Again, it's about my sister, so what's wrong with killing two of the Four Emperors?

Looking at the group of people below busy carrying large and small bags, preparing to build something like a big ladder to get on Katakuri's big ship. Su Chen also said to Sikesi:

"Stop it, find a big mirror! Ka Er, go over there and arrange a room for them, and put a big mirror in the room."

Hearing this, Ka Er naturally knew what Su Chen wanted to do, and went back to the boat to prepare without saying anything.

But Sikesi asked awkwardly,"How big of a mirror do you want?"

Su Chen was speechless when he saw this.

"What, are you horny? Of course I want a big mirror! Bring me the biggest one on your ship!"

When Su Chen said the biggest one, Sikesi blushed. After struggling for a while, he ran to his room and brought out a mirror. He even took down the door because the mirror was too big.

Looking at the mirror that was as big as a wall, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

It's enough.

""Bree! Stop looking! Get to work!"

Su Chen interrupted Brulee's self-admiration. It seemed that this guy would stare at the mirror in a daze in the future...

After listening to Su Chen's request, Brulee immediately did as he asked. The big mirror in front of her soon began to show ripples.

"Come on, follow Bree in!"

Su Chen said, waving his hand to urge them.

But Sikesi stood on the left side of the mirror, blocking the way.

His body seemed to be blocking something.

Seeing this, Su Chen kicked him out in anger.

"What the hell are you blocking!"

Without Sikesi blocking it, the line of words engraved on that spot was revealed:

""Sikesi, the little tough guy, takes a bath to admire himself~"

Everyone who saw this handwriting looked at Sikesi who fell not far away with a strange look on their faces.

Sikesi's old face turned red. He turned his head away embarrassedly.

"Divine gold!"

Su Chen, who originally wanted to pass through the mirror, looked at the mirror again at this time. All he could think of was a naked little hunk posing there.

He immediately felt a chill, but he chose to jump back to Ka Er's boat. He stood next to Ka Er.

I still remember the first time I met this guy, this guy was still ambitious.

Su Chen was fooled by him at that time.

I didn't expect that he was such an eye-catching thing behind the scenes.

It's true that you can't judge a person by his appearance!

The bounty is one-tenth of mine, but he still does this kind of thing!


Ka Er also found Su Chen's expression a little funny. He didn't expect that a strong man like him would be disgusted, hahaha.

Ka Er was very happy in his heart, but he didn't show any expression on the surface.

But at this moment, not far from them, there was a noisy conversation.

"Did you see that? What the hell is that? Katakuri is so ugly!

Flampe was complaining about Katakuri's appearance to her sisters. She didn't even call him brother anymore.

"Flampe, what are you talking about? That's our brother!"

"Yes, how can you say he is ugly? He protected us!"

"That's right, Brother Katakuri has been protecting us for so many years, how can you say bad things about him!"

Listening to the words of disapproval from the people around her, Flampe's face became more and more ugly.

Then she shouted at everyone:

"He deceived us! He is obviously an ugly guy! How can he be worthy of our fan club! How can he be worthy of me as the leader! It is so disappointing!"

"That mouth is so ugly, I have never seen anything so ugly! It is even uglier than Brulee's face!"

She has always wanted to be Katakuri's favorite sister, but now she has become Katakuri's biggest hater.

All this is just because Katakuri is not as perfect as he looks.

This may be the hypocritical support of the peak.

""Flanpe, what did you say?"

A voice came.

They didn't notice that Ka Er had come here and stood behind Flampe.

Originally, Ka Er would not care if she said a few words to herself, but she even brought up Bree's face!

That has always been a pain in his heart.

For so many years, no one dared to say that Bree was ugly in front of him.

Once a guest who came to my mother's tea party said that Bree was ugly to death, Ka Er took off his head the next day.

Even if he was my mother's guest, it was not allowed!

Since then, no one dared to talk about Bree's appearance in front of Ka Er.

Flampe turned her head at this time and met Ka Er's eyes.

But she was not afraid at all, but seemed righteous! But she was also very smart and did not mention Bree again

"Always noble, calm, powerful. Everything is so perfect!"

"That's the brother I admire! Are you still perfect now? You are a loser!"

Flanpe came up and started to blame Kaji. But Kaji had a gloomy face and didn't say anything.

Seeing that he didn't move, Franpe shouted even more fiercely.

"You are so ugly! You are as ugly as a big-mouthed eel! How abominable! Your beautiful image is completely shattered!"

She still felt unsatisfied and spit the gum in her mouth onto Kaji's face.

"Ugly and trashy! He couldn't even beat that guy! All of us on the boat had to let him do whatever he wanted! How can you be a brother like you!"

She pointed at Su Chen who was standing aside and watching the show.

Su Chen: Yeah?

But Kakaji remained silent. Although he wanted to punch the mouth that kept yelling, he couldn't do it.

That... was his sister. He could crush someone's head with his bare hands, but he couldn't bear to hurt his sister. He didn't say anything, but just took the gum stuck on his face with his hand.

When he was about to turn around and leave, Flampe spoke again.

"Why don't you say something! Are you worthy of being my brother?"

This scene made Su Chen very unhappy.

Is he worthy of being your brother? Find me someone more worthy than Ka Er.

Even if it is Su Chen, with such a sister who is against the will of heaven, he has to be disciplined.

There is no one in the world who can endure to this extent like Ka Er.

Well, you make me unhappy, so I have to take action! I am not your brother! I will not endure it!

Before everyone could react, Su Chen appeared in front of Flampe like a flash.

He grabbed her neck.

"What are you doing, Su Chen! Let her go! She is still young and doesn't understand!"

Ka Er was a little panicked at this time.

But he was still helping her.

""Stand still!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, Ka Er felt a pressure coming. It was that familiar feeling again. Now it was all his, and he could only look at Su Chen anxiously. He could do nothing.

"I'm really upset now! Ka Er, you'd better not mess with me"

"Don't forget that you are all at my mercy!"

At this time, Su Chen smiled and looked at Flamper who was in his hand.

"Isn't that right, little sister?"

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