Brulee was stunned, staring at her beautiful self in the mirror.

It took a long time before she started to move again.

She touched here and there.

She laughed foolishly from time to time.

It was as if she was poisoned.

Su Chen looked at Brulee's current appearance and felt that she was quite pleasing to the eye.

He still felt uncomfortable looking at the image of the old witch.

Tsk tsk, he didn't expect that his pure blood, the pure blood used for healing, would almost become a beauty product.

The beauty effect is far greater than the healing effect.

He shook his head with a wry smile. He turned his head and looked at Sikesi, who was still grinning at him.

He didn't know why this guy was so happy. Su Chen's anus tightened when he saw that smile.


Su Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and slapped Sikesi on the head.

"Laugh! If you laugh again, I will slap you to death!"

After the slap, Sikesi immediately performed a smile disappearing technique.

The corners of his mouth that were raised up slowly bent down. He looked aggrieved.

Su Chen ignored his expression. A hand grabbed his head.

Then Sikesi felt a strange feeling coming from the top of his head! This made his face change drastically.

After a while, Sikesi had a strange expression on his face, and finally he suddenly trembled all over!


Then there was a bang.

The rice cakes that bound him all exploded.

Before he could continue to savor the feeling just now, Su Chen asked

"You, why does the ability you just used look so familiar? When did you eat the devil fruit?"

As soon as these words came out, Sikesi's face changed immediately, and he started to complain to Su Chen with a sad face.

"Hey, brother, you don't know, I was just on my boat, looking at handsome guys' photos and eating fruit."

"I was so absorbed in watching it, that I suddenly smelled shit in my mouth! I vomited all over the floor. When I looked again, I saw that I was holding a devil fruit."

""That kid Jeka is hurting me! When I was holding him down, the ship was attacked. You don't know how miserable I am!"

As he said this, his nose and tears came out.

Su Chen walked away from him with a look of disgust.

""Brother Su Chen! This is really not my fault!"

With a little bruise on his face, Jeka also stood up and said that he was not responsible for this.

"When I gave it to him, it was all normal fruit! If it was a devil fruit, how could I give it to him! I ate it in one bite."

"He wants to eat? He's dreaming! Now that he got the advantage, he's still acting like a good boy! I've never seen such a cheap guy!"

Upon hearing this, Sikesi stopped crying and looked at Jecca with a bad face."

Okay, okay, you kid, think about eating the good things first! Wait, I'll find a place where no one is around and treat you well...

Sikesi thought viciously.

When Jecca saw the look in his captain's eyes, his anus tightened! He shuddered and ran away without looking back.

After hearing what happened, Su Chen guessed it, needless to say.

It can only be said that Sikesi is lucky enough, the devil fruit went directly into his mouth

"What fruit?"

When Su Chen saw this guy using his ability, he had a bad feeling.

"Emm, it seems to be the Dark-Dark Fruit. I don't know if it's strong or not. The ability of that guy named Blackbeard, I saw him use it before, it's like shit. I used it myself, it seems to be okay."

Sikesi said with some disgust, he actually thought that the fruit that Teach had been waiting for so many years was rubbish...

After listening to him, Su Chen also realized that something went wrong with Marco. For some unknown reason, Blackbeard died, and it happened just now.

Otherwise, how could Sikesi get the advantage?

"Develop it well, your future is dark."

Su Chen patted Sikesi's shoulder and said with a sigh.


Brother, are you cursing me?

Sikesi's face froze when he heard it. Just as he was about to continue to talk about it in detail, Ka Er came over and interrupted their conversation.

Ka Er had regained his calm appearance at this time, and there was no ripple on his face.

But there was a look of gratitude in his eyes when he looked at Su Chen.

Ka Er's mouth under the scarf opened and closed several times, but he didn't say a word.

In the end, thousands of words turned into a thank you.

""Thank you."

Although Su Chen gave him the bottle of medicine, saying it was to exchange for this guy's life, it was not equal at all in his opinion.

He was taking a huge advantage.

He wanted to say a few words of thanks, but he didn't know where to start because he had never thanked anyone before.

The bad image of Su Chen in his heart also changed dramatically.

"Oops! Xiaoka! What are you thanking me for? Hahahaha"

"Prepare some rice cakes for my friend later, just use your butt!" As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, he could clearly feel that the air around him began to get colder.

Ka Er's gratitude to Su Chen just now disappeared in an instant, and now he wanted to strangle this idiot to death! However,

Sikesi turned his head and glanced at Ka Er's butt, and he could faintly hear the sound of swallowing saliva!


Ka Er felt even more uncomfortable now! Is this guy a machine gun? Is he a psychopath? Get away from me!

He glared at Sikesi fiercely, trying to scare this guy away.

But after glaring at him, he clearly felt that the guy's eyes became even hotter!

Blah! Tired! Let's all be destroyed!

Ka Er now only regretted that he was too gentle just now! He should have dug out this guy's eyes first!

"By the way, Sikesi, your boat is broken, where are you going? Never mind, come with me to the World. Maybe I can use you."

"Didn't you ask me? Little Ka?"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Ka Er.

What would it be useful if I said no?

Ka Er was too tired to complain.

When Sikesi heard that his big brother wanted to use him, he agreed without thinking.

"No problem, big brother!"

He was very capable and waved his hand to his fellow brothers on the boat. He shouted,"Let's go! Carry the important things and follow Big Brother Su Chen onto the boat!""


Obviously, no one would object, after all, Su Chen was the benefactor of all of them. He was more active in helping him than helping himself, Captain Sabi.

And Su Chen wanted to take them with him, not because he felt sorry for these guys who had no boat.

If they were useless, they could just swim to the shore by themselves. They still wanted to follow Su Chen as a burden. What a joke. It would be good enough to give that bastard Sciss a boat.

But now that this guy has become the user of the Dark Dark Fruit, it is necessary to take him with him.

After all, if he can't reach an agreement with Big Mom... he will just kill Big Mom!

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