He didn't have time to retract his legs, or he didn't need to.

With a loud bang, the branch-like figure in front of him was kicked away.

The heavy blow directly kicked her to the sea surface.

This time, Sikesi didn't hold back at all.


Katakuri roared. The kick just now kicked off the scarf that covered his mouth.

At this time, the energy in his body that was disordered by the kick just now was recovering rapidly.

Nian Gao stretched out his arm and stuck it to the ground, stopping the backwards posture. With the other hand, he grabbed the flying bree.

Sikesi adjusted his posture and kicked Katakuri in the face again with an extremely fast kick, trying to repeat the same trick.

But Katakuri did not dodge this time. He retracted his hand that had just grabbed the ground and punched forward.

The fist covered with super-powerful armed color hit with the power to crush the person in front of him. He rushed over.

This time he did not use rice cakes.

And Sikesi did not dodge. He hit him as usual.

He thought that Katakuri wanted to fight him head-on. He just wanted to test how powerful the 1 billion bounty was.

But the moment before the two came into contact. Sikesi's face suddenly changed! He was horrified!

Katakuri's fierce punch came close, and his entire arm suddenly burst out with a large amount of rice cakes!

At such a close distance, Sikesi was completely unable to react.

The surging rice cakes directly submerged Sikesi! Wrapped into a big ball.

Only the head was exposed!

"How dare you hurt Brulee! Go to hell!!"

Without any pause, the red-eyed Katakuri had already held his trident-shaped weapon and thrust it towards Sikesi's head. His super observation Haki was always paying attention to his movements.

This attack was bound to kill him, and it stabbed fiercely!

Looking at the weapon rushing towards him, Sikesi closed his eyes unwillingly.

Damn! This wave of carelessness! Is Yibiao so powerful!

But he waited for a long time, but did not feel the pain in his head.

He slowly opened his eyes in confusion.

He saw a figure standing in front of him. He blocked the powerful attack just now for him.

He didn't even feel any aftermath from behind.

Looking at the back of the person in front of him, he actually felt a little familiar

""Xiao Ka, don't be so impatient, this is my friend."

Su Chen's rude voice came out. At this moment, he was using two fingers to tightly pinch the sharp tip of Ka Er's gun, making it difficult for it to move forward.

Sikesi behind him immediately recognized Su Chen's voice and shouted excitedly on the spot.

"Big Brother! Big Brother Su Chen! Is that you? Hahaha! You saved me again! I'm so lucky! I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Hearing this, Su Chen turned around speechlessly and waved his hand, stopping him from saying the following lewd words.

Kaji was full of resentment. At this time, Brulee had been rescued by him. She was completely unconscious.

There was a big shoe horn mark on her face.

Her ugly face looked even more terrifying at this time.

"He beat my sister like that, how could I let him go! Get out of the way! I have to make him pay!"

"Get out of the way!!!"

The red-eyed sister-protecting maniac Katakuri was not even afraid of Su Chen at this time!

Who cares who you are! Dare to hurt my sister!

One word!

Do it!

Seeing this scene, even Su Chen couldn't say a word.

Protecting his sister? Isn't this what he has always been doing?

How could he not understand Katakuri's feelings?

After all, he and Katakuri are exactly the same kind of people.

Looking at him like this, Su Chen's eyes actually sprouted a hint of appreciation.

Anyway, Katakuri's behavior is very much to his liking.

Seeing his furious look, Su Chen didn't say any useless nonsense. He directly took out a bottle of pure blood from his arms and handed it to Katakuri.

Katakuri, who had red eyes, disappeared instantly after seeing this small bottle.

His eyes became clear at a very fast speed.

"This this……"

He was a little stunned. Isn't this the thing that Whitebeard used during the war?

This guy just took out something with such amazing effects?

He asked uncertainly,"Is this something that Whitebeard used before?"

"The bottle that Lao Bai used is stronger than this one. I'll give it to you in exchange for this guy's life, is that okay?"

Su Chen replied calmly.

A little weaker than that one? That's enough! After all, the powerful effect of that bottle is there.

How much worse can this one be!

He grabbed the blood bottle in Su Chen's hand without saying a word.

Without hesitation, he took the bottle and came to Brulee. He slowly helped Brulee up and let her lean on him.

He gently opened the bottle and slowly poured it into Brulee's mouth.

He was very careful, for fear of accidentally spilling this precious potion and causing his sister to not recover well enough.

After waiting for a while, the effect of the medicine began to take effect.

Brulee woke up slowly first. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Katakuri's concerned eyes.

""Brother, is the battle over?"

Brulee asked softly.

But Katakuri didn't answer him, because at this moment, he was shocked by the scene in front of him, his mouth wide open.

Without the scarf to cover it, his gaping mouth looked a little scary.

At this moment, the footprints on Brulee's face began to disappear first. Then came the scar that was scratched by someone when he was a child.

That was the reason why Brulee has been inferior to her until now. It was also the reason why Katakuri blamed himself until now.

But now, under his gaze, the scar actually began to slowly disappear!

Little by little, until it finally disappeared completely.

Brulee's face became smooth and clean. Just when he was extremely surprised and thought he had made a profit, something even more surprising happened. Brulee was once too shy because of being too shy.

Because she was ugly, the aunt took away fifty years of her life. As a result, her skin became dark and loose.

Her face looked like a witch.

But now, that extremely ugly skin is actually becoming tighter at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even the skin color is slowly approaching that of a normal person!

Brulee looked at Katakuri's open mouth, a little confused.

But she quickly picked up Katakuri's scarf that fell not far from her and quickly wrapped it around him.

Covering his mouth.

Katakuri didn't move during the whole process, his eyes staring straight at Brulee's face, as if he was fixed.

After doing all this, Brulee noticed Katakuri's unusual behavior, and she asked with a puzzled look on her face:"What's wrong? Why are you staring at me?"

As she spoke, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she touched her face shyly.

However, the moment she touched her facial skin, Brulee noticed something strange!

That hideous and ugly scar seemed to be... gone?

Her face... was so smooth?

She widened her eyes and continued to rub her face in disbelief, her heart filled with fear and uneasiness, fearing that this was just an illusory dream.

Just as Brulee was in shock, Su Chen threw a mirror at them.

Seeing this, Ka Er quickly stretched out his arm and grabbed the mirror steadily.

He turned his head to look at Su Chen, gave him a grateful look, and then immediately handed the mirror to Brulee.

Brulee stared at herself in the mirror at this time, and what appeared in front of her was a beautiful woman.

She couldn't believe her eyes, and even pinched her cheek uncontrollably.

Until she felt the real pain and confirmed that the person in the mirror was indeed herself, she finally couldn't help but scream!

"Hey!!! Is this really me? ?"

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