Seeing that Su Chen had another younger brother of the Four Emperors, Sikesi was also proud of it.

After all, he was now on an equal footing with the Four Emperors, and they were all younger brothers.

He also urged Katakuri, who was standing beside him. He winked at him crazily.

Katakuri was a little speechless. Sikesi was good in every way, except for his face...

At this time, Su Chen also stood up and came to Shanks and squatted down.

Looking at Shanks, whose mouth was still bleeding, Su Chen asked in the same tone:"Red Hair, I will also give you two choices, life or surrender!"

Shanks also slowed down at this time and could barely speak.

He was not like Kaido, who directly recognized the elder brother in two sentences.

He would not surrender!

Of course, the first reason was that he was still young.

Even if some of his life was taken away, he would not die.

So he answered:"I choose life."

Su Chen nodded when he heard it, stretched out his hand, and prepared to start taking his life.

He said at the same time:"Well, okay, I'll take thirty years of your life."

Shanks seemed to think that there was nothing wrong with it at first, but when he listened again, it seemed not right!

"How come it’s been thirty years! Wasn’t it twenty?"

He was so excited that he spoke more fluently.

After all, it was ten years of life!

"Because you are so pretentious, you even dared to ask me to give you face. So I gave you a little extra"

"Oh! No, there is also this guy who just shot me. My head is still buzzing. I have to keep him for five years."

"But as the captain, you should pay for him, so as to save us all from wasting our time."

"Thirty-five years in total, get ready! Here it comes!!"

Su Chen finished speaking, and a cloud of mist was taken out of Shanks' body.

Shanks: Damn! No! Are you okay? Go and take him down, okay? I don't want to take his place! He hits you, and you take me down! I really..."#*#*@!

But before he could even open his mouth, Su Chen had already finished.

As soon as the mist left Shanks, Shanks' appearance began to change!

Wrinkles began to appear on his face, and his sturdy body began to shrivele.

Even the red hair began to slowly turn white.

You could vaguely see that a lot of hair was beginning to fall out.

Thirty-five years were suddenly lost, and the side effects were quite large.

But he could recover a lot by going home and recuperating.

Beckman and the other two looked at the white-haired captain with concern.

At this moment, the pressure that had been restraining them suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Su Chen also said,"Okay, you can go."

"However, you may need to change the name of your pirate group and the pirate flag."

Ignoring Su Chen's ridicule, the three of them quickly lifted up the fallen Shanks.

They strode away.

Let's leave this dangerous place first.

If this guy gets unhappy again, he might just suck his captain dry.

"I should let you share some of the burden with me! You fat guy, it's good to lose weight."

Weak Shanks looked at the fat Lakilu and said in a low voice

"You still have the mind to joke! Shut up! You have to join in the fun! Now you are in trouble!"

Laqilu said to him and didn't look at him again.

Shanks fell asleep quickly.

He was a little too weak now.

The pressure disappeared, and Kaido stood up tremblingly.

But he looked a bit like a shrimp.

After all, his stomach was still hurting.

"Here, drink it."

Su Chen casually threw it to the pure blood beside Kaido.

Ignoring his shocked look, Su Chen had already taken out the Den Den Mushi and called Hancock.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hancock, I'll be back in a minute."Su Chen said softly.

""Okay, I'll go cook now."

Hancock replied cheerfully. You can tell she's very happy.

"Nothing else, I'll be there soon. That's it, let's talk when we meet."



After hanging up the phone, Su Chen was ready to withdraw directly.

At this time, Kaido also drank the pure blood, and his scarred body has now been completely healed. He even became slightly stronger.

He just felt that he was alive again! He felt that he was okay again!

Now he looked at Su Chen, and he didn't feel that he was so annoying.

He gave a big gift right away, so there will be many benefits in the future.

This pure blood is naturally from before.

If it was the current Su Chen, the effect of the pure blood would definitely scare Kaido half to death.

Seeing Su Chen was leaving, Kaido was also a little confused.

Didn't you accept me as your younger brother?

Why is it the same as not accepting me?

You didn't explain anything?


Although he had called her once, he still felt uncomfortable.

Su Chen looked at him.

"Don't I need to do anything?"

Kaidou asked. He felt that he had collected all the things, and it seemed a bit bad to do nothing.

Su Chen then remembered that he didn't seem to have arranged any work for this new little brother.

But what can he do?

He didn't need him now. He just treated him as a toy.

"Um... you. You want, right!"

"Just go and spread the news, tell what happened today, and add a sentence at the end. Just say that I will go to Marijoa in three days to kill all the Celestial Dragons."

Kaido was a little bit unbelievable when he heard it.

Kill all the Celestial Dragons? In three days?

So arrogant?

But on second thought, it seems that there is really no problem.

Su Chen is too strong now.

Thinking that there will be a big battle to participate in in three days, Kaido is also a little excited. He did not answer Su Chen immediately.

He first looked around.

At this time, many people on the periphery were looking over here.

Most of them are from the Big Mom Navy, but there will definitely be undercover naval agents among the civilians.

There must be a lot of reporters.

In his observation, he could also catch some people taking pictures secretly.

"I don't need to spread what happened today."

"As for the last sentence, if it was only said to those who make news, they might not publish it. After all, even they have to look at the face of the World Government to some extent."

"But don't worry! I have plenty of ways to get this paragraph in today's newspaper!" Kaido looked confident. He patted his chest and assured Su Chen.

"By the way, when do we gather? Isn't three days too late?"

Su Chen didn't understand what he meant. He also asked

"Gather? Gather what?"

Now it was Kaido's turn to be confused.

Of course all the fighting forces under his command should be gathered, otherwise what else can be gathered!

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