeding, after two minutes, she has lost at least 40% of her blood.

Miss Ba Jin felt the blood constantly coming out of her mouth.

Her body became weaker and weaker, and her face became paler and paler.

She knelt on the ground and wailed in despair.

Without a tongue, even her voice was extremely vague.

In this painful torture as if all the organs in her body were gradually failing and her vitality was fading away bit by bit, Miss Ba Jin's breathing became weaker and weaker, and her heartbeat became slower and slower.

As time went by, her body gradually became cold and stiff.

In the end, Miss Ba Jin stopped breathing completely and bid farewell to this world completely.

Su Chen just watched this scene quietly, without a trace of ripples in his eyes.

Su Chen had no intention of paying attention to her. This time he came here just to help White Beard protect his territory.

Seeing them fighting there, Su Chen could still watch the show happily, what a good thing.

As a result, this crazy woman came up and started scolding. The reason was even more outrageous. His excellent good mood was completely destroyed.

It would be fine if she scolded him.

But this guy directly poked his sore spot.

Su Chen and his sister were indeed orphans, and his sister had never seen what her parents looked like.

Now that her family had been humiliated by her, Su Chen's anger naturally grew.

Not to mention the woman with the white beard.

Even if the white beard himself was here and dared to insult Su Chen's family like this, Su Chen would definitely let him know why the flowers were so red.

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