
One after another, everyone was anxious when they saw Katakuri being captured. They all rushed forward to save him.

But with their strength, they would be defeated. If Big Mom gave them a look, they would lose a lot of their lives.

""Don't make trouble! Get out of here!"

A loud shout came.

Ka Er shouted with a painful look on his face.

Hearing this, everyone was forced to stop, their faces full of anxiety. They looked like they could not hold back and rush forward at any time.

""Get out!"

At this time, Katakuri's face was extremely red, his forehead was bulging with blue veins, and his bones were creaking.

It seemed as if he might be crushed at any time.

And Big Mom's hands were still exerting force.

Because she was exerting too much force, the expression on Big Mom's face was extremely ferocious.

Katakuri, who was pinched in her hands, had no power to resist at all.

Maybe this is the difference between the Four Emperors and the Vice Emperors.

When Big Mom was irrational, it was easier for Katakuri to deal with her, but being caught like this, there was really no room for resistance.

Although she had lost her mind, Big Mom's terrifying power did not decrease at all.

Is he going to die?

Feeling the increasing squeezing force, Katakuri couldn't help but think.

Although he felt He felt that he could not hold on any longer and would die on the spot. But he never regretted it. He was just worried about his brothers and sisters.

If he died, would they be able to survive the next time his mother had an attack?

It was really hard to say.

Thinking of this, he rekindled his desire for life.

No! He had to hold on!

It only took ten minutes! Just ten minutes!

But the strength in his mother's hands had not reached its limit and was still increasing.

If this continued, he would definitely die within thirty seconds, not to mention ten minutes.

Kaji gradually fell into despair, and his consciousness began to become more and more blurred. His eyes were bloodshot!

Just when he was ready to give up and accept the arrival of death, a mean voice came.

"Hey, Xiaoka. What's going on? Are you going to perform a rice cake explosion for us?"

When hearing this voice, Kaer's gradually disintegrating pupils suddenly burst into light!

This voice, and the tone that asked for a beating, which he used to be extremely annoyed with. But now it's like the sound of nature!

At the same time as the voice rang out, a smiling figure suddenly appeared in Kaer's blood-red perspective.

He saw that the figure suddenly changed, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a demon.

Then the demon disappeared from his perspective in an instant.

An unspeakable fear also rose in his heart.

Almost at the same time, he felt himself flying at supersonic speed.

And the constant squeezing force suddenly disappeared, and his mother squeezed his hand tightly, and just let it go.

Without restraint, Kaer fell to the ground with a bang. The sudden disappearance of the squeezing made him spit out a mouthful of Blood.

Although he stopped.

But Big Mom was still flying backwards.

It was not until a loud bang was heard in the distance that Big Mom finally stopped flying backwards.

She flew until she was close to the edge of the Cake Island before stopping.

At this time, there was a deep fist mark on her face.

And as expected, she fell asleep.

In Su Chen's Great Destruction form, a punch with the devil's breath was enough to make even Big Mom fall asleep without taking any defensive measures.

Su Chen called this move the coaxing sleep punch.

At this time, Big Mom's steel balloon was like a real balloon, useless in front of Su Chen.

It broke at the touch.

According to this situation, it would be easy to let her take a ten-minute nap.

The brothers and sisters around who had just wanted to save Katakuri widened their eyes.

"He, he actually beat his mother away"

"Why is mom silent? Did she fall into the water?"

"Impossible, that sound was clear, it was the sound of something falling on the ground"

"Doesn't that mean that mom fainted?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present gasped.

Someone actually knocked mom unconscious with one punch! How is it possible?!

Mom's iron body, all of them together could not break the defense.

This person actually, with one punch...

What kind of monster is he?!

Brulee and the old sisters Garrett also saw it clearly in the mirror.

The three of them all had expressions of shattered worldviews.

It seemed that their worldviews had collapsed.

Brulee really didn't expect that this man who made all of them unable to fight back could defeat mom with one punch.

No wonder even her brother obeyed him all the way.

He was used like a servant.

It turned out that her brother was trying to save our lives!

Brulee was so moved at this time.

Her brother was worried about their family!

Katakuri finally recovered a little at this time. He struggled to sit up.

His limbs were still stiff and couldn't lift up.

Recalling the terrifying power of Su Chen's punch just now. He couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If that punch hit him, there would definitely be no drop left.……

""Are you okay, Xiaoka?"

At this time, the annoying voice came from behind him again. But now, he didn't think it was so annoying.

He wanted to turn his head, but found that he couldn't do it now.

His neck couldn't move in a short time.

He could only look forward and said


"Hahaha, what are you thanking me for, Xiao Ka? I was counting on you to bring me toilet paper in the middle of the night. Brothers, work hard for me in the future and I will ensure your safety throughout your life."

Su Chen said as he slapped Ka Er on the shoulder.

It seemed that he did not notice Ka Er's increasingly open mouth.

The good impression that Ka Er had just had on him disappeared on the spot.

The loud slapping sounds continued.

Ka Er wanted him to stop clapping his hands, but he was in so much pain that he could not speak. At the critical moment, it was Bu Lei who stood up. She crawled out of a relatively intact mirror next to her and stopped Su Chen's behavior.

"Stop! Stop taking pictures! You're going to kill him!"

He rushed over and grabbed Su Chen's hand.

Seeing this, Ka Er immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He gave a grateful look to Brulee in front of him.

"No way, Xiaoka, you are so weak. It is not good for a man to be like this."

Su Chen did not feel embarrassed at all and was still teasing Ka Er.

Ka Er: Sometimes I really want to tear his mouth apart! How can a good person have a mouth!

Brulee was holding her medicine box in her hand at this time, wanting to bandage Ka Er urgently and apply some medicine to relieve his pain.

Su Chen stopped her behavior when he saw this.

Brulee looked at him puzzled. She didn't know why he wanted to stop this.

Just when Brulee was puzzled, Su Chen slowly put his hand into his arms.

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