And now, in the center of the island, a disaster is about to happen.

In the huge palace.

The big aunt's huge body is sitting steadily on a huge chair, surrounded by Homies.

From time to time, a lucky person will be eaten.

At this time, under her huge body

""Mom, Katakuri and his team have already landed on the island and will be here soon." said Big Mom's sixteenth son, Minister of Ice Cream Moscato. He looks a bit like Seaman in SpongeBob SquarePants.

Not all of them were dispatched for this operation, and a group of people stayed in Wan Guo to guard the island.

He was one of them.

"Where is Su Chen?"

"They are coming together. They will be here in about half an hour."

Hearing this, the aunt finally showed a hint of joy on her face.

"Mama Mama! That handsome boy is finally here! He must be my 58th husband!"

"I'm going to get him soon! Mama Mama~ And I can also eat wedding cake, wedding cake~ It's so happy!"

The aunt said while laughing wildly.

After all, she has been thinking about Su Chen for a while, and now she is finally going to see the real person!

She had already figured it out in her mind, Su Chen's appearance is definitely the only one she has ever seen in her life.

This time, no matter whether that guy is willing or not!

I must get him!

Even the call to Kaido was just because she was afraid that she could not subdue Su Chen alone and give Su Chen a chance to escape.

But with Kaido, it should be foolproof.

Two four emperors, and Kaido can fly, his speed must be no less than that kid.

In order to get Kaido to agree, she It cost a lot.

But when she thought of Su Chen's strong and charming body, she felt that everything was worth it.

Let's do it today!

Get married today!

Have the wedding night tonight!

The sooner the better!

I really want to eat the wedding cake.

Eat cake~ Mama Mama~

Auntie was thinking sweetly.

But she didn't realize that her eyes were getting redder and redder.

At the same time, Su Chen and others were walking slowly.

But Sikesi, like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, kept looking at the talking flowers and plants on both sides of the road.

From time to time, he exclaimed

"Wow! The chrysanthemum actually opens and closes when it talks! It looks so weird! Why is it wrinkled? Is it dying?"

"Oops! There is also a trash can that can talk. How can people throw garbage into it?"

"Holy shit, what is that? A mirror also has a face!"

"I want to make a mirror, too, a mirror for the bathroom, it's exciting just thinking about it!"

Just after he finished saying this, he suddenly felt a chill coming.

Looking back, Su Chen was looking at him with a smile.

Then, before he could react, a fist had already hit him on the top of his head.


Sikesi immediately held his head and cried out. His two hands kept scratching the place where he was hit.

This punch hit him hard again. He squatted on the ground and couldn't get up.

The two didn't wait for him. They were almost annoyed by him all the way.

When Su Chen heard him talk about the mirror, he inexplicably thought of the mirror he had moved out of his bathroom before.

It made him feel cold again.

Soon Sikesi caught up with him, and there was a big bump on his head.

At this time, Sikesi looked a little disappointed.

Just now, Su Chen's punch didn't even give him a warning.

The punch hit his head as if it was completely There was no process. After all, he was very fast now. He even thought that he could dodge it if he tried hard.

But now...

Sikesi, who thought he was quite strong now, immediately wilted again.

It turned out that he had never caught up with his elder brother.

But soon he recovered as before. There was no excessive entanglement.

The look he gave Su Chen was full of admiration again.

Bru bru bru...

At this time, Katakuri's Den Den Mushi rang.

After picking up the call, a loud noise came first.

Katakuri's expression immediately became solemn. At this time, a hurried voice rang out from the Den Den Mushi.

"Brother! Mom's bulimia has occurred! She's going crazy! She's destroying everything! The food will take another half an hour to be ready! Come back and help!"

I could still hear the aunt's voice from time to time.

‘Wedding cake~Wedding cake! '

At this time, Katakuri also became anxious. He spoke very quickly:

"Moscato! Don't act rashly! Just let mom destroy it! Evacuate the crowd! Wait for me to go back! Remember! Don't try to stop mom! Your safety comes first!"

Ka Er hung up the phone right after he finished speaking.

Without stopping, he immediately sprinted towards the central town at high speed.

He didn't even have time to say hello to Su Chen. It can be seen how anxious he is now.

Su Chen didn't say anything when he saw this. The whole world knew that the aunt had bulimia.

He was not surprised.

Just give her what she wanted to eat. It's not difficult.

This is not what he should worry about.

He just quickened his pace a little. Try to arrive in half an hour.

At this time, the central town had been destroyed by the aunt.

Around the collapsed ruins, large pieces of corpses lay on the ground. The blood had soaked the surrounding road surface.

There were also many meat patties crushed by the aunt on the road.

The blood was splattered all around.

The aunt was still attacking the periphery

"Wedding cake! I want to eat wedding cake!"

She said as she bit the surrounding buildings.

But none of them tasted like what she wanted to eat! This also made her more and more furious and crazy.

The road was full of���Big holes were stepped on.

Just when the old lady was about to crush a little girl again. A figure flashed by! He rushed over quickly, grabbed the girl and brought her to a safe place.

It was Moscato, who was full of justice.

He had been following the old lady all the way, saving whoever he could.

But he only saved a very small part.

Thousands of people died at the hands of the crazy old lady in just a few minutes.

Moscato looked at the old lady who kept walking, and his heart was struggling violently.

But looking at another child being crushed by the old lady, he finally made up his mind!

He jumped up, jumped a few times on the roofs of the few remaining houses, and stood in front of the old lady resolutely.

Blocking her way

""Mom! Stop it!"

Okay, okay, this guy brewed for a long time and said nonsense.

Who do you think you are? Do you think you can follow your words?

At this time, he completely forgot what Ka Er had told him.

He actually wanted to use this weak family affection to wake up his aunt!

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