"Brother! It's useless! Go!"

A beautiful woman nearby shouted anxiously upon seeing this scene.

She had pink hair, yellow eyes, lipstick, fair skin, a purple cloak on her back, and two pointed decorations on her head. She was the most beautiful daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Garrett.

But Moscato didn't move, staring at Big Mom.

He thought he could stop Big Mom this way.

But Big Mom's fat fist had no mercy.

It smashed straight down at him!

He was about to be flattened, but he still didn't move!

He just stared at Big Mom resolutely.

Just when he was about to turn into a pool of meat paste, Garrett rushed over and pushed him out. Saved him.

The two fell backwards together. Avoided Big Mom's fist


Garrett stood up and tried to pull her brother back.

But her brother was so stubborn that she couldn't pull him back.

"Don't worry about me! Garrett! I must protect the people!"

Then he shouted to the aunt

""Mom! Stop!"

Garrett watched as the aunt approached step by step, even raising her hand again. The anxiety on her face became more and more intense.

""Go! It's useless! Brother!"

But even though she had shouted as hard as she could, the figure still did not move.

Looking at the fist that was getting closer and closer, Garrett shouted in despair.



The fist did not stop at all because of her shouting, and smashed down without hesitation.

In an instant, blood splattered.

The blood splashed on Garette's face, and she touched the blood on her cheek in a daze.

Brother... dead? Beaten to death by mother?

Bang, bang, bang.

At this time, the aunt lost her target and began to approach her.

She finally came to her senses. She had no time to be sad. She got up and ran back.

Looking at her mother behind her, she felt terrified.

At this time, the aunt was like a wild beast, killing all the creatures she saw.

But just as she was getting more and more afraid, pools of mucus began to emerge from her body.

The crazy aunt grabbed the mucus floating from Garette's body!

After grabbing it , she Then she pulled hard!

A lot of mucus was pulled out from Garrett's body!

Those were her lifespan!

With so much lifespan pulled out by the aunt! Garrett's body began to age rapidly!

The skin on her body became wrinkled in an instant. Her plump body became skinny in the blink of an eye.

With just this one move, fifty years of her lifespan was taken away. She was originally young and beautiful, but now she looked like an eighty-year-old woman.

She only had one breath left. She collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

The aunt was still pressing on step by step, with no intention of giving up.

In Garrett's yellow eyes, the only one that had not changed, there was only despair at this time.

The brothers and sisters around were just watching anxiously.

No one dared to step forward.

""Go to hell!"

The aunt's sharp voice came out, and at the same time, her fist smashed down fiercely. At this critical moment, a long rice cake arm stretched out!

Katakuri's figure also appeared in the distance. And was approaching this side quickly.

After the rice cake stuck to Garette, it was retracted as quickly as possible.

But even so, Katakuri's arm was still scratched.

Severe pain came immediately. The scratched position immediately turned blue and purple.

But fortunately, Garette was saved without any danger.

Looking at the extremely old sister in his arms, Katakuri knew what happened without guessing.

A touch of heartache flashed in his eyes.

His beautiful sister is now like an old woman who is about to die.

Most of her life has been taken away.

Only then did he remember his brother. He hurriedly asked Garette in his arms

"Where's Moscato? Why can't I see him?"

It was Moscato who called me just now. With his personality, he would definitely not run away.

But he was not seen at the scene.

This also gave him a bad feeling.

When she mentioned him, tears welled up in Garrett's eyes.

She reached out with difficulty to touch the blood on her cheek. She looked at Ka-er with sad eyes.

Ka-er's heart skipped a beat.

Am I still coming back too late?

That guy is such a fool!

Why is he so stupid!

What if a few civilians died! Does he have to get himself involved?

Of course he knew the character of his silly brother.

This is also for Why did they repeatedly emphasize to him not to act rashly?

But now it seems that it is of no use...

Katakuri only cares about his brothers and sisters.

His old sister, his dead brother...

At this moment, the look in Katakuri's eyes when he looked at Big Mom was no longer the same as before.

There was no emotion in his eyes.

Maybe he used to treat her as a mother, but now, she is just a captain.

Big Mom saw that the prey in front of her was rescued.

The expression on her face became even more angry. With red eyes, she looked extremely terrifying.

She rushed straight towards Katakuri! She looked like she was going to tear him apart alive.

""Brother, give her to me!"

At this time, a voice came from a mirror next to Kaji.

Brulee's face was floating on it.

Kaji threw her in without hesitation.

Big Mom was already in front of him.


The mirror was shattered on the spot.

After Kaji jumped back to avoid a punch, he began to release a large amount of rice cakes, trying to trap Big Mom in place.

A large amount of rice cakes covered Big Mom in the blink of an eye!

Kaji was still increasing the number of rice cakes.

Just when everyone thought that this would trap their mother, a loud and piercing cry was heard.

The rice cake was instantly broken and shaken.��

The escaped Big Mom rushed towards Katakuri at a very fast speed.

But Katakuri looked normal.

He had foreseen it.

Using his Observation Haki that could foresee the future, Katakuri began to deal with Big Mom.

His purpose was just to delay time. He would never make too many moves.

Big Mom was really delayed.

But every attack failed to hit, making her more and more irritable!

Finally, seeing that she couldn't catch Katakuri, she vented her anger directly on the other people around her!

She was furious like an unconscious beast! She jumped towards the place where several people gathered!


Ka Er had warned her before she jumped up.

Several people fled in a hurry, but there was still a girl wearing a panda hood and with tears in her eyes. She was so frightened by the scene that her legs became weak and she couldn't stand up.

Seeing that the aunt was about to fall on her, Ka Er had to come at the critical moment.

Although he knew that he might be in danger, Ka Er still didn't hesitate.

Nian Gao was too late. He could only come to her in an instant, grab her shoulders and throw her out.

""Bovar! Go to the mirror!"

Ka Er yelled.

But just as he finished speaking, the huge old lady suddenly appeared in front of him!

Almost face to face.

There was a creepy smile on the old lady's face.

Facing such a huge monster and the huge pressure brought by the powerful aura, Ka Er's forehead began to ooze out layers of cold sweat like beads, sliding down his cheeks.

Before he could make any reaction, the old lady had already grabbed Ka Er in her hand at a very fast speed.

The strength in her hand was constantly increasing.

The expression on Ka Er's face gradually became painful.

But now, there are still ten minutes left before the wedding cake is ready...

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