Sikesi thought Su Chen would block it, but he didn't move at all, and planned to take it with his body.

""Damn! Big brother!"

Sikesi was confused and shouted.

When did his big brother become so arrogant? He actually wanted to face the combined skills of the Four Emperors with his face.

That was not something he could handle easily! Too arrogant, brother!

Bahai's extremely powerful shock wave was like an Ultraman's ultimate move, and all the ground along the way was rolled up and shattered.

It hit Su Chen's face directly.

The powerful impact force hit Su Chen, making a loud noise.

Sikesi behind Su Chen was so scared that his face turned green.

"Big brother, you must hold on. If you die, I will die too."

Even Big Mom and Kaido were a little unhappy.

This guy is too arrogant!

He is showing off!

No one in the world can take this blow. This is just asking for trouble.

They could already foresee the scene of Su Chen vomiting blood after being hit by this blow.

But after a few seconds, they still didn't see anyone being knocked out.

Just when the two of them were confused, the sea that was still pouring suddenly dissipated between heaven and earth.

"What? What happened?"

The two were stunned, because in the situation just now, Ba Hai seemed to be shattered by something.

When the aftermath dissipated, Su Chen's figure reappeared in their sight.

But what they didn't expect was that Su Chen was not only fine, but also didn't even take a step back.

This move of theirs actually ended up with the same fate as Red Hair.

"How is it possible!

Kaido was stunned. He had lived so long and committed suicide so many times. He was a real weirdo. He had seen everything.

But everything that happened in front of him still made him feel incredible.

Before they could stop being stunned, they found that Su Chen was slowly retracting his raised arm.

It looked like he had just hit something with his backhand.

"What's going on? Did this guy just disperse Ba Hai with his hands?"

"How is this possible! Damn it!"

Kaido's eyes are about to pop out.

This is totally unreasonable, brother!

Did you turn it on?

Or did you not turn it off at all?

I told you earlier that you are so fierce, I would never come to seek death even if I beat you to death, okay!

I want to leave now...

Kaido, who is seeking death, doesn't seem to want to die so much.

Seeing this, Katakuri, who was watching from a distance, wanting to see if there was a chance to help Su Chen, was also stunned.

Looking at Su Chen, who was a little uninterested at this time, Katakuri felt extremely unfamiliar.

Is this still the man who was like a giant baby on his ship?

He just took two big moves from three four emperors, and he didn't even break a layer of skin.

Three four emperors, a round of attacks. It seems like just scratching an itch!

Su Chen, this guy! Has he become stronger again?

Will he let people live? ?!

And Sikesi behind Su Chen, looking at Su Chen who didn't move, the admiration in his eyes was almost overflowing!

His elder brother!

So awesome!

What four emperors!

What combination skills!

They are all fucking rubbish!

In front of my elder brother, only my sister-in-law is good!

The others are totally not good enough!

But his idea of catching up with his elder brother has disappeared at this time. He is thankful that he can reach the strength of the four emperors.

But in the hands of the elder brother, the four emperors are really like toys.

Let the elder brother fiddle with them.

The aunt was also confused at this time.

Looking at Su Chen who dispersed Ba Hai with a wave of his hand, she fell into deep thought.

If she had known that Su Chen was so strong, let alone targeting him, the aunt just wanted to stay as far away from him as possible!

But now the situation has developed like this. , even if she regretted it, it was too late.

She now wanted to ease the relationship with Su Chen. See if there is any room for turning back.

After all, the current Su Chen seemed to be completely beyond their ability to deal with.

But before she could open her mouth, Su Chen appeared in front of her like a flash.

No matter what they thought. But Su Chen did not forget the purpose of his coming here.

The aunt's pupils didn't even have time to shrink, and an enlarged bloody hand had already strangled her neck tightly.

This scene also made her hold back the next words.

Su Chen didn't want to listen to her nonsense anymore. After all, it was more reassuring to treat his sister's soul by himself.

At the same time, Kaido was kicked in the stomach. Kaido suddenly didn't have the slightest Action.

Totally unable to react.

Su Chen's current speed is like a space jump. No one can catch any trace of him.

This kick almost broke Li Ning's line.

Kaido's body was like rubber, with a big bulge on his entire back.

His stomach was almost kicked through by this kick.

With a dull bang.

Kaido disappeared without a trace.

The speed of the disappearing Kaido was almost catching up with Su Chen.

Such a big man was gone in an instant.

Katakuri and Sikesi didn't even see which direction Kaido flew.

Looking at Big Mom who was pinched in his hand, Su Chen hadn't spoken yet, but Big Mom's not-so-good mouth was already full of desire to survive.

She felt it clearly when Kaido was kicked away just now.

"Don't! Don't move, don't move, don't move!"

Feeling the increasing power from the big hand, the aunt was a little panicked.

But her hands, which were born with supernatural power, grabbed the hand tightly, trying to pry it open.

But the power that had been invincible before seemed to have completely disappeared at this time.

She couldn't even move the palm.

Although what she said just now was a little vague, Su Chen still understood.

Looking at the aunt in this state now, Su Chen had no sympathy.���There was a coldness in his eyes

"You want to answer now? Don't you think it's too late?"

After saying that, Su Chen began to increase the strength in his hands. The expression on the aunt's face began to become more and more painful!

The hands that desperately grasped Su Chen's fingers were throbbing with veins because of too much force.

But it still didn't help.

Now Su Chen, who was using the Great Destruction, was absolutely unmatched in strength.

If he wanted to, he could even smash the island under his feet into powder with one punch.

Directly erase all traces of its existence.

The aunt wanted to compete with him, but it was completely wishful thinking.

Just as the aunt's face was getting redder and redder, and she was about to be killed alive, When the big aunt was about to burst, Red Hair came back to fight.

He wanted to save Big Mom.

Damn, let alone Big Mom now.

Even Sikesi on the side admired this brother.

My big brother is so fierce now.

If I hadn't troubled you, you would have run away.

Now you come back to fight.

Are you crazy? Or is Big Mom your old lover?

Big Mom's eyes, which were narrowed to a slit, were moved to tears when she saw the figure of Red Hair who was like a god descending from the sky.

Red Hair, I was wrong before, I misjudged you!

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