The price is life span, the real life span of the ability user.

One year of use means one year less.

Big Mom has only used this ability a few times in her life. After all, the more she uses it, the faster she dies. But what is this guy doing?

Is there an enemy now? Why is he using a big move right away?

And a tenfold increase, how many years of life span will it take? Is this guy crazy?

Is he in a hurry to die?

Su Chen's actions completely scared the two Four Emperors. But they also made them secretly happy.

This guy doesn't seem to understand this ability yet. This time he will have to live for at least ten or twenty years. If he plays it a few more times, he might die here.

Katakuri looked worried at this time.

He is the one who knows Big Mom's ability best.

He knows clearly that this is not a joke.

He was not sad at all when his mother was killed. He just felt that the shackles were broken.

He is free now.

When Big Mom was pinched by Su Chen just now, he didn't look worried at all.

But now he is worried when he sees Su Chen using his ability indiscriminately.

He flashed to Su Chen's feet, looked up at Su Chen and shouted:"Su Chen! This will consume your own life! Don't use it recklessly!"

"You will waste at least twenty years of your life this time!"

Ka Er shouted at the top of his lungs below.

After listening to him, Sikesi also realized Su Chen's absurd behavior. He also became worried.

Lifespan is extremely precious! What is big brother doing!

He was afraid that Su Chen couldn't hear him because he was too high, so he quickly climbed onto Su Chen's shoulders along their legs.

The wind was a bit strong up there.

Sikesi shouted into his ear:"Big brother! Stop playing! This is fucking life-threatening!"

At this time, Su Chen, who was more than twenty meters tall, felt the wind blowing on his face, looked at the sunset in the distance, and closed his eyes slightly as if enjoying it.

It was the first time that Su Chen felt the feeling of standing high and seeing far.


Su Chen closed his eyes and replied calmly.

Got it?

What's your attitude, big brother?

Why do you seem to not care at all ?

Forget it, since big brother said he knew, he won't say anything.

Sikesi, who was notified, jumped down.

Ka Er immediately came up to him and asked,"How is it, what did he say?"

"My eldest brother said, I got it."

Sikesi directly conveyed the original words.

Ka Er was also a little confused when he heard it.

Got it?

Shouldn't you panic?

How can you be so calm.

That's twenty years!

Su Chen listened to their conversation below and smiled slightly.

He is not stupid, he is the person with the ability.


I am not dead, you are talking to me about lifespan?

Just now, Su Chen directly took out thirty years.

But he didn't feel anything.

He didn't seem to have such a thing as lifespan.

This skill is completely harmless to use.

It just seems to have a limit.

It should be able to be used for a hundred years at most at a time.

But for him, it can be regarded as a magical skill.

This is an ability that can improve physical fitness.

And what he lacks now is physical fitness.

Although his current physical fitness has reached the limit of this world, he can easily... can destroy an island.

After activating the Great Destruction and attaching the devil's aura, it feels like he can directly overturn the Red Earth Continent.

In fact, he feels that he can smash the Red Earth Continent head-on with just his speed. His current speed can definitely reach the speed of light. The real speed of light, not the fake version of the speed of light like Kizaru.

But even though his body is so strong.

But he still has no idea.

He doesn't know if his blood has the ability to resurrect the dead.

As long as it is an ability to improve physical fitness, it is a good ability for him.

He can only try to make himself stronger.

After dealing with these guys later... let's get ready to go home.

Go back to see Hancock, and try his own abilities to see if there is any possibility of resurrecting his sister.

If it is really possible, if his sister really stands up again....

Then he had no worries, and all the pressure in his heart was swept away.

He could consider doing other things.

For example, giving Hancock a result...

The enlargement effect lasted for about ten minutes, and he returned to his original state. He returned to his normal size of more than two meters tall.

He looked at the slightly smaller ball of light in his right hand.

That was his soul.

He began to try.

Try to use the power of the Soul Soul Fruit to refine and simplify it.

Just like refining pure blood.

He felt that he could control the sphere.

The sphere was full of his breath at this time.

Then why couldn't he try to make it clean, pure and ownerless?

Everyone knows that the soul split out of the Soul Soul Fruit cannot be injected into living things.

It can only allow dead things to gain souls.

Then is there a possibility.

It's because the split soul is originally a soul body.

If it is injected into a living thing, then that person will have two souls.

So it's naturally not allowed.

In that case, only one party will die. The other party will re-possess the body.

But... what if it is the power of a pure white soul without an owner? It is absolutely easy to heal soul injuries and strengthen the soul!

In theory, it is absolutely feasible!

It depends on the effect of this soul fruit!

Su Chen's entire attention is focused on the ball of light in his hand. He began to remove his own breath from it bit by bit.

It's not removal, it should be said to be separation.

Just like his blood, separate the vitality and negative effects. But as soon as Su Chen started, he found that something seemed wrong.

This seems to be unable to be separated, and it can't be separated, it can only be destroyed.

Similar to washing away.

That's right, wash off all the things that belong to him, and what is left is naturally what he wants.

Although I don't know why it can't be separated, there is a way!

Su Chen is full of energy.

He kept erasing everything that belonged to him in the light ball, and the light ball became smaller and smaller...

After ten minutes, Su Chen finally completed the cleaning operation.

He looked at the light particle in his hand that was only the size of a millet grain, and smiled bitterly.

Alas, it seems that this is still a tiring job.

I don't know how effective it will be.

Su Chen was thinking, and Sikesi's big face came over.

"Brother, what is this?"

Su Chen, who was thinking that no one was trying the medicine, smiled and nodded when he saw this.

Sikesi immediately panicked.

It's over!

I'm done!

This smile usually means it's over!

At this moment, Sikesi even thought about where to bury himself!

His toes also began to write words frantically on the ground

‘Jacka, bury me in my hometown. Use green coffin. Put a mirror on the grave. Make it big. '

(Please give me some gifts, brothers, please comment on this book. It's okay. Don't be too sensitive.(=TェT=))

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