Then, under the incredulous gazes of Brulee and Kaji, he took out another bottle of pure blood.

He handed it to Brulee.



I got the method?!

This thing? Are you doing wholesale?

It's only been a short time, just one day, and this guy has already taken out three bottles of this thing!

And almost all of them are free! And they are all given to people who have just met for less than a day!

Really doing wholesale, right?

Really free, right?

Really giving it away for free, right?

Kaji's three views were also successfully cracked at this time. This guy... is so good to him?

He was a little unconvinced.

Until he saw Brulee shaking his hands and took the extremely precious potion.

After opening it, he slowly poured it into his mouth.

It was not until he really swallowed it that the powerful drug effect began to frantically heal the severe injuries on his body.

He finally believed that this guy in front of him... was serious!!!

The severe pain in his body quickly disappeared. His body with multiple fractures also recovered as before.

Half a minute later, he was able to stand up. One minute later, all the injuries on his body were healed.

No traces were left.

He even felt that the bottleneck of strength that he had been unable to break through for so many years was loosening slightly!

Feeling the earth-shaking changes in his body, Ka Er was almost stunned.

The feeling of watching others use it is completely different from using it yourself! It

's too outrageous!

This kind of thing! This kind of thing!

This guy actually took out one bottle after another!

Ka Er looked at Su Chen with shock on his face.

Now, he felt that even if Su Chen had a mouth, it seemed that he could accept it!

But is this really something that can be taken for free?

Su Chen seemed to see through his thoughts. He just smiled slightly.

"It's for you"

"Xiaoka, generosity is a necessary quality when you go out. You still have a lot to learn!"For pure-blooded people, giving him a few ships is not a big deal to Su Chen.

In fact, Su Chen just admires him more, and he can be regarded as a soulmate. Both guys are crazy about protecting their sisters...

On the other side, the aunt also woke up slowly. At this time, she was actually freed from the food addiction.

Her eyes were clear again, no longer as crazy as before.

She just woke up and touched her cheek subconsciously, but the tingling on her face made her a little confused.

Looking at the surrounding environment with some doubts, she didn't remember what happened at all.

At this time, several chefs brought They ran to the aunt holding a big wedding cake. Seeing that the aunt had regained consciousness, they suddenly felt a little incredible!

Mom's bulimia can actually recover without eating!

This is the first time!

Seeing this, they still ran over. Mom usually loses her memory when she wakes up, and they want to tell the aunt what happened just now.

The aunt listened to them expressionlessly as they told her about how she almost crushed Katakuri to death in an unconscious state, without any fluctuations in her heart.

It seemed that Katakuri was just an insignificant tool that could be discarded at will.

However, when she learned that Su Chen had knocked her here with just one punch and even made her unconscious, her face finally changed slightly.

Coupled with the burning pain on her cheek at this moment, she clearly realized that this person named Su Chen did have strength that should not be underestimated.

Despite this, the aunt still did not really take Su Chen to heart.

After all, she was in a defenseless state at the time. If she fought normally, the opponent would not be able to break her defense at all.

But speaking of this Come on, this kid can do this, he is quite capable.

It seems that calling Kaido this time was not in vain.

At this moment, Kaido was lying leisurely in Big Mom's bedroom, sleeping soundly and snoring loudly.

It seems that he was really tired after fighting with Whitebeard for several hours.

At this time, Kaido only wanted to say.

If I hadn't clamped it tightly! I would have been shaken to incontinence!

Big Mom stood up shakily, she still felt dizzy. She got up and walked towards her cake palace.

Even the wedding cake didn't smell so good anymore.

"Go, ask Su Chen to meet me in the cake hall"

""Okay, Mom!"

Strangely enough, Big Mom's huge residence was not damaged at all, otherwise Kaido would not be able to sleep so peacefully in it.

Soon Su Chen and his team received the news.

"Tsk~ A little Four Emperor, so arrogant, big brother. How dare she let you go to see her?"

Sikesi was unhappy. His big brother's bounty is 7 billion! It's more than half higher than you, a rubbish Four Emperor!

Where on earth did she get the courage to be so arrogant!

It would be fine if she didn't come to greet him, but she asked my big brother to go to see you!

"You can't stand this? After all, we need help, even though we just want to ask her some questions. I hope everything goes well. I'm going to pay her some money after it's done."

Su Chen didn't care. In his opinion, it was just some questions about the soul, and there was no reason for the aunt to refuse. Besides, he didn't plan to get it for free.

"Then she obviously doesn't take you seriously, big brother!"

Sikesi was still indignant, thinking that the aunt was completely bullying!

Since ancient times, how could someone with a low bounty dare to order someone with a high bounty!

""Stop yelling! Let's go!"

Su Chen ignored him and shouted as he walked towards the only intact building within a few kilometers.

Although the aunt was nothing in his eyes, it was for his sister after all.

According to his guess, there are only two ways for blood magic to revive the dead.

After a person dies, the soul in the body will definitely disappear.

It may dissipate or go somewhere.

If you want to revive her, you must reshape her soul or forcibly pull back her lost soul.

No matter which one, the power of blood magic is unquestionable.

But in essence, it is the blood of the dark race that is strong.

Like those dark race servants, no matter how much they study blood magic, they can't reach the level of being able to revive. The point of death.

What they lack is the powerful blood of the Darkin.

Since it is confirmed that blood magic can resurrect people, it must be able to make the corpse regain his original soul.

So Su Chen came to the aunt, not to ask how to find the soul.

But... how to nourish it.

His sister's soul has been missing for so long, it must be damaged. Even if it will be slowly restored later, the process must be painful.

Now, he is thinking about finding a way to reduce or even avoid this pain!

His sister has suffered enough.

As a brother, he should be a little bit tired, be a grandson again, and be humble once... It's all right.

As long as his sister is fine, it's enough.

This is Su Chen's only wish.

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