"Your Majesty, I was too impulsive and didn't do my job properly, and ended up killing so many people!"

"If it spreads, it will cause a huge blow to your reputation and the revolutionary cause will be hindered."

The fishman captain blamed himself even more and wanted to commit suicide to apologize!

"No! You did a great job and I will tell others about you so that if something similar happens to them, they will do the same!!"

"Before, these people were indeed oppressed weaklings, but when they abused others, they also became abusers who hurt others!"

"Leading such a group of greedy thugs to enrich themselves by robbing other people's lives and wealth cannot be called a revolution at all! I don't even need these people as my people!!"

After hearing this, Adolf not only did not blame him, but actually approved his actions!

Even if he killed nearly a thousand people - indeed, after the ancient soldiers broke through the city gate, they would basically let their soldiers rape and plunder. Because these soldiers are working for you and will escape death. After attacking the city, you want to cut off their wealth!

But it’s different here. This is not about attacking the city, but about revolution.

Then this kind of thing must not happen. The minimum attitude is not to rape or plunder!

Otherwise, it would just be a group of damn trash replacing another group of damn vampires, with essentially no difference.

"Your Majesty Neptune, we have clearly led them to happiness, but we are only a little short of it. Why can't they restrain themselves from even such a short distance?!!"The captain felt relieved, but he was still full of unwillingness.

"Thinking about it from another angle, maybe we should be thankful that they exposed their true nature. Otherwise, if they become exposed again, then we will feel uncomfortable, and now they themselves will regret that they did not get anything!"Adolf smiled easily

"Huh——??"The captain was stunned. Thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case? ? ?

Adolf hung up the phone and his face darkened.

"King Adolf..."

Otohime, who was delivering food with Neptune, happened to meet Adolf and looked at him worriedly.

She could feel the emotion in Adolf's heart, the invisible anger that seemed to overturn the entire sea!

Next to her, Pika was even more nervous and shrank her body.

"I overestimated the humanity of the slums and the atmosphere of the world by imagining all ordinary people based on my own values...."

Adolf took a deep breath and reacted.

He has always understood the world of pirates based on Chinese customs and three views, and indeed feels that everyone is rubbish. Even the navy that attacks pirates has problems of varying degrees.

But many places here are much more dangerous than Mexico, Honduras, Yemen, El Salvador, the most dangerous countries on earth, and even the level of civilization cannot keep up!!

The living environment at the bottom is even worse, with no ethics, justice, integrity or morality at all!!

In such a general environment, if the moral level is lowered to the point where people who do not kill or rob are considered good people in the slums, and petty theft is normal, then many things will be easy to understand....

But this"good man" must not be provoked! Can't arouse greed!

Adolf quickly conveyed his will and revised the revolutionary plan!!

No longer blindly attacking the palace in the rich area, but first strengthen ideological education and correct their style!

No harm to the innocent! No rape and abuse!

"This will slow down the progress of the revolution." said Otohime

"It doesn't matter, the entire world map is already in my hands. I only need more people to occupy it. Those countries that join the country and those who join the non-franchise are just a piece of cake!"

"It makes me notice that the revolution I want to make is not to overthrow tyrannical rule, but a revolution of human nature and thought.——"

Adolf's eyes were deep, and this incident made him see the world more deeply.

"There is no point in helping a group of cruel and greedy people. It is better to let them fend for themselves and then let the people with normal character in the civilian areas give birth to a new group...."

"Just like Saint Satan said, life is just an insect that reproduces by killing it. But the whole world is a society composed of"insects". Only by empathizing with each other and being warm to each other can the insects no longer be insects, but become the same kind and my people!"

"I don’t blame them for their current temperament. It is the result of being forced by the world and having no way out in life. Everyone hopes to have everything at birth."

"But since this is the reality, we must re-establish our three views!!!"

Adolf's thinking became clearer and clearer, and he understood what to do.

Nothing is more immediate than violence, and nothing is more lasting than thought....

When all countries in the world learn Chinese, use Chinese products, and understand Chinese culture, then the whole world will be China....

This is also the Chinese philosophy....

Otohime looked at him, feeling the changes in his inner emotions, and she felt inexplicably filled with admiration for this man who was full of infinite charm.

"Pica, go to the Sunshine Cave to condense the rocks. I want to create a new Fishman Island!" Adolf looked at Pica.

"It's His Majesty the King of the Sea!"Pika nodded, and then went immediately.

But he was having trouble in his heart, that is an island with a diameter of 20 kilometers!! This workload will not let him rest for a second!

It is not easy to get a ministerial position, pure history of cattle and horses...

"Otohime, you should also go back to the Red Earth Continent safe zone and tell everyone that Fishman Island will be rebuilt soon, and I will lead them to the surface soon!" Adolf looked at Otohime.

""Okay!" Otohime nodded.

She looked at Pica with amusement. She felt Pica's uncomfortable mood. No wonder he exploded so happily.

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