When Adolf returned to the battlefield, he had already seen Hancock coming out of another space.

"Adolf!" Hancock hugged him happily!

"I'm sorry for putting you at risk. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have won so thoroughly."Adolf apologized and expressed his sincere gratitude.

"For you, these are nothing~" Hancock is sweet and doesn't care about the danger at all.

In the different space, if Bruno refuses to open the door, then Hancock will really be trapped in the different space! Although there is a lot of food on the ship, it is not enough to support him. It's okay for two years.

But it's almost impossible to find a way to enter the door fruit space during this time!

Fortunately, Bruno is not that hard-hearted, and he gave up on the spot when the situation went wrong!

"Are Crocodile and Moonlight Moria still alive? You release them, I'll try to recruit them."Adolf said.

He is very strong now, but his power is too weak. He needs to do anything to increase his strength!

The fishmen warriors sent outside are always paying attention. Although he has a deterrent effect, they are afraid of some powerful gangs. Idiot, if you don't read a book or read a newspaper, you just sit on a piece of land. No one cares who the emperor is.

But if you have two masters like this, the effect will be completely different. It will not only be a deterrent, but also an execution ability.!

"Despicable Hancock! You actually used the sea tower stone to enslave me!!"Moonlight Moria was petrified and released, and he became furious on the spot!

"Idiot, that's called wisdom!"Hancock held Adolf's arm and expressed disdain!

"...!!"Crocodile's mouth twitched. It was a familiar sentence. He had also said it sarcastically.

But looking at Hancock's expression, it was obvious that his wisdom had become a joke.

""Silly man, be quiet!" He looked at Adolf with a dignified heart.

He glanced around and saw that the battle was clearly over.

The winner, Sea King——

"————Adolf!!"Moonlight Moria looked at Adolf with an extremely nervous expression!

"Hancock, petrify Bruno. We don't need him now!" Adolf looked at Bruno.

"Wait!" Bruno was petrified by Hancock just as he opened his mouth.

The Door-Door Fruit can reach the deep sea, and can also reach Marijoa directly. But he will not enter the different space of Bruno Fruit. If he turns against him and is trapped, he will be helpless.

The Mirror-Mirror Fruit can at least catch people and let them go, so just wait to die. Maybe the Memory Fruit can be used to modify memories and create dead soldiers?

Only then did Adolf look at the two of them and said,"I'm going to attack Marinford later, so let's be straightforward!"

‘Attack on Marinford!! Marine Headquarters——’Their pupils shrank!

"I want to overthrow the world government and rule the whole world with a centralized system, all countries, races, whether affiliated or not!!"

"Now I invite you to join me, I can give you a good treatment!"

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse, and I can also let you go."

"But after you leave, you will no longer be able to behave as pirates. I said I would kill all the pirates, including those guys from Whitebeard in the New World! I won’t repeat the consequences, they are just the same."

Adolf went directly to the topic.

When recruiting talents, you need to show sincerity. If you intimidate people to agree now, you will be happy if they turn around and trip you up.

The two of them were silent and did not give an answer immediately.

If it was someone else recruiting, even Whitebeard They don't even care about such sea emperors!

It's their pride to be a chicken head instead of a phoenix tail - but they know better than anyone how powerful the World Government's team is, and even such a team was defeated by Adolf. , and now they want to attack the navy headquarters.

Overthrowing the world government is not just a slogan, but it is really powerful!

In addition, they have to consider it to solve all the pirate threats!...

Becoming an enemy of Adolf?

Oh, it's only been a few hours, your brain is not working well, right?

"I can tell you that Doflamingo was already my subordinate before his execution, and I gave him the position of Minister of Commerce!"Adolf said

"What position would you give us?"The two asked with concern.

As for Hancock, they ignored it. What kind of position could this have? Just be a proper princess!"

"Downgrade two levels. Now that the empire has not yet been established, there are many opportunities to make meritorious contributions."Adolf said

"...!"Their expectations collapsed instantly.

General becomes major general? There are too many differences!!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be natural. Doflamingo joined before his execution, which means that he is determined to bear the revenge of the World Government together, and maybe he will also make some contribution, allowing Adolf to see his loyalty.

The difference is only a few days, but the treatment is completely different.

"It seems that you can't make a decision for the time being. I also want to go to the sea, so I'll take you there. Come find me when you've made up your mind."

"Remember to get up early..."

After Adolf finished speaking, he didn't force himself and headed directly towards the sea with a few bubbles.


"say something! You guys are talking——"

"There are only two Knights of God left! Not only did I break my leg, but all the navy assets were left at the bottom of the sea. Now I don’t know if Zefa has rescued Sakaski and the others!!"

"what to do? What will happen to the Navy in the future? What will happen to the world government in the future? ? Are you not planning to leave the island?!"

"Fishman Island is right below Mariejoia. I don’t think we can even go to the Red Earth Continent.——"

Zhan Guo was so angry that he was completely out of control.

He really accused the Five Elders of spraying his nose and spitting.


The brainless apes sat silently in the hall of power. Even if they were scolded by Warring States, they did not refute.

Even they themselves regret it...

The losses in this battle were too great. Even if the navy's elite soldiers suffered 100,000 casualties, they didn't care. They just lowered the threshold of the navy and reached the standard of strength, and they could quickly replenish it.

But this is the top combat power on the sea! A powerful combat force that can destroy a country by one person!!

Not only the navy suffered battle losses, but their world government also suffered heavy losses!

What's more, after all, the naval institution is also a part of the world government. The navy's losses in battle are also the losses of their world government....

‘bru bru bru bru...’

"Report! The images from all over the world have started again! I cut the image!"The Ministry of Communications will immediately operate

"What's going on?! Wasn't the one he played before a recording? Why is he still broadcasting it live?"

"Cut off all signals on Fishman Island immediately!"

Wulaoxing's incompetent anger suddenly ignited!

"But we didn't find any signals from Fish-Man Island! It’s okay to watch Vegapunk!"The Ministry of Communications said nervously and fearfully.

"How is that possible! What he played before was a recording. It is impossible to send the video to all parts of the world in such a short time!!"The Five Elders said directly

"This technology simply breaks common sense. Could it be that some kind of fruit ability is used?"Zhan Guo's brain was also in a mess.

Yes, it is indeed a fruit ability, but not entirely.

Violet's visible distance is 4,000 kilometers. She is not on Fish-man Island, but more than 3,000 kilometers away in the Calm Belt~

The World Government is staring at Fish-man Island, how can they notice this side!

And after importing the video into the Den Den Mushi, it is not transmitted directly, but transmitted to Caesar Courant, who is thousands of kilometers away. He, as a scientist, serves as a transit station and prepares some broiler springboards.

In the end, they were still worried that the World Government would find out and hinder them, so they planned to expose the coordinates for transmission. Anyway, it was the last video, and they would run away after transmitting it.

It's a pity that Caesar Courant didn't find it, let alone Violet and the others in the Calm Belt~

It can only be said that they are far ahead...

"Outrageous! It's really too outrageous.——"

"This fish dared to destroy the corpse of Garin Saint and declare war on the World Government——"

At the end of the video, the Five Elders were furious, their eyes were bloodshot and they released scarlet light, and the terrifying Overlord Color swept through them all!!

The sky over Marijoa was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed like a lightning of destruction was thundering in the clouds!!

Countless nobles, CPs, and Celestial Dragons fainted!

"Siege of Marinefando! Is he going to completely destroy Navy Headquarters?!!"

Warring States' eyes were cold, and his heart was even more angry, and he couldn't help but roar.

"How many times have I told you, the highest authorities! Don't make things bigger! Don't go on!! You have indulged in so many things before, why can't you indulge him once too!!"

"If we hadn't gone to the deep sea in the first place, we wouldn't have ended up in this situation!!"

"Sakaski and the others will not be caught, and the World Government will not suffer such a disastrous defeat!!"

"Do you know what it means when he officially declares war? ? ? ?"

"This means that both the navy and the world government will completely lose the power to rule the world.——"

"Without naval protection, can those participating countries still transport gold from the sky? Do you think those countries on the sea will still listen to the World Government? We can't even show up in the sea with warships——"

The mentality of the Warring States was completely broken!

The disastrous defeat in the underwater war meant that even their high-end combat power was infinitely compressed, and they could only be forced to shrink on the red soil continent and could not appear in the sea!!

If the high-end combat power was still there, they could still use the high-end combat power to kill a large number of fishmen to curb their expansion, at least they could not appear on the island at will, but now can they? ?

"Adolf's current threat is no longer the execution of the Celestial Dragons that will cause the prestige of the World Government to collapse, but an actual direct threat!!"

"As long as he stays on Fishman Island, we won't be able to land in Marijoa!"

"A point where even the Navy Headquarters must give up——"


The Legal Martial God, Maz Sheng, suddenly slammed the table, his face extremely gloomy!

"enough! You don't need to talk to us——"

The other five old stars also looked ugly, looking directly at Warring States, as if they would fuck him if they said another word.

There are only two Knights of God left, and none of them can be too strong against the Sengoku.

It's not that they can't be beaten or killed, but the situation is stronger than the people, and they are in urgent need of combat power!!

The crisis of domination is no longer in the future, it has already happened now! A large number of alliance countries have launched revolutions, but they cannot send out their navy to suppress it. There is no other way!

Zeng Guo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, suppressing his anger. There was no point in continuing to talk!

Looking at the image with great pain in his heart,"Damn it! Garp, He——"

At this moment, neither the Five Elders nor he, a man known as a wise general, could think of a solution.

In addition to relying on the Red Earth Continent's high defense, is there any other way?

"No! It's not that there is no solution at all!"

The God of Scientific Defense, Satan Saint, spoke, breaking the torment, and the others couldn't help but look over.

"No matter how many countries Adolf ruled and how many things he did, there was only one true core!"

"Get rid of Adolf and everything else won't be a problem!"

"Even if the fishmen are active underwater, we can still research weapons for underwater combat and we can clean them up quickly!"

"Monkey·D·Didn't Long demonstrate it before? The so-called revolution will turn into a joke in the end. As time goes by, the new king will become a noble who exploits insects, no different from those people now."

"Indeed, no matter who rules, they are just fence-sitters."

The Five Elders said one by one, seeming to regain their confidence and become more stable.

Zhan Guo looked at the five of them, completely silent....

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