At this moment, Flampe looked at Su Chen with a horrified face, completely lacking the arrogance she had just shown to Katakuri.

Her body was constantly struggling. But the seemingly weak arm in front of her made it impossible for her to shake it at all.

After listening to Su Chen's words, she was even more frightened and pale. The dangerous aura in his tone was about to overflow.

"Hey! Everyone! Hurry up and save me! Am I not your favorite sister? Come on, let's get rid of this guy!"

She kept shouting. She had no strength at all, so she could only desperately ask for help from her brothers and sisters who loved her the most.

But the brothers who usually obeyed her in everything did not move at all at this time. They all looked at Su Chen in front of her with fear.

No one dared to step forward.

Seeing this, she was desperate and placed her hope on Kaji, who had just been humiliated by her.

Although she completely despised Kaji now, the only one who could save her now was this strongest brother.

She cried and asked for help from Kaji, who was unable to move:

""Brother Katakuri! Hurry up and save me! Save me! I don't want to die!" She kept slapping Su Chen's arm while shouting. But even so, she was unwilling to apologize to Katakuri.

Katakuri wanted to rescue but was powerless.

The only thing he could move now was his mouth.

Seeing that the last hope was indifferent, she finally gave up asking for help and cursed him as a waste in her heart. She turned her spearhead to Su Chen again.

And struggled even more violently.

"Let me go, you bastard! Otherwise, mom will not let you go! If you dare to touch a hair on my head, you will definitely die without a burial place! You bastard!"

After saying that, she bit Su Chen's hand.

But after biting it, she didn't feel like biting flesh.

At this time, Su Chen's hand was wearing a touch of armed color, and he shook his palm lightly.

This also caused Flampe to break several of her teeth when she bit it.

All the good teeth became scattered and twisted. The mouth looked extremely ugly.

Although Su Chen shook his palm lightly, it was rare to be able to shake herself into this state with one bite.

She should have really used all her strength. She wanted to bite Su Chen to death

"It seems that no one has taught you how to behave when you are away from home. Then let me teach you a lesson."

Su Chen looked at Flampe with cold eyes, and there was a hint of chill in his voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, Flampe suddenly felt something strange.

She touched her face in panic, only to find that her hands were covered with sticky liquid.

Looking closely, she saw that her originally smooth and delicate cheeks had actually grown bright red bumps!

These bumps spread rapidly like mushrooms after rain, and occupied most of her face in the blink of an eye.

What's even more creepy is that the bumps are still expanding and getting bigger, as if they will burst in the next second.

Flampe was frightened to death by the scene in front of her. She couldn't accept that her beautiful face had become so ugly.

At this moment, fear filled her heart, and she even forgot to cry.

Appearance has always been what Flampe values most, but the current situation is already extremely creepy.

In a panic, she no longer cared about her previous arrogance and domineering, and cried to Su Chen with all her might:"Please let me go! I know I was wrong……"

""No! No, no! Let me go! Let me go! I won't dare to do it again! No, don't touch my face!"

But even though she screamed desperately, the bumps on her face kept getting bigger.

Finally, under her desperate gaze, crisp explosions began to come from her face.

Bang, bang, bang...

Along with this horrible sound, Flampe also began to feel the pain from her face.

She kept screaming in pain.

She unconsciously touched her face with her hand, but this touch seemed to trigger a mechanism, and all the bumps exploded in an instant.

Her face turned into a bumpy surface of the moon.

Su Chen also took out a mirror and handed it to her.

Flampe looked at herself in the mirror, who was so ugly that she even forgot the pain on her face.

She began to scream loudly.

""Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhh!"

She was frightened by her own horrible appearance, and she couldn't stop screaming.

In the mirror, her face was full of deep pits, and her ugliness was rare in the world.

For someone who attaches great importance to appearance, disfigurement is absolutely fatal.

After screaming for a while, she became quiet, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

It seemed that she had been hit by the facts in front of her and collapsed.

Su Chen let go of her hand and threw her on the deck.

Clapping his hands, looking at Flampe's appearance, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Like to laugh at others for being ugly?

Let you try to be laughed at by others.

Turning to look at Katakuri behind him, he withdrew the pressure and patted him on the shoulder. Su Chen said earnestly:"Education is still necessary. Otherwise, it is easy to lose your life when you go out."

"There are not many people as kind as me in this world."

Ka Er looked at Su Chen who winked at him after he finished speaking, and felt a little speechless.

You still think this is kind?

But he did not refute anything, after all, his sister was really too much.

Although this punishment was a bit heavy for her, it was not something he could decide.

Just when Su Chen was about to leave, Flampe, who was sitting behind him, suddenly rushed towards him frantically!

"You bitch! Die! Die for me! How dare you destroy my face!"

She shouted frantically, and stabbed Su Chen with a sharp dagger in her hand. Just as

Ka Er was about to use the rice cake to stick to her, he felt a huge force coming from Su Chen's arm that was supporting his shoulder.

That force directly pushed him back. At the same time, Su Chen's low voice came to his ears.

"What do you want to do, Kaji?"

"If you do something wrong, you must take responsibility. Even if you stop her, it still can't change the fact that she raised the blade against me."

At this time, Flampe had stabbed Su Chen's back with the dagger in her hand again and again.

She kept muttering,"Go to hell, die, die!"……"

But when the dagger stabbed into Su Chen's body, it only made a clanging sound. It couldn't break his defense at all.

At this time, Su Chen had no expression on his face and said in a flat tone:

"Except your family, no one will forgive your rudeness! And no one will condone your arrogance!"

After that, there was a muffled bang.

Flampe, who was waving her arms, suddenly disappeared from the spot.

No one could see what happened. Only Kaji, who had a high level of observation, looked at the sea in the distance with a worried look.

At this time, Flampe had flashed to the sea one kilometer away.

On her ugly face, there was another deep slap mark.

The mark was extremely clear, and there was even a trace of green smoke on her face.

The whole person fell asleep without any process.

With a plop, she disappeared from Kaji's sight.

Kaji looked at Su Chen's back helplessly as he strode away, and sighed.

Then he pointed to the place where Flampe fell into the water, and ordered the people next to him to rescue Flampe.

"Yo~ what's wrong? You look a little unhappy. Brother Ka!"

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