In the year 1509 of the Haiyuan calendar, a village named Ilutel was built on a small island in a certain sea area of the New World. It was calm and the sea was like spring all year round. Everyone’s face was filled with happy smiles. It seemed that here Not affected by the external”environment”

“That is……”

At noon that day, just as a group of middle-aged men were preparing to drive a boat out to sea for fishing, a special figure gradually landed on the beach in the distance.

I saw a young man with short blond hair, dragging a Neptune type that was extremely inconsistent with his figure, walking towards the village step by step.

Preliminary estimates indicate that this sea king is several hundred meters long. Every time he takes a step, the surrounding beach even begins to vibrate slightly, which shows how terrifying the weight of this prey is.

This boy is called Diris. He was born on this island ten years ago. When he was five years old, his biological father and mother died in a shipwreck. From then on, he could only live alone. Fortunately, He was born with a monster-like physique, and then he naturally awakened the Haki of knowledge and knowledge, which prevented him from dying prematurely because he lost his parents at a young age.

And he also has a secret that no one else knows, which is the identity of the time traveler, which can also be said to be rebirth.

In his previous life, he lived on an aqua planet. In an accident, he came to this extremely familiar anime world inexplicably. At first, he was very excited, but then he gradually calmed down. For him, he was lucky. Yes, although he does not have a golden finger such as the awakening system, he has a talent that is not weaker than Charlotte Lingling.

The former was only five years old and could fight adult giants with his bare hands. And when he was six years old, he killed a pirate captain with a bounty of 80 million. Maybe it was because of the other party’s carelessness, but Di Rui couldn’t be ignored either. Si’s powerful strength, otherwise even if the pirate captain stands and lets you fight, you will not be able to break through his body and domineering defense, let alone kill him. That is simply a fantasy.

“This kid is really a monster. Look at his height. He is almost the same as us when he is only ten years old!”

“Yes, in the past few years, thanks to this child, otherwise our village would have been invaded by pirates!”

“Although he is young, I regard him as the hero of the village. Unfortunately, he is destined to soar like an eagle for nine days in the future and cannot always stay in the village.……”

“Hopefully he will achieve great things in the future!”


As Diris passed by them, everyone was talking privately. Although they said good things on their lips, they also regarded Diris as a member of the village in their hearts, but they did not dare to come forward and talk to Diris. Reese talks, but usually he won’t say hello even if he sees him.

After all, the latter is as strong as a monster, which ordinary people cannot understand at all. There is a saying that people from two worlds should not force themselves to get together, otherwise they will hurt others and themselves!

“Come out Bista, I found you!”

When Diris arrived at the edge of the village, where he lived, he was just about to deal with this Neptune creature when he suddenly frowned, then raised his head and said to the roof

“Boy! It seems that your strength has become stronger. Is this your prey today? Large Neptune type, very good!”

Immediately, a man wearing a dress, a magic hat, and two famous knives hanging on his waist appeared in front of Diris in an instant, and said with a smile.

This man was Baibeard Hai.”Foil Sword” Bista, captain of the Fifth Division of the Thieves, is also famous in the new world for his two-handed swordsmanship. At present, he is only a top swordsman and does not have the great swordsman strength he displayed when he appeared in the original work. However, It’s not surprising to think about it, after all, he is only in his early thirties now

“Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. However, speaking of which, I would like to thank you for giving me the training method of armed color domineering!”

Diris said calmly after sizing up Bista.

He and Bista got acquainted by chance, and they became friends from then on. The other party would often come to this village to find him and ask him. Share some news, or discuss cultivation matters. After all, Diris’s talent is obvious to all, and Bista is not a fool. How could he not understand what this means? It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Diris fully grows up, he can He has reached such a height that even Bista, the captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, can only look up to him, and becoming friends with this future top powerhouse has both advantages and disadvantages for Bista.

“You’re welcome, even if I don’t give those things to you, I believe you can still get them from other people!”

“In addition, my father is very interested in you. He wants to invite you to join the Whitebeard Pirates and declares that he will make you his heir. When you grow up, you will take over the Whitebeard Pirates!”

Bista nodded. He said something casually at first, and then said with a serious face.

It turned out that he informed Whitebeard about Diris, or maybe he did it for the Whitebeard pirates. For the sake of the group, if Diris can become his father’s son, then the future of the Whitebeard Pirates will be full of possibilities…

Think about it, the strongest man in the world whose strength has not declined much now, plus a With a monster boy who is gifted, whose training speed is astonishing to ordinary people, and a large number of backbone combat forces, this pirate group will be so invulnerable!

In the original book, why did Whitebeard rather sacrifice his other sons than go to the Navy Headquarters to rescue him? Ace?

No one thinks that Whitebeard is just because of his friendship with Gol D. Roger and the father-son relationship with Ace? If that’s the case, he can go to the Navy Headquarters alone and talk to those The navy is working hard, and even if it fails, no one will say that Whitebeard is greedy for life and afraid of death, and is a loser who dare not even save his son. Instead, it will become a good story. In fact

, what he cares about is Ace’s own cultivation. His talent, combined with his top-notch natural Devil Fruit ability, means that as long as Ace can survive this battle, he can grow completely in the shortest time and take over the Whitebeard Pirates. The captain has an important responsibility. As for Whitebeard, he knows his situation. Even if he is killed in the Navy Headquarters, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, his sons can live well! That’s why he ordered the Whitebeard Pirates to assemble with his captains. The purpose of launching a war against the Navy Headquarters at all costs was to rescue Ace so that he could lead the Whitebeard Pirates to continue to develop. But unfortunately, the reality is cruel, and the miracle he expected did not happen…

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