I remember that the last time their news agency was so busy, it was also this Su Chen.

What a scary guy.

Just as he was thinking, he saw a line of words attached to the bottom of the information in front of him.

After reading it, he stood up suddenly!

His face was full of disbelief.

The moment he saw the words, he realized that an event that could change the world was about to happen.

Just when he was excited to add such a sentence to today's newspaper, the Den Den Mushi on the table rang.

It was the Den Den Mushi representing the navy.

Moreover, it was the highest level one.

He did not dare to neglect it and picked it up immediately.

The voices of the Five Elders also came from it.

"Morgans, you should know what can be written and what cannot be written!"

Hearing this, Morgans quickly calmed down.

He was indeed a little too excited just now. He even forgot about the behemoth of the World Government.

He sighed silently in his heart.

It seems that such explosive news can only be reported three days later.

He was about to tell the Five Elders that he had no such idea.

But before he opened his mouth, there was a sudden loud commotion outside.

Before he could think about what was going on.

There was a bang!

A big hole was smashed in the roof of his office.

At the same time, a figure fell down.

When the smoke and dust cleared, he finally saw what the tall figure was.

But the guy in front of him made him widen his eyes.

Kaido came to him step by step.

He smiled and took the Den Den Mushi from his hand.

At this time, the Five Elders were still asking what happened here.

"What's going on? Hello? Morgans? What happened?"

The Five Elders looked at the Den Den Mushi in front of them, but it didn't move. It wasn't until Kaido's grinning face appeared on the Den Den Mushi that they were finally shocked.

That lunatic! How could he run to the news agency?

Then, the Den Den Mushi slowly made a sound.

"Nothing happened.……"


The next day, the whole world received the complete newspaper. It even contained more content than Su Chen requested.

"What? Auntie is dead?"

"Holy shit! Three people fighting one person and getting killed in return, do you know how to play?"

"Even Red Hair was seriously injured and ran away! No, now we should call him White Hair!"

"Kaido is actually willing to be inferior to others! Is he a Four Emperor? Doesn’t he have any dignity at all?"

"Stop talking! Isn't Whitebeard also his subordinate? Look behind"

"Oh my god! It's true! Whitebeard has joined him! He killed one of the Four Emperors and subdued two more! What does he want to do!"

The whole world was stunned by this simple newspaper in front of them.

This amount of information is a bit too much!

It's really unbearable if they don't read it slowly!

The tragic photos of the scene on the newspaper made them have no doubt about the authenticity of the incident.

After all, even Big Mom's headless body was photographed in it.

They really couldn't help but believe it.

But when they continued to read on, their eyes widened.

"What!!! Three days later, that Su Chen actually wanted to destroy the entire world government! Is he crazy?"

"What does he think the world government is? Cabbage? You can push it if you want!"

"You are really courting death. You don't know how high the sky is."

"Three days later, there will be something interesting to watch."

At this time, the Navy Headquarters was as busy as the news agency yesterday.

Dozens of huge warships were docked in the waters around the Navy Headquarters, which was in ruins. A large number of soldiers were boarding the ships in an orderly manner.

Every time a warship was fully loaded and left, another one would come in to fill it.

Marinford was now too severely damaged, and the port was not that big, so they could only queue up.

A steady stream of warships were still heading here from all over the world.

The Navy could be said to have summoned all its combat power.

Just to deal with the war three days later.

"Is this really necessary? Why are so many marines sent there? Isn't this just sending them to their deaths?"

In the temporary meeting room, the remaining senior navy officers all gathered here.

Garp asked his question with a serious face, not his usual carefree look. He even refused to eat the senbei.

Sengoku listened to his question and rubbed his temples with a headache.

He knew that these young soldiers would be in great danger if they went there this time.

After all, that was not a battle they could participate in. Since

Su Chen said that he would come alone, according to that guy's character, he might really go alone.

Judging from his current record, he single-handedly challenged the three and four emperors, killing one, crippling one, and collecting one.

The three had no power to fight back.

They were defeated by Su Chen in a crushing manner.

Even the old guys found such a record incredible.

Not to mention fighting him. That must be Alexander.

It can be said that Marijoa will definitely be a battlefield for top-level masters at that time.

These marines will be shattered into pieces as long as they get a little closer.

There is absolutely no possibility of survival.

However, the World Government has put tremendous pressure on him.

He had to do it.……

"Don't I know that they are going to die? But what can I do?"

"Alas, we old guys can only do more and try to pull the battle line out. I hope they can survive."

Zhan Guo said helplessly.

He looks like the commander of an army, but he is just a flag in the hands of others.

He can only follow orders.

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

There was a look of loss on their faces.

What is the meaning of the navy's existence? Is it really for justice?

This question appeared in everyone's mind.

"We really got it right."

"That guy is really a tough character. If I had known, I would have sent Kizaru over when he just escaped from prison. I would have strangled him directly."

Vice Admiral Tsuru felt a little disappointed.

Although their navy had attached great importance to Su Chen at that time, the result still turned out like this.

Although it was expected, it was unexpected that this day would come so soon.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Everyone was worried.


A long-destined war... is inevitable!

At this time, at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

Long looked at the newspaper in his hand and fell into deep thought.

"Could it be that I have been developing in the wrong direction for so many years?"

Long was a little confused.

He didn't understand.

What is this?

One person destroyed three Four Emperors?

Tell me, is this reasonable?

With such strength, who would want to start a revolutionary army?

But he is still so young, why is he so anxious?

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