Warring States was sixty-nine years old. He had only been a naval marshal for a few months and his one-year term had not yet expired. The time for experience had come....

But he was already an admiral when the Rocks Pirates dominated the sea. How many dark things did he deal with? Otherwise, how could he get the nod from the Five Elders and become a marshal?

Most of these are not recorded in the archives because they have been destroyed....

But when it comes from the Admiral's mouth, it has real weight.

"How could this happen? How could our navy be like this?——"

"I don’t believe that our navy has done so many tragic things!"

"Wasn't that mission a training trip to protect the Celestial Dragons? How could it be to cover the massacre of their hunting country? I really deserve to die!!"

"Are we all accomplices of the Celestial Dragons? Then why did I join the Navy? Just for those pigs who oppress us? ?!"The

Marines who can stay in the Navy Headquarters for a long time have been Marines for many years, have performed many missions, and now have high positions....

In other words, participants can be found in many of the events listed in the Warring States Period!!

The more this happens, the deeper they feel and their hearts collapse....

The justice they have been practicing is actually a lie to deceive the world. They are the accomplices of the Celestial Dragons!!

Then why did they join the Navy?

If they knew what they were doing from the beginning, they would rather commit suicide directly. They would rather die than go against their inner morality.——

"I don't believe it. I don't believe it.——"

"Marshal Sengoku told me that these are all fake, and that mermaid forced you to say so!!"

A navy officer screamed madly and heartbrokenly, and completely collapsed!

He was clearly trying to protect others, but he became an accomplice of the devil who did not do any evil.

How could these righteous people bear this?

Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru raised their heads and looked at the marine, but all remained silent.

Garp, Tsuru, Kake, Gion, and other vice admirals were also silent. Sengoku looked down and felt guilty,"Sorry, these are all true!"


I couldn't hold on any longer and fell heavily to my knees!

"We fight with pirates regardless of our own safety. No one knows when we will die...."

"But even so, everyone is still risking their lives to protect world peace!! Take pride in practicing justice——"

"If not, why would we join the Navy?! Isn't it bad to become a pirate and burn, kill, loot and play with women? Wouldn't it be nice to spend your whole life on an island? ?"

"But now I am told this result, I cannot accept it.——"

"What is my life worth? What are those dead comrades worth?"

"You're talking about the Warring States————"

The burly man's tears just flowed down.

He even screamed at the powerful Marshal Sengoku, as a righteous marine!!

The Warring States Period was silent...

He could only remain silent, because these were questions he could not answer. Could he say that your efforts were worth it?

If it were before, he could say that even the worst order was better than no order.

But now it was no longer possible....

After a long silence, he turned to look at Adolf,"I have already told you what you asked for, there is no need to go into more detail!"

"Adolf...Since you are determined to overthrow the world government, then do better and overthrow all of this——"

"I also hope that after you succeed you won't become the next Tianlongren..."

Warring States looked at the man next to him, feeling depressed.

"There are no perfect rules in the world, and there is no eternal human nature. I can't guarantee what will happen to me and my descendants in the future."

"But I will tell the world if I become the next Tianlong!"

"Then let the next king gather the power of everyone in the world to overthrow me.——"

"If you don’t even have the courage to pursue beauty, then you deserve to be dominated by me————"

Adolf looked calm, as if it were a matter of course


With the same domineering blessing, everyone in the audience heard it, couldn't believe it, and looked at him with admiration!

This is a promise that is worthy of the heart. What a courage.

Warring States was shaken in his heart. He looked at him with the same shock, admiring in his heart,"I didn't expect you to directly announce it to the whole world. No one can match this level of power! I began to believe that you can make everything happen." Do a good job and clean up the world..."

"Then the navy is in your hands. Please comfort the injured...."

After that he felt relieved that his bad experience as a marshal was finally over.

This experience of less than a year was even crazier than the more than fifty years of experience he had in the first half of his life!!

Adolf nodded and looked at the entire army.

Top-notch armed domineering, supreme domineering domineering, impact from the words——

"Don't be depressed or discouraged! It's not you who are wrong, but this world, the world government, and the Celestial Dragons.——"

"Just as this marine said, in a world full of murder, burning, looting and crime, you did not go along with the evil and release the darkness in your heart."

"Taking up arms, eliminating evil and promoting good, and defending the lives of the weak is a rare and noble quality.——"

Adolf clenched his fist and confirmed their intentions in a firm and strong tone.

Maybe the approach is not correct and there are various shortcomings, but being able to become a navy is already valuable....


The navy looked at him, the mermaid with a long tail fin, with mixed feelings.

He was the one who shattered all the justice they had done, but he was also the one who still acknowledged the justice in their hearts after all the mistakes!!

And the promise that he was not ashamed of....

"But just the intention is not enough! An accomplice is an accomplice, and you will not change what has happened just because of your original intentions!!"

"You are wrong because you are stupid and cannot see clearly the relationship between social classes! The mistake lies in the narrow vision and inability to see the essence of the world. The mistake lies in the shallowness of wisdom and the inability to find the right path.——"

Adolf pointed at each of them with all his strength and bluntly said that you are stupid!

This has nothing to do with muscles clogging the brain. It is simply more extreme than happy education. There is no education....

Every Chinese idiom is an enlightenment of wisdom, there are too many historical stories to broaden your horizons, and even the drinking culture is an ultimate appreciation of the ways of the world.

"I can tell you straight away, I will overthrow the World Government! I will even overthrow all member states and non-member states, and destroy everything that exists.——"

"Establish a unified centralized authority——"

"Even if we fail, we will serve as pioneers, using our lives to warn future generations and provide them with valuable experience!!"

"But history will give the answer, we are right——"

"Because we have a standard: people are happy and live and work in peace and contentment——"

"As long as we have this principle, we can't go in the wrong direction!!"

"This is the answer I give you. It is the direction for you to make up for your mistakes and the result that will be achieved in the future.——"

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