(The previous chapter is a supplement, if you haven't read it, you can go and read it first!)

It was drizzling at this time. The weather was terribly gloomy.

Katakuri had fully recovered, and he was full of energy and could go out again.

He was busy directing at this time.

Everyone was doing their job under his command. They were constantly repairing the damaged island with their own abilities.

The buildings were rebuilt at a very fast speed, and the streets were quickly cleared and cleaned.

A large number of corpses were thrown into a big pit for cremation.

Owen, who had the Heat-Heat Fruit, was very good at doing this kind of thing.

It has to be said that these devil fruits of the Big Mom Pirates are really convenient.

It's like a large construction team.

Katakuri listened to the conversation between Su Chen and Sikesi at this time, and looked at the two people walking towards the cake castle, with a complicated look in his eyes.

At this time, he actually hoped that his mother would reject Su Chen.

If his mother rejected him, then the next script would most likely be that his mother would be killed by Su Chen.

This is also why he hoped that his mother would reject him.

If mom died, although their Four Emperors Pirates would cease to exist, the lives of all the brothers and sisters would no longer be in mom's hands.

He could even set up a pirate group by himself. To protect everyone's safety.

He had a vague feeling that Su Chen came here for the Soul Soul Fruit.

And the ability of that dead gay guy was to transfer the devil fruit ability of the dead.

All this was guessed by him.

He guessed it based on Su Chen's behavior.

Originally, Su Chen was polite to them at the beginning. The purpose was also to not anger mom.

But since meeting this guy, Su Chen's style of doing things has not changed much. But Katakuri could clearly feel that Su Chen no longer had any scruples.

He also had no doubt that Su Chen had the ability to kill mom, because in his perception, Su Chen was much more terrifying than mom gave him!

If mom was a tiger, then Su Chen just now was a Godzilla.

There was no comparison between the two.

At the same time, several people wearing cloaks and with their brims pressed down low were standing on an intact house not far away. They had a full view of everything that had just happened.

"This... Shanks, can you knock Big Mom out with one punch?"

The bloated fat figure looked incredible at this time.

He looked at another person beside him and asked.

Shanks also looked solemn at this time and did not answer Lakilu's question.

But his silence has already answered this question in disguise.

He can't do it.

"That guy is growing too fast."

Shanks said in a heavy tone. His voice was full of solemnity.

Su Chen's rise was so fast that no one could match it.

Shanks had never expected that Su Chen actually had the strength to surpass the Four Emperors.

If he didn't come this time, Big Mom would probably be in danger.

If there is one less Four Emperors on the sea, the stable situation will be broken, and the direction of the sea will be beyond everyone's expectations.

But since he is here, this kind of thing will never happen again!

Cake Castle.

Led by the guards at the door, Su Chen and the others soon came to Big Mom.

At this time, she was sitting on her huge chair again.

When the Homies saw Su Chen coming in, they all chattered.

"It's him! It's my mom's husband!"

"He's finally here! What an honor it is to be my mom's husband!"

"Mom likes this person the most. Are they getting married today?

A bunch of Homies were chatting enthusiastically, gossiping about Su Chen crazily.

"Shut up."

The aunt said calmly, and the surroundings immediately became quiet.

These things must obey their mother's orders unconditionally.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Then the aunt looked at the two people standing below with an expressionless face.

""Tsk~ They didn't even give us a seat! They made us stand! What the hell!"

Sikesi muttered in a low voice. His tone was full of dissatisfaction with the aunt. But he was not stupid and did not say it out loud.

After all, his eldest brother still needed help. He couldn't cause trouble.

"This time I came here mainly to consult you about some issues related to the soul"

"Of course, I'm not asking in vain. I will give you a satisfactory reward. Just like the potion used by Whitebeard in the Battle of Marineford."

Su Chen didn't waste any words and got straight to the point. He directly stated the purpose of his visit. He believed that no one could refuse the abnormal healing effect of pure blood.

After hearing this, the aunt showed a surprised expression on her face.

Really just asking questions?

She looked at Su Chen's face and could see that he was not lying, and his eyes were very sincere. He had no hostility towards her now.

This guy really just came to ask her questions!

And he offered such a generous reward right away.

She naturally knew about the miraculous event of Whitebeard in the Battle of Marineford.

Just the rejuvenation of his appearance can make almost all women in the world crazy.

But the aunt is not among them.

She doesn't care about her appearance. What she cares about is whether her husband's genes are strong and whether the breed is novel.

Obviously, Su Chen has both.

The genes are strong and the breed is suspected to be a demon. Of course, he is also handsome.

This is what attracts the aunt.

The aunt only wants this

""Well, your reward is quite tempting. But I refuse."

The aunt was just worried about where to threaten Su Chen. Now this guy came to her door foolishly. How could she let go of this opportunity?

Su Chen's expression froze when he heard it. He really didn't expect the aunt to refuse.

In that case... there was no need to talk nonsense.

Just when he was about to turn hostile and start fighting, the aunt spoke again.

This time she put forward her own request.

"Ask me questions in person and ask me to answer them in person. The fee is very expensive."

The corners of the aunt's mouth slowly curled up as she spoke.

"Expensive? What do you want?"

"I want yours, that……"

As she spoke, the old lady looked down at Su Chen.

Su Chen followed her gaze and slowly lowered his head.

After a quick thought, he knew what the old lady meant.

This old guy was after his body!

To be honest, Su Chen didn't know that the old lady had been thinking about him for a long time.

Now looking at the old lady's eyes, Su Chen felt a chill!

You want me to drive an aircraft carrier?!

Don't even think about it!

For the sake of his sister, if this was the only way, Su Chen might have hesitated for a fraction of a second.

After hesitating, he still had to refuse immediately.

What's more, this is not the only way to go now!

Su Chen's eyes began to look more and more unkind when he looked at the old lady!

It became more and more dangerous, and the corners of his mouth began to curl up slightly.

His eyes slowly became excited, and a warlike light began to flash in his eyes!

It seems that a battle is inevitable!

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