Back to the other side, Whitebeard was wiping his face with a look of regret.

He was still hurt by Kaido's blow just now.

"Really, that kid actually ran away. Didn't he say he was always begging for death? Why is he so cowardly now?……"

He muttered to himself.

But now that everyone has run away, there is nothing he can do.

In terms of speed, Kaido who can fly has the advantage.

When he was about to go see his daughters, the Den Den Mushi in his arms rang.


After picking up the phone, Marco's appearance appeared in front of him.

As soon as the call was connected, he heard him say in a hurried tone:"Dad! Teach is dead!"

Even Whitebeard was a little surprised when he heard it. There were so many of them there, how could they not even take care of Teach, a cripple with no limbs?

They were able to kill Teach right under the noses of their Four Emperors. Could it be another Four Emperors?

Red Hair?

But before he could ask, Marco told the truth

"Dad, he blew himself up. No one touched him, he was hanging on the bow, and he blew himself up."

Marco said with a tone of disbelief.

He had no idea how that guy Teach did it.

Now there is nothing left, so they can't study it even if they want to.


After hearing what Marco said, Whitebeard immediately thought of Teach's peculiar body structure.

Teach has never slept for a second since he was born.

Could it be that with his physique, he has the ability to self-destruct?

But other than this, Whitebeard couldn't think of any other reason.

First of all, he ruled out that someone had planted a bomb on him.

When he was taken back, Whitebeard's observation Haki didn't find anything abnormal at all.

And after returning, everyone wanted him to live a life worse than death, and it was even more impossible for them to help him get rid of him out of kindness.

That left only this one answer.

Although I think it's a bit too easy for that guy, let him die.

"Well, they are all dead anyway, it is not your fault, don't worry about it, hurry up and bring them back."

Marco also guessed it at this time. He was the ship's doctor and knew everyone well.

Seeing that his father did not mean to blame him, he did not say anything more.

"Okay. By the way, Dad, I just got some news that Su Chen went to Wan Guo with her group of kids on Big Mom's ship."

"I don't know if he needs help. Dad, you can call him and ask. It's probably a bit dangerous for him to go into the Four Emperors' territory alone."

After listening to Marco, although Whitebeard couldn't guess what Su Chen wanted to do, but... dangerous?

It's Lingling who is in danger, right?

"Gulala, Marco, you can worry about me dying suddenly one day, but you don't have to worry about him being in danger."

"The one in the most danger now is Lingling. I hope she can be more sensible, so that she may have a chance to survive."

Whitebeard was not worried at all, and even thought Marco's question was a little funny. He told him not to worry about Su Chen.

After that, he hung up the phone, and then he muttered to himself:

"Marco is still not good enough. He can't even sense how terrifying Su Chen is. How did he train his observation Haki? It's so weak. It seems that I have to give him some special training when I have time.……"

After putting away the Den Den Mushi and picking up the big knife beside him, Whitebeard walked towards his children with a smile on his face.


Bang Bang Bang

"Xiaoka! Serve the tea!"

On the calm sea, the sun was shining brightly, warm but not dazzling.

The boat was moving steadily.

At this time, on the big bow of the boat, a big parasol was standing in the most conspicuous position.

Under the parasol was a rice cake lounge chair, and next to the lounge chair was a rice cake table with a mirror on the table.

Su Chen was lying on the lounge chair with a comfortable look on his face. The sea breeze blew slowly, blowing his clothes in the wind.

Su Chen, wearing sunglasses, knocked on the table beside him and shouted behind him.

After shouting, he lay back lazily.


He opened his mouth and ate the peeled and seeded grapes handed by Brin, and stretched comfortably.

Soon, Ka Er, with a gloomy face, brought a cup of tea and placed it on the table next to Su Chen. He had already scolded Su Chen in his heart.

Su Chen really didn't lie, he only used to spoil himself!

He was not idle all day!

What if the chair was broken, the table was dirty, the chopsticks fell, or he was not full. He called Xiao Ka first.

What's more, this guy even called him when there was no toilet paper in the middle of the night!

Your grandmother! Giant baby, right!

This day... This really left a trauma on Kaji. He trembled when he heard the word"Xiao Ka".

He was afraid that Su Chen would do something stupid again and let him deal with it.

Just serving tea like now seemed very easy to him.

It was just that Su Chen felt that it was a bit awkward for him to feed him next to him, and he could not eat.

Otherwise, Kaji would be standing in Brin's position, peeling grapes for him one by one.

After signaling to Brin with his eyes, Su Chen, who was in a vegetative state, drank the tea brought by Kaji while lying down. After taking a sip, he asked Brin to put it back.

"Black tea?"

"What's wrong with the black tea?"

Ka Er asked in confusion.

"Go add some ice cubes and give it to me, I like iced black tea." Ka Er clenched his fists again when he heard this. This guy is getting harder and harder to please!

But he still picked up the teacup on the table, added some ice cubes and handed it to Su Chen again.

"Leave it there. I'm not thirsty anymore."

Su Chen said meanly.

Ka Er's breathing stagnated.

With a dark face, he silently put the quilt back on the table. Only the hand holding the teacup was shaking slightly!

Lying on the breathable recliner made of rice cake by Ka Er, it was so comfortable~

The rice cake was soft, lying on it was like a sofa


After eating another grape, Su Chen looked at Brin standing beside him. He scanned her up and down.

I have to say that Oda is really good at drawing. In the world of pirates, almost all of them are big.

At a young age, they have already become deadly weapons.

"You are very good."

After Su Chen finished speaking, Brin's face became visibly flustered.

Seeing Su Chen's sweeping eyes, Brin, who already understood something, couldn't help but get scared. What does he want to do? He can't be thinking about that!

I'm only fourteen years old!

If he really comes, should I resist?

I can't seem to resist, what should I do!

In the end, she had no choice but to look to Ka Er behind her for help, hoping that her most reliable brother could save her.

Ka Er was not worried at all.

He gave Brin a"reassuring" look.

Although Su Chen's behavior was extremely bad, he was still a very good person.

Even though they had only been together for a day, Ka Er could still see this.

But Su Chen's next move made Ka Er drop his jaw.

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