Su Chen looked at the line of words on the ground, a little speechless.

This guy actually knew how to write with his feet.

The key is that he wrote so quickly. In just two seconds, a line of words was finished.

Seeing that he was still going to continue writing, Su Chen shook his head and said,"That's enough!""

"Look at you, you're such a coward. I won't kill you. Come on, eat it!"

Su Chen raised the ball of light the size of a grain of rice in his hand. He motioned to Sikesi to open his mouth. Seeing this, Sikesi had to open his mouth reluctantly.

This must not be a good thing. Big brother is using me as a guinea pig!

Sikesi thought to himself.

Su Chen flicked his thumb, and the small ball accurately entered Sikesi's mouth.

As soon as the ball of light entered, it immediately disappeared.

Sikesi didn't even feel that something came in.

""Where's the ball?"

Just when he was confused, he suddenly felt a little bit of coolness.

But he couldn't tell where it came from. It seemed to be in his body, but it seemed not to be.

This feeling was very strange. He only felt an indescribable sense of comfort constantly washing over his body.

The comfortable feeling made him close his eyes involuntarily.

An intoxicated expression appeared on his face.

But that expression was somewhat exaggerated.


" Wooo...

"How is the effect? "

Su Chen asked with a dark face.

But Sikesi seemed to be completely deaf and didn't care at all.

Then, there was a slap!

Su Chen slapped this shameful thing in the face. He really couldn't stand it. This twist was too coquettish.

If it was a woman, he could accept it.

But this stupid Sikesi was really a bit hot!

Sikesi, who was awakened by the slap, covered his slightly swollen cheek. He looked around in a daze and innocently, and finally fixed his eyes on Su Chen.

"Brother, were you the one who hit me?"

"I asked you how it works! ?"

Su Chen was speechless. Seeing Sikesi like this, he didn't dare to think any further.

It was just a small pill, but this guy was twisted like this.

He was originally planning to make a bigger one for his sister.

This... forget it, let's see how this guy feels first.

Sikesi also reacted at this time, thinking back to the feeling just now and the changes now

"Well, it was a little cool at first, and then it was comfortable, extremely comfortable, so comfortable that I almost died of comfort."

"And now... I feel a little, um... how should I put it, I feel my brain is working better."

Sikesi said, and Su Chen looked at him in disbelief.

Su Chen just wanted to say:

Your brain is working better?

Why does it look like new to me! It seems like you have never used it before!

"Are you sure your brain is working properly?"

Sikesi was puzzled. He frowned and asked with a puzzled look:

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Yes, I think my brain works much better."

Looking at him like this, Su Chen didn't count on him anymore.

Works? Works a lot.

But it seems that it really works, but it doesn't work on this idiot.

He is already beyond help.

After experimenting with his ability, Su Chen also turned his attention back to the few people who were standing aside.

To be honest, he didn't know how to deal with these guys.

If he killed them, it seemed a bit bad, after all, they haven't done anything yet. Keeping them seemed to make him seem too easy to talk to.

Kaido is fine, but he hates this red-haired guy. He is nosy and always talks about face with everyone.

In short: too pretentious.

He doesn't like it.

Thinking of this, he made a decision in his heart.

He walked over there. Seeing this

, several people couldn't help but get nervous.

After all, their lives are in the hands of others. If they are not careful

, their lives will be lost.

Su Chen came to Kaido step by step. Kaido, who was lying on the ground, looked at Su Chen standing beside him, and his buttocks unconsciously clamped.

"You tell me, if you come to fight me and I defeat you, what will be the consequences?"

Su Chen said coldly.


You won't be killed , will you?

Kaido was a little nervous. Why did this guy come to him right away?

He was about to answer when Su Chen spoke again and stated his conditions.

"I'm giving you two choices now."

"Either you or I will take away twenty years of my lifespan. After all, I have been deeply offended by you."

What? Twenty years?

Damn it, I don't even know if I can still live after twenty years of beating. You asked for twenty years?

If you want to kill me, just come directly! You are beating around the bush!

Bah! Hypocrisy!

Su Chen then said another condition

"Or, you, can be used by me."

Although Su Chen didn't really need this subordinate, he really didn't have any good conditions.

In this way, when his sister wakes up later, he can take her to play with Kaido.

When the time comes, let his sister try what it feels like to ride a dragon, she should be very happy.

Kaido is still struggling now. He originally just came to help, but now it seems that he has to sacrifice himself. Either work for others or die.

He didn't know that Su Chen took him in just to find another playmate for his sister, no... a toy.

Although Kaido was very reluctant, the situation is now here. And Su Chen's strength is indeed very qualified to call him the boss.

Just now, the three of them were all crushed.

He didn't even have time to transform into a dragon, and Lingling hadn't even used any skills before her fate was strangled.

Even Red Hair was solved in three moves.

So much stronger than him.

It doesn't seem shameful for him to call him the boss.

Su Chen's strength also successfully made him lose the so-called shame and accept Su Chen's second request.


Although Kaido accepted it in his heart, he still looked embarrassed.

He said it softly and turned his head away awkwardly.

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

This big guy is quite sensible.


Sikesi, Katakuri, Red Hair and others were all dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Kaido, are you okay?

You are the Four Emperors! Where is your dignity! Where is your pride! Where is your dream!

How come you bow your head while talking and laughing?

"Damn, the big brother has another little brother! Old Ka! Hurry up and get on the bus! There will be no seat for you soon!"

"Get in the car!"

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