
"Put it down! I told you to put down everything you stole!!!"

The fishman captain shot the man to death and yelled at everyone!

"Bastard fishman, what do you want to do? How dare you kill someone in front of so many people?!"The thugs were startled and even more angry!


The captain punched the man in the face and knocked him to the ground!

"I tell you! We are here for revolution! To overthrow the oppressive monarchy! To pursue a better future!!!"

"I'm not taking you into the city to burn, kill, loot and harm other innocent people.——"

"If you rob innocent people's property, what's the difference between that and exploiting your royal family? ? How is it different from those pirates who burned, killed and looted? ?"

"Such people should be executed along with them.——"

The captain roared with a ferocious face, resisting the urge to kill them all!!

All the other fishmen warriors were also extremely angry!

How ugly! Are they helping such a group of people to revolt?

They should be whipped! Looking for food in the garbage dump——


The hundred-meter-long sea beast that was accompanying them howled at them, and only then did they stop in fear!!

"Feel sorry..."

"We lived in poverty before, so we couldn't help it."

They lowered their heads after being scolded, feeling guilty and ashamed.

"This is a wealthy area, but it is not a wealthy area, and it is not a royal palace!!"

"Put down everything you have grabbed.——"

The captain jumped up to the top of the house and shouted again! Nearly

10,000 people were pouring in from below, and many of them had not yet entered the gate of the rich area. They were madly trying to squeeze in, fearing that if they were too slow, the good stuff would be snatched away by others!!

However...The people who grabbed the things looked at the treasure in their hands and realized that it was something they would never get in their lifetime!

How could they hand over the wealth they had already obtained!

"Why are you yelling? These rich people got their money from us."

"That is, you can stop us, but when they all come in, can you still stop everyone?"

"Let us just grab it and kill all the royal family members together!!"

"You are just fish people, what do human affairs have to do with you? Help us defeat the king's army. Wouldn't it be nice to share some of the treasure with you then?!"

The more you say it, the more reasonable it becomes, and the more you say it, the more people agree with it.

What does the so-called shame mean in front of the wealth that has been obtained?

What revolution, what freedom, what future generations, for a ridiculously beautiful future. These are just what Adolf said In an instant, the reluctance aroused turned into greed.

Isn't the beauty they pursue just in front of them? How can they restrain it, except for a very small number of people ? , the vast majority have no character at all from the beginning!

Under the influence of the general trend and the release of greed, these few can't help but take action!

"Come with me, everyone.——"

"Rob all the rich people and kill the nobles and royals——"

"Come on! These fishmen are just revolutionary troops, can they still take action against us?!"

Seeing the temptation right in front of me, the greed in my heart could no longer be controlled, and I rushed forward like a tide - like a group of devils opening the door to greed, plundering everything they saw - normal civilian areas, slums,... The people at the garbage dump have long lost their so-called morals, conscience, and face!

In a place where they can't even eat enough, they can only survive by robbing rancid garbage food. Even an upright person will not be able to survive in a few months. What about the so-called face?...

"why why——"

"Obviously, if you overthrow the monarchy and establish a new order, you will be happy.——"

The fishman captain clenched his fists and his sharp teeth gnashed loudly! Anger and unwillingness surged from his chest!

Looking down at the blond rich woman, her right hand was cut off after someone robbed her of jewelry, and blood was flowing down her arm! Breaking down and crying and screaming.

She is so innocent!!

And he let these thugs in——

"The fishman warriors obeyed the order and killed all the robbing thugs——"

"They are not fighting for revolution, but burning, killing and looting pirates!!"

"We must not harm innocent people because of us! These people should die————"

The fish-man captain roared crazily, his angry murderous intent no longer controllable!!

"Exit the city gate!"

"everyone returns home——"

Hundreds of murloc warriors couldn't restrain their anger and went to kill him!!!

He was obviously leading the people to launch a revolution, but he was fighting with these people -

10,000 versus 100, a huge disparity in numbers.

But a ragtag group of soldiers and warriors who have seen the top battlefields in the world are not on the same level at all.

After killing nearly a thousand people, the mob was completely defeated and fled away. No one dared to break in....

The fishmen warriors were all wounded and exhausted.

"Captain, there are only 10 golden magic medicines. I have distributed them to the most seriously injured brothers. You can use this one!"A soldier gave him the healing dandelion.

"No, I want to remember this injury, and I will never forget the faces of these people!!" The captain pounded the ground with his fist, full of reluctance.

"Alas, we can only say that we were blind to help this group of people."

The captain looked at the red gem-like jewelry next to him, and thought of the blonde rich girl. He looked up and saw that she was crawling away with a long trail of blood, leaving only a palm behind!

But she didn't run far, not only was her hand cut off, but her foot was also injured.

"Ah, don't kill me. I can give you money, lots of money, and you can have any treasure you want!" The woman saw the fishman captain screaming in fear and completely lost her mind.


The captain clenched his fist feeling guilty, grabbed her broken arm, put the picked palm up, and then used the healing dandelion to connect it.

"Feel sorry! Go home quickly."

Putting the red gemstone jewelry in front of her, he turned and left.

Apart from apologizing, he no longer knew what to say.

The blond rich girl looked at him blankly, looking at her arm that was still stained with blood, and she could already feel the presence of her palm. , but fear is still shrouded in my heart.

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