Su Chen fumbled in his arms and took out a small bottle.

Without hesitation, he threw it directly to Brin.

Brin was in a panic and finally caught the bottle thrown by Su Chen.

But after she got it steady, she was stunned. What she held in her hand was a bottle of pure blood.

"This... this?"

She looked back and forth between Su Chen and the bottle with her big eyes, somewhat uncertain.

"For you."

At this time, Su Chen had returned to his vegetative state.

He said in a lazy tone.

But he didn't know how much impact his three lazy words had on the two people present!

Just peeling grapes for a while, he got a bottle of magic medicine?

Brin, who was originally uncertain, was stunned after getting Su Chen's answer. He stared at the bottle in his hand.

And Katakuri behind him was even more confused! His eyes were a little red!

Is this guy crazy! He actually gave that kind of thing casually? Do you really think it's cabbage?

How powerful is the effect of that potion? He has really seen it!

To Whitebeard Strong men of that level would find it useful!

Even he wants it so much!

Holding a bottle in hand is equivalent to having an extra life!

How much Ka-er wishes that he is the one standing over there feeding Su Chen grapes!

Although he feels disgusted, the reward is too great!

Ka-er said that he can endure it even if it is disgusting!

Let me do it!

He was about to go up and pull Brin down, letting himself go on stage. But he suddenly reacted.

I have been serving you all day, and she just peeled grapes for you for half an hour.

Then it’s not too much for me to just ask for a bottle?

Thinking of this, he was about to step forward and say a few words, but Su Chen spoke again.

"Your fruit ability is very useful. I will ask you for help in the future, so this is your reward."

These words made Katakuri stop immediately. His old face couldn't help but blush.

It turned out that it was not because of peeling grapes...

It was awkward.

Looking at Brin who was still in a daze, Katakuri also reminded her:"Why are you standing there? This guy might regret it later!"

Although Katakuri wanted it very much, he had no intention of snatching it from his sister.

Brin came back to her senses and hurriedly thanked Su Chen.

After hearing what Su Chen said later, she felt that it was a little unreal.

In her opinion, her ability was useless. It was not worth exchanging it for such a precious magic medicine.

Even her mother only valued her because of her ability as a three-eyed tribe member. In her opinion, the memory fruit was completely useless.

But the man in front of her...

Brin was staring blankly at Su Chen, who had his eyes closed and his hair blown by the sea breeze.

She only thought in her heart.

He is so handsome...

Su Chen didn't know that his action The movement brought the first ray of light to the little girl's fourteen years of dark life.

Su Chen ignored their shock, what he wanted to do was very simple.

Clear the memory.

But of course not by himself.

He just wanted to wait until later, if his sister really woke up, he would use the power of the memory fruit to clear all the dark and painful memories from her little head.

From now on, his sister would only be responsible for living a carefree, happy and healthy life.

Su Chen was responsible for protecting her from worries.

Although he didn't know how to make her wake up yet. But, he could definitely do it.

"Hey, big brother is taking a rest?"

At this time, a mean voice came over.

Sikesi also walked towards Su Chen.

But his eyes did not look at the road at all.

When Ka Er saw him, his head was black and he simply could not stay there.

After instructing Brin to hide the bottle and not tell anyone about what happened today, he turned around and left.

Sikesi kept looking back at Ka Er's back. He was still looking until he was about to bump into Su Chen's recliner.

Su Chen was also very upset at this time, and he jumped up from the recliner!

He punched this guy on the head.

Su Chen's version of the iron fist, without love.

This time, Sikesi was directly beaten to the bottom of the ship. His head was flattened.

After waiting for a long time, he finally climbed out of the big hole on the deck.

Covering his bulging head with tears in the corners of his eyes

"How is the practice going? Can you do the peeling?"

Su Chen asked unhappily. Sometimes he really wanted to beat this dishonest guy to death.

Sikesi covered his head and replied a little aggrievedly:"It's OK, as long as you die, you can do it."

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

It was worth bringing him along this time. He mastered it quite quickly.

"Sit down. Let's enjoy the sea breeze together."

Su Chen created a blood chair on the other side of the table, motioning Sikesi to sit down.

Actually, Sikesi was not a gei, but he had too much contact with Su Chen and was attracted by his unique charm.

It is commonly known as turning gay.

Looking at Su Chen's lazy look, Sikesi also lay down like him.

Feeling the sea breeze, he seemed to enjoy his retirement life in advance.

The comfortable feeling made him fall asleep quickly.

There was silence here.

Only Su Chen occasionally screamed"ah~".

Not long after, a sound suddenly came from the mirror on the table next to him.

"We're here."

He looked sideways, and Bree's brand new face appeared in the mirror.

Then Su Chen raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, he could vaguely see the outline of an island.

He stood up reluctantly and stretched his body.

Seeing that Sikesi was still sleeping soundly, he slapped him in the face.

In his confused eyes, Su Chen said,"We're here, pack up and prepare to land."

Soon the boat docked at the shore.

Katakuri also came to Su Chen at this time, ready to take him directly to find his mother.

Su Chen did not move, but said lightly

"Wait, wait for that kid Sikesi."

Kardi heard this, and the smile on his face froze because he was finally able to get rid of that guy.

Sikesi didn't let the two wait for long.

The group quickly walked towards the location where the aunt was.

But along the way, some were happy and some were sad.

Sikesi:( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Card 2:( ̄ー ̄)

The contrast was extremely sharp.

At the same time, on the busy streets of Wanguo, several people who were wrapped tightly and looked like zongzi were walking towards the center of the island.

"Hey! Shanks! What is this? Is this what you call a disguise?"

A voice came from one of the dumplings.

"What's wrong? Is our disguise not good enough? Who can recognize us? I'm a genius, okay?"

Zongzi, who was walking in the front, responded.

Zongzi, who had just spoken, looked at the guards who had surrounded them and shouted with a frown on his face:"Are you stupid or do you think others are stupid! The only thing left is that they didn't recognize us!"

Shanks: Just tell me whether you recognized me or not.

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