Su Chen stepped forward and kicked Miss Ba Jin.

With a muffled"bang", Miss Ba Jin's body exploded instantly, turning into a ball of scarlet and pungent blood mist that filled the air.

Su Chen wiped the blood stains on the sole of his shoe as if nothing had happened, then slowly turned around and glanced at Ka Er and others.

Seeing this scene, the three of them were also a little panicked, swallowing a mouthful of saliva in their throats with difficulty.

Fine beads of sweat began to ooze out of their foreheads and noses, and their heartbeats accelerated rapidly, as if they were about to jump out of their throats.

This guy is too violent!

The three of them secretly complained in their hearts. Just now, the big guy Weibull had no power to fight back in front of Su Chen.

Before they even had time to see what happened, Weibull was already firmly grasped in Su Chen's hands like a little chicken.

Now that he has solved Miss Ba Jin, will it be their turn next?

After all, he is now in the same group with Whitebeard. They invaded Whitebeard's territory, so it is natural for them to be killed.

After seeing Su Chen's terrifying strength, they didn't even think of running away.

Although the pressure on their heads has disappeared, they still didn't take any action.

Because that is definitely the fastest way to die.

Su Chen also came over at this time. Looking at the three people with panic on their faces, he didn't say anything. He just stared at them expressionlessly.

This really made the three people feel a little scared.

Their bodies were always tense, ready to defend against possible sudden attacks.

Su Chen looked at the three people and wanted to test their strength.

See what's the difference between them and that guy Marco.

The main thing is to see if the future-foreseeing observation color is as powerful as it is said.

Thinking of this, Su Chen had disappeared from the spot.

It's over!

The three people's hearts sank.

Are they really going to be killed?!

""Not good!"

Ka Er shouted in surprise. Then he turned his head to dodge.

Although he had foreseen it, it was useless this time. Su Chen appeared in front of Ka Er before the three of them could react.

A bloody sword was already at Ka Er's throat like a ghost in their shocked eyes.

"Second brother!"

""Second brother!!"

Two exclamations were heard, and they wanted to save Ka Er. Ka Er was their most respected brother.

Although Ka Er was very pleased to see this, he still stopped their behavior.

""Don't move! He doesn't want to kill me!"

He was very calm at this moment. Looking at Su Chen's slightly disappointed face and the big sword against him, Ka Er didn't say anything. He didn't know what Su Chen wanted to do.

But from this point of view, he couldn't interfere with what he wanted to do.

The other two people on the other side also stopped immediately after hearing this.

They also realized that if Su Chen wanted to kill them, they couldn't even shout.

In a flash, heads would fall off.

So what is he doing? Scare people?

That's it? Su Chen was still a little disappointed.

Then, in the puzzled eyes of the three people, the big sword slowly disappeared.

Su Chen only then spoke out his purpose

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

"I will go back to Wanguo with you later."

"You... shouldn't mind, right?"

These three siblings couldn't handle this.

Not killing us is fine, but he wants to go back with us? What does he want to do? He can't have any plans!

If he wants to harm the world, they would never take him back even if they die.

"I just want to ask Lingling something, you better listen to me."

Su Chen spoke again at this time. Looking at Su Chen's gradually unfriendly eyes, it was really a bit creepy.

What does he want to ask?

Could it be that he knows that his mother likes him, so he wants to marry his mother?

If that's the case, they will definitely welcome it.

Although they are a little reluctant about such a young man being their father, it is still necessary to sacrifice in order to add a general to their big family.

What's more, if they don't agree now, they will definitely die.

It's better to live well.

"I hope you really just want to ask something."

Ka Er also agreed, but his face was not very good.

Because staying with Su Chen, the feeling of dying at any time was too torturous.

The thought of staying with him for a day made Ka Er feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that they agreed, Su Chen also nodded.

"You guys go to the boat and wait for me, I'll be there in a while."

After saying that, Su Chen walked towards Weibull, ready to treat him first. He would send him to Whitebeard later.

This kid was stupid, calling Whitebeard"Dad" all the time. Just leave it to Whitebeard and let him be happy.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, turned around and called Kaji and the others.

""Hey! Wait a minute."

Hearing this, the three of them turned to look at him, and their spirits became tense again.

However, they saw that Su Chen just pointed at the house where he appeared at the beginning.

The three of them also looked over.

But the scene they saw made them widen their eyes.

There, a large group of people were floating.

Every face was so familiar.

They were all the members of their Big Mom Pirates this time!

Not one was left behind, hundreds of people were all floating in the air.

What's going on? Were they brought here by this guy?

They looked at Su Chen in shock again.

Did this guy get rid of everyone before coming here?

He even brought so many of them across a large area of sea!


In their unbelievable eyes, Su Chen waved his hand.

Everyone flew towards Katakuri, and then fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"They will wake up soon."

After saying that, Su Chen ignored him.

As for why he didn't kill them, it was naturally for the friendly meeting with Lingling.

His purpose of looking for Lingling was also very simple, that is, he wanted to ask her something about the soul.

It was related to his sister, and it would definitely not hurt for him to know more about this aspect.

If he went straight to kill, Lingling might not cooperate obediently, and it would be bad if he got angry and killed her. It's better to follow them like this, anyway, the distance is very close, only a day's journey.

Su Chen came to Weible at this time and gave him a bottle of pure blood.

There was a handprint on Weible's head, and blood was still oozing out.

Su Chen didn't want to kill him, so he didn't use too much force.

He was just unconscious.

At this time, the handprint on his head was disappearing quickly. It was as bright as new in a few seconds.

And he woke up slowly, and after slowly opening his eyes, he saw Su Chen's face close at hand.

The originally confused eyes instantly became panic!

Because he clearly remembered the clicking sound when his head was tightly pinched by this person just now

"Ah! Why are you still here!"

He screamed in shock and quickly jumped up from the ground.

His body instinctively stepped back a few steps, keeping a certain distance from Su Chen, and then stared at him with a vigilant and terrified face.

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something important, he began to look around, trying to find someone or something.

However, when he looked around, he found that there was nothing around him that he expected to see, and the expression on his face became more and more panicked.

"Where is my mother? Where did you take my mother?"

Although he was full of fear of Su Chen, he had no choice but to ask him. He could only summon up the courage to shout at Su Chen.

Hearing this, Su Chen silently raised his hand and pointed to an open space not far away.

Looking in the direction of Su Chen's finger, there was a pool of blood that had not yet dried.

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