From a distance, a figure that almost blocked out the sun and sky was standing on the island.

With its wings spread out, it really looked like a monster.

He gave Hancock an apologetic look.

Su Chen began to prepare to use his current body to create pure blood.

A huge blood sword slowly appeared in his hand.

The scarlet blade was extremely huge.

If you were cut by it, it would probably hurt for several days.

Su Chen picked up the big sword and slashed it straight at his arm.

In an instant, a large amount of blood gushed out of his arm. As the blood gushed out, Su Chen used blood magic to control them.

At the same time, he had to control his body so that the wound would not heal so quickly.

Now he was in the Great Destruction form. If he ignored it, the wound on his body would not even bleed and would heal on the spot.

He did not condense too much. He only took about a bucket.

Then he separated half of them. Holding half of the pure blood. Su Chen slowly squatted down.

He compressed the blood, which was only a small drop for him now, into a real small drop.

Then he merged it with his sister.

He didn't dare to use too much at one time. He was so strong now that he couldn't be sure. If the pure blood was too strong, what would happen to his sister? He tried it first.

Soon, all the pure blood disappeared in his sister's chest.

Su Chen and Hancock were nervously watching Su Rou's changes.

They saw the little man who had merged with this small drop of pure blood. The pale face actually began to turn rosy miraculously.

The two were overjoyed.

Just when they were nervously expecting Su Rou to wake up from this long sleep. But the miracle didn't happen. After waiting for five minutes, his sister didn't open her eyes.

The rosy face on her face gradually turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Is it not okay?

Hancock thought a little disappointed.

There is already some hope. But is it still not enough?

Su Chen is now so strong. But there is still no way to wake up his sister?

Now Hancock has no doubt that Su Chen has the ability to overthrow the World Government alone.

Right now, she, standing next to Su Chen, feels like an ant. Su Chen only needs to blow a breath and he will disappear.

The breath that just slightly leaked out for a moment can actually make no one on the entire island stay awake.

Only she, who has reached the level of admiral, can barely stay awake.

I really can't imagine what the scene would be like if he tried his best.

What is the World Government in front of him?

Maybe it's just a slightly bigger ant.

But even so, there is still no way to wake up his sister...

Just when he was a little sad and disappointed, Su Chen did not stop his actions.

He directly controlled the big sword with his mind. Pierced himself through.

The huge sword blade pierced his chest directly.

A lot of blood spurted out like money.

Su Chen used blood magic to control the blood in his body, and it flowed out crazily.

A lot of blood began to gather in front of him.

Soon, a super huge sphere was formed in front of him.

A huge sphere made up of all his blood.

Su Chen began to peel off the sphere.

Pure blood and black blood began to separate rapidly.

While separating. Blood did not stop releasing.

His body was still frantically transporting blood outward.

The sphere did not become smaller because of its separation, but gradually increased.

After nearly thirty minutes, Su Chen forcibly released nearly thirty minutes of blood.

He finally showed a tendency to stop.

The sphere in front of him finally began to shrink gradually.

The Great Destruction was about to end.

Just when the Great Destruction was about to disappear, Su Chen directly controlled his body to explode.

He first wrapped all the people below with blood.

However, Hancock, who was surrounded by blood, could still clearly feel a huge wave, which directly hit the blood shield.

The shield was almost broken.

After completing a self-explosion, Su Chen collected another wave of blood in his body at the last second when the Great Destruction disappeared.

At this time, the pure blood in front of him was so much that it almost covered the sky.

Soon all the blood was separated.

Looking at the pure blood, Su Chen began to compress it slowly.

Just like a bear compressing the air with his paw. The huge blood ball was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But as the blood ball shrank, the sky began to become violent.

The originally clear sky was now covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder. The sky was like a roaring beast, angrily scolding Su Chen's current behavior.

It's not just the Nine Snake Island. The whole pirate world is like this. The dark clouds covered the sky. There were constant loud noises in the sky.

People looked at this scene that was almost like the end of the world. Thinking that they had violated some kind of divine punishment, they knelt down and began to pray.

At this time, the naval headquarters, the naval generals who were still in a meeting, heard the noisy noise outside. They all came outside in confusion.

Looking at the completely abnormal celestial phenomenon in the sky. Even these old guys who have lived for so long showed solemn expressions on their faces.

"What's going on? Sengoku."

Garp, who was always unremarkable, was extremely serious at this moment.

Because the dark clouds that he could usually disperse with a casual blow now gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

Even the lightning flashing in the sky seemed not so simple.

Sengoku listened to Garp's question but did not answer.

He was staring at the clouds with a frown at this moment.

And from time to time he looked in the direction of Nine Snake Island.

Because he could vaguely feel that the further he went in that direction, the more oppressive the clouds seemed.

In that direction. The only thing worth noting is……

"Nine Snake Islands……"

Warring States whispered

"What is Nine Snake Island? Could this be caused by Nine Snake Island? Isn't there only one female emperor Hancock? How could it be possible to cause such a strange phenomenon in heaven and earth?"

Huoshaoshan asked his question.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately realized something.

And everyone also reacted.

The female emperor is impossible, but the female emperor's husband is hard to say.

""Could it be him?"

This guess made Karp's face look even uglier.

They were about to go to war with that man.

But could they really fight against a guy who could cause such a strange phenomenon in the world?

Karp asked himself, even at his peak, it would be impossible for the world to change on its own because of him.

Now, they could only pray.

Pray that this extremely dangerous lightning could kill Su Chen.

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