As for Su Chen, it seemed that his behavior had exceeded certain limits. It was as if he had angered something.

The clouds above the Nine Snake Island were getting thicker and thicker, and more and more oppressive.

Lightning kept rolling in the sky, as if it could fall at any time.

The lightning made Hancock worried. He felt that if he was just slightly touched by this lightning, he would be instantly reduced to ashes.

What kind of power is this?

Hancock couldn't believe it.

She had lived for so long and had encountered many extremely dangerous storms at sea.

But she had never seen such a sky.

It actually made this world so oppressive.

She was even a little breathless.

Su Chen looked at the clouds in the sky that seemed to be brewing something. He also frowned slightly.

As the pure blood was compressed smaller and smaller.

He clearly felt that the breath coming from above his head was getting stronger and stronger.

As soon as it accumulated to the strongest, it would pour down and chop him into slag.

"Looking for trouble, right?……"

Su Chen murmured.

Having just recovered from the enlargement, he took out another ball of light from his body.

A hundred years of life were grasped in his hand.

A thick black smoke began to rise around him.

The aura on his body became more and more terrifying.

But he did not stop the movement of his hands. He continued to compress the huge blood ball.

The ball was getting smaller and smaller.

As the ball became smaller, the lightning became more and more violent.

When the ball of pure blood was compressed to the limit, only a small drop was left.

At the same time, the lightning that had accumulated for so long could no longer bear it.

The purple lightning, which was dozens of times thicker than Enel's divine punishment, struck down.

The momentum was extremely huge.

The exaggerated coverage area and the violent aura.

If he let it strike down firmly, it was foreseeable that the entire Nine Snake Island would no longer exist.

Hancock looked at the purple lightning, and although there was great surprise in her eyes, there was no fear.

Because as long as that man was there, she would not feel afraid.

Her eyes could not help but look at Su Chen who was standing aside.

At this time, Su Chen, who had not moved, finally moved.

The sphere in his hand was crushed. His body instantly grew thirty times larger. His height reached an astonishing sixty meters!

The God-killing Blade that he had just put away also appeared in his hand in an instant. The dark devil's breath was floating around the big sword.

Then, a layer of black substance was attached to the big sword.

It was not the black of the armed color, but it was blessed with a deeper and more dangerous soul-slaying power.

An extremely violent overlord color also rose to the sky. It collided directly with the lightning.

Black and red lightning also appeared on the big sword in his hand.

But the lightning was a little unusual. It was also blessed with the domineering entanglement of the devil's will!

The lightning first collided with the extreme overlord color.

It only lasted less than half a second. The lightning broke through the overlord color.

It rushed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen just stood there with his eyes slightly closed.

The aura on his body was still rising.

Just when the lightning was about to fall on the ground, Su Chen finally opened his eyes.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and he suddenly swung the big sword in his hand towards the lightning above.

A sword energy also followed.

The sword energy was extremely dazzling, no, it should be dazzling.

Hancock couldn't open his eyes to look directly at the black and red sword energy.

The sword energy was not big at the beginning, but in just a moment, it had grown to the extent of covering the sky and the sun.

The thick lightning seemed a little small in front of the sword energy.

The red and purple collided in the blink of an eye.

The aftermath of the collision between the two caused countless fine cracks in the sky, and the cracks spread for dozens of kilometers.

The powerful aftermath also swept towards the Nine Snake Island.

If it was touched, there would be at least no survivors on the island.

At this moment, the black blood separated by Su Chen, under his control, covered the entire Nine Snake Island.

The entire Nine Snakes seemed to have entered the dark night, and it was pitch dark.

The aftermath hit it, and although it shook violently, it did not break after all, and it was impossible to break. But the surrounding sea areas that were not protected suffered.

With the Nine Snakes Island as the center, the sea actually sank to a depth of 100 meters within a few kilometers.

Looking from above, it seemed that an extremely huge pit appeared in the sea.

There was only one island standing in the center.

A large number of marine creatures were all shaken into blood mist.

Even the largest sea kings suffered the same fate.

At this time, the lightning, but it only stalemated for less than a second... was already split in half by the sword energy.

The sword energy went straight up, tearing apart all the extremely terrifying divine thunder.

When the sword energy rushed into the clouds.

Su Chen, who had already collected the black blood below, snapped his fingers slightly.


The sword energy that disappeared in the clouds suddenly exploded!

With the sword energy as the center, the heavy clouds began to be annihilated.

As the clouds disappeared, the sun gradually spread to the whole world.

In just half a minute, the dark clouds that covered the whole world disappeared.

Everyone could only see the dark and depressing sky above their heads, which suddenly became bright.

Even those places that had not seen the sun for many years saw the long-lost light again.

Moria looked at his zombie army that was killed and injured in an instant, and cursed angrily.

"What's going on! What's going on! Why is there sunshine here! And so much sunshine! My zombie, my zombie!"

"Don't let me know who it is! I must kill him!"

Zhan Guo and others looked at the rapidly dissipating clouds, and their hearts were already chilled.

"Still fighting? Sengoku?"

Garp said with a somewhat dejected look on his face, his iron fists even trembled slightly.

Beside him, the vice admirals were all filled with fear at the moment.

They were shaking like sieves.

All this was because the Navy Headquarters was not far from the Nine Snake Island.

Just now, there was a trace of residual sword energy in the sky above them.

But just that trace of energy made them lose the idea of fighting.

Those below the rank of admiral might not even have the courage to look him in the face.

And would the admirals be his match?

How many admirals do we have?


Sengoku sighed.

Hearing the sound, I thought Sengoku was worried.

But when I looked over, I found that Sengoku had a look of relief on his face.

Just when Garp was confused, Sengoku said something that he didn't expect.

"Let's turn around and head to the new Navy Headquarters."

As soon as he finished speaking, a lieutenant general who advocated war stood up.

"What? Are we not going to obey the orders of the World Government?"

Upon hearing this, Zhan Guo did not say anything, but waved his hand and walked towards the port, saying to He:"Give him a warship, and anyone who wants to go can follow him."

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