Shanks came with a fierce momentum, and with a serious face, he used his only remaining one arm to punch!

The momentum of this punch was extremely huge.

It seemed that the sky was split in half by the residual power of this punch.

The combat power of the Four Emperors is like this in every blow, and the powerful power will greatly impact the natural environment.

This blow also made Big Mom's eyes brighten.

I didn't expect that without the saber, Red Hair is still so fierce!

Red Hair! Awesome! Too awesome!

Come on! Kill him, kill him!

Big Mom kept shouting in her heart. She rekindled her hope of life at this time.

Just when the dark fist was about to hit Su Chen's head, something strange happened.

Su Chen grabbed Shanks' fist with his other free hand.

Then he swung it hard, like throwing a toy, and Shanks was thrown to the ground by him.

A big hole was smashed hard.

A big foot also stepped on Shanks' chest mercilessly.


After a loud bang, Shanks spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His chest collapsed severely. His ribs were all broken. None of them were intact.

He wanted to stand up again, but that leg seemed to weigh tens of millions of pounds. Shanks, who was seriously injured, couldn't move at all.

The light in Big Mom's eyes that had just slightly lit up dimmed again.

Red Hair, I blamed you wrongly.

So you are so weak. You lie down so soon.

Big Mom was too tired to complain.

They are no match for Su Chen now. It seems that she will die today.

Forget it, there is no hope.

Just when Big Mom fell into despair again, another figure rushed over.

It was Kaido who turned into a dragon!

But his target didn't seem to be Su Chen.

He flew straight towards Sikesi at this time!

He wanted to catch this guy to threaten Su Chen.

He also saw that Su Chen was invincible now.

Even if he rushed up, he would just give away one more head.

But if he could successfully catch this guy who was watching the show, it would definitely be a miraculous effect.

After all, Su Chen's attitude towards him just now was obvious to all.

He was obviously a friend.

Kaido's dragon claw was already within reach.

Although Sikesi saw that the situation was not good and had already started to run towards Su Chen, he was definitely too late at this moment.

Even if he was famous for his speed, it depended on who he was competing with.

Kaido was not a mere idler.

Seeing that the dragon claw was about to hold Sikesi in his hand,

Sikesi was not stupid either, and the Dark Dark Fruit was activated immediately.

The fist covered with black mist wanted to make Kaido's Blue Dragon Fruit ineffective. That way, at least he couldn't fly.

But Kaido's observation Haki had already predicted his next move.

Although he didn't know what the black mist did, he had a bad premonition, so he didn't continue to grab it rashly.

The dragon claw was retracted directly.

Sikesi missed.

Just when he thought he was safe, a dragon tail followed closely behind and swept over!

Like a snake body, it wanted to wrap him up like a dumpling!

Sikesi wanted to defend, but it was too late!

Seeing that the situation was not good, he shouted to Su Chen:"Brother, save me!"

But now Kaido's tail was about to touch him, and Su Chen was still some distance away.

"Humph! He has no time to save you! Ugh~"

Kaido said with disdain. He vomited for some reason after he finished speaking.

He was kicked directly to the bank of the Seine by Su Chen's kick.

That guy, my goodness, was almost kicked to death by him. If he hadn't held it tightly, it would have leaked a little.

All the food he had yesterday morning was kicked out without a drop left.

It's outrageous.

His intestines were almost broken.

Blood was gushing out in large mouthfuls.

When he was kicked, the blood was definitely as strong as a high-pressure water gun. If someone stood in front of him, he would have been sprayed away anyway.

Kaido really doesn't want to get close to Su Chen now.

The physical damage is very serious. Now he still retches from time to time, and his stomach feels like it's about to explode.

Blood keeps rushing up his throat. He has to cough up a mouthful of old phlegm and blood from time to time.

More importantly, Su Chen has caused him serious Psychological damage.

Just when he was about to wrap up Sikesi, he found that Su Chen was looking over here.

But he didn't care. But at this moment! He suddenly stopped! The figure flying in the air also fell down suddenly! It had a fierce and close contact with the ground.

But he didn't figure out what was going on, and wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't do it at all. It felt like something suddenly pressed on him.

A big hole was also smashed on the ground by him.

It was a huge pressure that suddenly fell on him!

Kaido looked at the figure in front of him who was grabbing Lingling and stepping on Shanks.

This guy, just a look is enough to solve me?


At least use some hands to deal with those two guys!

Why are you too lazy to even move your hands when it comes to me!

I'm not reconciled! Am I weaker than them!

""Hu, hu~Fuck, thank you big brother, ha~you saved my life again."

Sikesi panted heavily, looking at Kaido's appearance, he was even more impressed by his big brother's strength.

The four emperors were subdued by just a glance.

Is there anything more awesome in the world?

After Su Chen solved Kaido, he looked at Big Mom again.

He didn't want to wait any longer. He increased his strength! Big Mom's neck was squeezed dry at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Su Chen's blood-coagulated big hand clenched as hard as it could.

Big Big Mom's head suddenly became a little bigger. Her eyeballs bulged out deeply!

But Big Mom is worthy of being called a steel balloon. She held on for two seconds before her fat head exploded into the sky with a bang.

At the same time, Su Chen gently kicked Shanks under him. He kicked him accurately to the side of Kaido.

Shanks also felt the pressure that bound Kaido.

Now that he was seriously injured, he couldn't get rid of this gravity.

And Su Chen grabbed Sikesi.

Without any nonsense, Sikesi also knew that it was his turn to play.

"Hurry up."

Su Chen urged.

After all, this is about his sister, and there is absolutely no room for error.

Hearing this, Sikesi also felt Su Chen's anxiety.

His hands moved faster.

He took out a huge black cloth just like Blackbeard in the original war.

When Su Chen watched One Piece before, he thought that this black cloth was just to prevent other people from prying.

Unexpectedly, this thing is actually a key item.

It may also be that Sikesi's development is not enough, so he needs the help of the black cloth.

In short, this guy covered the two of them and the body with one hand.

He did unspeakable things inside.

(Two more chapters after working on it for a while!)

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