Judging from the potential that Su Chen has shown now, his strength will definitely not be limited to this. He will definitely be even stronger in the future.

It is safer to wait a few more years.

The key is that he is still alone, and he has to face the behemoth of the World Government alone.

This is definitely an unwise choice.

But Su Chen's strength has been vividly demonstrated in the newspapers.

This is an opportunity!

With Su Chen's leadership, coupled with their Revolutionary Army and the two Four Emperors, there is definitely a chance to shake the rule of the World Government.

He doesn't want to let this opportunity go.

So, he needs to do something.


""Get up and eat, Su Chen~"

Su Chen, who had just fallen asleep, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the figure in front of him who was calling him softly.

Hancock was looking at him shyly.

Seeing him looking at her, Hancock's face quickly turned red as if she thought of something.

After a soft reply, Su Chen got up and washed up.

Then he came to the dining table.

There were four women sitting here.

They were all waiting for him to come. No one had started eating yet.

It only took Su Chen half a minute to return to Nine Snake Island yesterday.

But he was not in a hurry to try.

After all, he had just gained power and might not be very stable.

He wanted to let his body adapt first and try it after it reached its best condition.

So last night he just After having a meal with Hancock, they whispered to each other for a while.

In the end, both of them were blushing.

Hancock even blushed and suggested that they sleep in the same bed.

Seeing her like this, Su Chen was also a little overwhelmed.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation!

A beautiful girl invited me to sleep in the same bed.

Should I agree?

Waiting online, super urgent!

Although he was a little overwhelmed, Su Chen finally rejected Hancock in a gentle tone.

After all, his sister has not woken up yet.

He promised Hancock that he would marry his sister when she woke up.

Hearing this, Hancock was not only not disappointed, but she didn't even care about being shy!

She directly grabbed Su Chen's hand


She asked with a happy and excited face.

It was not until she saw Su Chen nodded affirmatively that she was sure that Su Chen was not joking.

Surrounded by great joy, she could no longer hold back. She put one hand around Su Chen's neck and pulled him close to her.

Then she kissed him straight on.

He had the speed of light and the world's top observation Haki, but he couldn't avoid her arms.

He had the power to shatter the island, but he couldn't break free from her restraints.

Just like that, Su Chen lost his first kiss.

The two of them closed their eyes, feeling the temperature from each other's lips.

Feeling the heat hitting their faces.

Feeling each other's shyness.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After five minutes, the two gradually separated.

But it was only the separation of lips.

The heads were still leaning against each other, looking at each other very closely. The eyes were blurred, as if they were drawing.

From time to time, they would bump their noses against each other.

"I will try it tomorrow. I have reached my limit now. If it doesn't work, then there is really no other way."

Su Chen said, and the hot air hit Hancock's face, making her already red cheeks even redder.


Hancock replied dazedly.

Having tasted the sweetness, Hancock kissed Su Chen again.

The two separated and went back to their rooms to sleep.

They said they were going to sleep, but someone was destined to be unable to sleep.

Su Chen looked at the people at the table and sat down.

The two sisters looked at Su Chen with the same look. After all, they knew that Su Chen was their brother-in-law a long time ago.

They were just happy that their brother-in-law was powerful.

But the mother-in-law was different.

She was not optimistic about Su Chen.

It was because of Su Chen that the war at the top almost caused the Nine Snakes to suffer a catastrophe..

But until this morning...

When she took the newspaper in her hands, her hands were shaking.

Because what Su Chen did was really incredible.

The Four Emperors, they were the existences that she needed to look up to.

And Su Chen, alone, crushed three of the Four Emperors.

Three! Three!

Is this guy still a human?

So far, she has never seen such a person.

Grandma Zha looked at Su Chen, who was sitting opposite her, with strange eyes.

Su Chen sat down, and everyone started to eat.

It’s just that Su Chen’s food is a little different, it seems a little delicate.

After tasting it, Su Chen also thought it was delicious.

Nodded with satisfaction.

""How is it? Is my cooking delicious?"

Hancock asked Su Chen proudly.

She had learned cooking for a long time, just to make delicious food for Su Chen in the future.

""Delicious, delicious."

Su Chen said, his mouth moving non-stop. The dishes on the table were also decreasing.

He was really hungry.

After becoming stronger, he seemed to be able to eat more. He felt hungry right after getting up.

"Um, are you really going to challenge the World Government alone the day after tomorrow?"

Grandma Zha asked cautiously.

But before Su Chen could answer, Hancock couldn't sit still after hearing this.

"What? What challenge to the world government? Who? You?"

Hancock was a little annoyed! She looked at Su Chen with unfriendly eyes.

In fact, after the mother-in-law finished speaking, it goes without saying that it was Su Chen.

Hancock was questioning Su Chen.

The meaning was: You! Want! To! Challenge! What! Alone! I advise you to speak nicely!

After what happened yesterday, she is now bolder.

Facing Su Chen, she can express her emotions normally.

This is not a trivial matter. This is very dangerous. What's more, he actually wants to be alone! He didn't even tell her yesterday!

Su Chen was about to comfort her when Hancock interrupted his explanation.���

"You can't go! It's too dangerous! You want to go alone! What are you thinking? Are you stupid? No!"

That's the most powerful organization in the world.

It's not something that can be shaken by one person.

"I know you want revenge. But you can't do this! Why do you have to be alone?"

Hancock tried his best to persuade Su Chen to give up this idea or make a new plan.

"I am alone……"

Before Su Chen finished speaking, the Den Den Mushi in his arms started to ring.


It seemed that no one else knew his number.

But when he picked up the phone, Whitebeard's face did not appear.

"Su Chen, I'm here to cooperate with you. Or rather, I'm here to ask to join you."

Long's voice came out.

"The Revolutionary Army can mobilize all its forces to help you capture Marijoa"

"We can follow your command, you are the leader of the revolutionary army"

"This is an opportunity I don't want to miss."

"I hope you can think long-term. When all the forces under your command are gathered together, you will definitely have a chance to change the world."

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