After listening to Su Chen, Sikesi finally had a look of understanding in his eyes.

Then he felt Su Chen's Domineering Haki that was far superior to Red Hair's, and his face was full of shock. When

Su Chen released Domineering Haki, he would usually avoid friendly forces, so even though Sikesi had seen Su Chen's Domineering Haki so powerful before, he didn't really understand it.

Now he saw Su Chen easily crushing Red Hair's Domineering Haki that almost made him kneel to the ground.

He finally realized that his elder brother's Domineering Haki had surpassed the strongest Domineering Haki owner.

Now Su Chen's Domineering Haki is the real strongest Domineering Haki in the world!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being emotionally rich and saying Aatrox's lines when the environment is appropriate. The current role similarity is 100%!!!"

""Gain 0.1% of Aatrox's physical fitness! (Limit of this world)"

The voice of the system also sounded at this time.

The rewards of this system are extremely concise and short, but those few words contain powerful power.

This power also completely made this battle boring.

Su Chen's constantly surging fighting spirit came to an abrupt end at this time.

He only felt that an extremely powerful force suddenly appeared in his body.

It almost tripled the physical fitness of his current general!

Originally, he thought that the strongest in this world was at most one step better than the Four Emperors.

Now it seems that the old thing Im is absolutely terrifyingly strong.

If he had gone to Mary Geoise to slaughter before, even if Im couldn't kill him, he would definitely have a hundred ways to seal himself up.

Now this is outrageous 's physical fitness, plus the blessing of the advanced version of Da Mie, he now looks at Kaido in front of him and feels that he can blow him into stars with just one punch. He originally planned to use them as sandbags to try to increase the percentage of the system.

But he didn't expect that just as he was ready to fight a big battle, the system gave him a violent improvement.

Now, except for Lingling, whom he must kill, he has no interest in the others.

A good battle was messed up by the system.

But it's okay, at least now he doesn't have to worry about the system not being up to standard.

After dealing with these three guys, his plan of being as steady as an old dog will have to make some changes.

The three people on the opposite side suddenly stagnated when they saw the violent aura surrounding Su Chen.. Then he disappeared.

But they did not relax at all, because Su Chen, who was standing there normally, was like a real devil in their perception of observation Haki.

It was as if he could control their life and death at will.

The heartbeat began to accelerate.

Even the body was shaking uncontrollably!

This situation made all three of them a little angry.

They are the Four Emperors! They were scared like this by a young boy!

We can't wait any longer!

Although we don't know what kind of magic this guy in front of us used, it is definitely impossible for him to be so strong!

Shanks made a prompt decision and led the charge!

Kaido and Big Mom followed closely behind!

The three of them came to Su Chen in an instant at an extremely fast speed. Shanks raised his hand and made the strongest strike!

The ultimate domineering color was wrapped around it!

This strike was almost as powerful as a divine dodge.

As for why he used all his strength right from the start?

Shanks wanted to use this strike to build up his confidence. Or in other words, to dispel the fear in his heart.

Su Chen looked at Shanks who was slashing at him with a knife, and there was no ripple on his face.

Now in his opinion, Shanks's move was too weak.

He was too lazy to even move, as this knife might not be able to break his defense.

Although he thought so. He still made a move.

But it was just a move.

Su Chen slowly raised his hand, with his palm facing the long knife that Shanks was slashing at him.

A black armed color like the abyss was also attached to that palm.

Shanks' pupils shrank sharply when he saw this.

"This guy! He's going to take it with his hands?"

Seeing this, Shanks was not only not happy at all, but even more gloomy.

He had a bad feeling.

Sure enough! The powerful slash landed on Su Chen's hand, and only a sound of metal clashing was heard.

A lot of red lightning jumped on the blade.

But the supreme big knife was tightly grasped in that hand. The mighty momentum suddenly stopped.

It couldn't move at all!

Shanks' face flushed, he had used up all his strength.

But what happened in front of him made him have to open his eyes wide.

His knife... The power was so strong that it couldn't even make this guy take a step back. He couldn't even push his palm back a bit.

How is this possible!

Before Shanks recovered from his shock, an even more unbelievable scene happened!

A wisp of gray mist floated on Su Chen's black palm.

Then he saw that palm suddenly clenched!

What? What does he want to do?

Does he want to crush my Griffin?

Not to mention that the Supreme Blade is already extremely hard, and at this time, Griffin is even blessed with his top-notch armed color domineering.

This guy wants Crushing it to pieces is simply a pipe dream.

But then.

Crackling~ a sound of something cracking was heard.

Shanks' eyes suddenly widened. He looked at the long sword in his hand with shock.

He saw that his beloved sword was already covered with cracks!

Before he could do anything. There was a bang.

The supreme sword held in Su Chen's hand broke into countless pieces.

With a crackling sound, the broken pieces all fell to the ground.

Along with the long sword, Shanks' facial bones were also broken.

The accident happened incredibly fast.

Shanks' equally top-level... He didn't even have time to warn with his Observation Haki. It wasn't until he was blown away that his Observation Haki began to warn frantically.

The warning was so bad, let alone capturing.

He had no idea when Su Chen made his move. He just felt a sudden sharp pain on his face, and the whole person flew out.

And behind Shanks! Big Mom and Kaido had the same idea as him!

Their hearts were also shrouded in gloom.

At this time, the weapons in their hands were overlapping, and then the two of them swung their weapons vigorously, and an extremely powerful and domineering shock wave rushed towards Su Chen.

""Ba Hai!!"

Sikesi was also covered by this attack. Seeing that he could not avoid it, he could only hurriedly dodge behind Su Chen.

He wanted to use Su Chen as a shield.

As long as my brother is still alive, I will not suffer.

The shock wave instantly came to Su Chen.

But he still did not take any measures. He still chose to bear it with his body.

He even put away his sword.

His attitude was extremely arrogant.

Now is a good time to test his newly improved physical fitness.

See if this combined skill in front of him can break his defense.

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