"Centralization? Doesn't that mean centralizing all the power in the world?"

"What a big ambition! Want to be the only king of the world——"

"What————!!It also...So handsome!!"

"Idiot, he wants to dominate the world! Even the world government is only a member country..."

"so what? There are so many franchised countries who love their people as their own children, but they are all the same as the Tianlong people. Let’s just smash them all!"

"He is our marshal now! The whole world is unified, and we are the navy that governs all countries in the world! It is completely possible to arrest those rubbish nobles reasonably and legally, and we will never let those rubbish nobles be arrogant again!!"

"That's right! I've long disliked those rubbish nobles. They were clearly the ones who were punished for their wrongdoings, and they still blamed us for arriving late...."

"Hey, shouldn't we atone for our sins? I think the standard Aquaman mentioned is very good...."

The square was filled with discussions among the navy, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

But they were also very happy about Adolf's recruitment of the navy from the beginning.���hostility and rejection, to recognition, understanding, and expectation...

‘——!’Adolf stood at the top, looking at the darkness in front of him, giving them time to discuss and digest.

After a while, he raised his hand to make virtual pressure, not using the overbearing impact to force, but using his movements to make everyone quiet and look at him....

Unconsciously dominate the audience, allowing them to cooperate subconsciously...

Even Garp, Tsuru, Gion, Kake, and even the three admirals looked up.

"World Nobles, Celestial Dragons! They enslave human beings, treating all living beings as insects and torturing and killing them at will. Are they hindering the people's happiness and contentment? ?"

"answer me——"

If no one speaks up, then give the order in a commanding tone!


In an instant, everyone responded subconsciously. Whether it was the sailors or the fish-men warriors, their eyes were all burning.

"In hundreds of countries around the world, those royal families and nobles who oppress people are hindering the people from being happy and living in peace and contentment!"


Everyone responded with all their might, and a loud noise spread throughout Marinford.——

"Then why do we want to eliminate the pirates? ? Is it because they hinder the happiness and peace of the people!!"

Adolf's voice became louder and louder, and even carried a majestic and domineering aura, as if he was covering more than 100,000 soldiers with his own strength!


More than 100,000 soldiers roared heart-breakingly and responded with all their might!

The loud noise shook the world, and the military's faith was condensed here, in the form of a collective will!

"Are those marines who are corrupt, collude with officials and bandits, and cause chaos in the area hindering the people's happiness and peace and prosperity?——"


He responded subconsciously without thinking!

But he also realized in an instant that this time he was talking about the navy!! But if you think about it carefully, corruption and collusion between officials and bandits, even if it is the navy, what's wrong? Isn't this behavior also an obstacle? ?

But he also thought again that they had been accomplices of the Celestial Dragons and also hindered the people of the world!!

They deserved to die - the guilt in his heart surged again, and he had a strong desire to make up for it and atone for his sins——

"That's right——"

"It has nothing to do with identity or strength! As long as it hinders the happiness and peace of mind of the people——"

"Regardless of the Celestial Dragons, royal family, nobles, pirates, or you sailors, even me, Adolf——"

"Anyone who is an enemy of the people must be overthrown and receive the punishment they deserve.————"

"This is my first order to you as Admiral of the Navy!!"

"I want to inject this belief into your military spirit and your faith.——"

Adolf pointed at himself, his eyes mad, and roared in a nearly hoarse voice, even if he was included in it!!



Zeng Guo stared at the man in front of him in disbelief with his pupils widened!

Akainu Sakaski, Aoki Kuzan, Kizaru Porusalino, and even Garp, Zefa, Tsuru, Kaki, Gion, Dauberman, Fire Mountain, and Ghost Spider...

They all looked at him in disbelief, their hearts were like a stormy sea, with huge waves rising!


More than 100,000 soldiers, both navy and fishmen! All stared at him with their mouths wide open, looking at this man who had become a king, a naval marshal and the most powerful man in the world!!

Sea King Adolf - at this moment, they truly memorized these eight words in their hearts and injected them into their souls, instead of just shouting slogans - when the fishmen were at their weakest and their future was uncertain, the fishmen warriors stood up with passion just because of his call!! When pirates were everywhere, they could have burned, killed, looted and played with women on the sea, but they still became navy warriors who defended justice!!

They did not have much knowledge or profound wisdom, but they had the purest beliefs.——

"Didn't the whole army hear it?"

"Take the order——"

Adolf looked at the navy who were staring at him absentmindedly, and screamed at the whole audience with a crazy voice——


At this moment, all the soldiers stood at attention - even the three generals stood up and accepted the order with the straightest posture!

There was a fire burning in their hearts, and the burning in their eyes seemed to set the sky on fire - in order to prevent the World Government from noticing, the sky was covered by clouds and dark, but at this moment, an exceptionally dazzling light could be seen from them.——

————! And they saw a sun rising from the highest point of Malinfando - a great sun.


Even after countless years, this will become the most precious wealth left to the people of the world!!

People love, support, yearn for, and become - but this is not the luck of the soldiers, but the luck of the people of the world...

From ancient to modern times, at home and abroad, looking around the world, which country can have such a military with such high quality?

It's unique - people go to work to fish, get paid to poop, and squat for half an hour...

But the moment you become a soldier, you dedicate your youth and life to this country. Even at the cost of death, you must defend everything you must protect!!

This is the army's own requirement, and people are proud to join the army.

But some people hold themselves to the standards of a villain, and measure others with the standards of a saint, and their requirements are even more stringent. What's wrong with taking an exclusive channel? What's wrong with priority processing?! In a place where everything is going well, some people still say they are stupid? ? What's the point of such a small salary? Are you going to die because your equipment is not as good as others? Modern warfare is about technology?

Some officers were even forced to shout slogans of"Long live dissolution"? ?





PS: Some things cannot be written down...

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