“An invitation from the world’s strongest man? This title is really scary!”

“I didn’t expect that I would be so valued by him, but Bista, you may be disappointed. I am not interested in being someone else’s son, so I refused to join the Whitebeard Pirates, even if I was given better treatment.……”

Diris was stunned for a moment. He really didn’t expect that Whitebeard would have the idea of training an heir so early. It seems that the other party has discovered his own problems. As expected, those who can stand at the top of this world, None of them are simple!

However, when he faced Whitebeard’s excellent offer, Diris did not compromise, and even refused without thinking.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to take shortcuts, or that he looks down on the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, but there is one most important situation that he can’t change!

Whitebeard is really too kind to his son. If he honestly acts as Whitebeard’s son and works hard to show himself and let himself have a family relationship with Marco and others, maybe he can easily take over after Whitebeard gives way. These subordinates, otherwise even if Whitebeard gives up the captain’s position to him, others will understand it tacitly!

But he couldn’t just accept Whitebeard as his father, let alone please other people. Ever since his parents died in this life, Diris had secretly sworn in his heart that no one in this world was worthy. He respects and destroys anyone who blocks his path with his own hands!

“Boy, don’t you think about it carefully? Our Whitebeard Pirates are the most powerful pirate group in the world.……”

Listening to Diris’s unhesitating speech, Bista even thought that there was something wrong with his ears. In his opinion, his friend should agree and even show extreme excitement. After all, it was white. Beard’s invitation came with conditions. Could this be rejected?

I have to say that Bista felt as if his worldview had collapsed. Maybe he took Whitebeard too seriously and never thought that anyone would reject Whitebeard or dare to disobey Whitebeard! If it were anyone else, he might have drawn his sword directly, but the boy in front of him could be regarded as his only friend outside the Whitebeard Pirates, and he really didn’t want to fall out with him like this.

What’s more, his father also told him some things when he went here, and bluntly said that if Diris rejected him, he should not conflict with him.……

“No need to think about it! I’ve already told you the answer! As for what you said, the Whitebeard Pirates are the most powerful pirate group in the world.……”

“But so what? Still not living in the new world? This sea can never be ruled by pirates! Diris shook his head gently, and sighed in a low voice while looking at the sea in the distance! At the same time, the overlord-like domineering energy he had just awakened also burst out inadvertently, instantly causing the people closest to him to Bista froze on the spot

“Polu! Polu! Polu……”

“Dad told me before I came that if you refuse his invitation, let me use the phone bug to contact him! He wants to talk to you!”

Soon, Bista reacted and took a deep breath. Then he took out an exquisite telephone bug, dialed it and handed it to Diris.

This is what he said when he left the Moby Dick , Whitebeard’s last instructions to him!

“Gu la la la la! Kid, you are really brave! Aren’t you afraid that you will offend me and bury you in the sea?”

After only a few seconds, the phone bug in Diris’ hand changed its shape, and a very heroic voice came out, and the speaker was none other than the white-bearded Edward Newgate, who is known as the strongest man in the world!

“Ha ha ha ha! Since I dare to reject you, of course I have thought of a way out. If I leave the new world temporarily, will you chase me all over the world? Or you can let Bista take me down, of course, provided that he has that strength!”

After hearing what Whitebeard said, Diris couldn’t help laughing and said.

Others may be afraid of Whitebeard, but he is not afraid of him at all. He is not Whitebeard’s opponent now, but what about in a few years? With his talent, it really won’t take long to join the echelon of the world’s top players, and he didn’t brag in the end. With Bista’s current strength, he might be able to defeat him, but it’s far from that huge. The gap should be about four or six, so how can the opponent take him down?

Strength is an important factor that makes Diris confident. Even if Bista turns against him, he can escape unscathed! Could Whitebeard use this village? People come to threaten him? Sorry, he doesn’t have that much affection for the village. He helped the village drive away the pirates before, just to hone his combat experience. He has no sense of belonging to the village!

“Gu la la la la! Interesting kid! I look forward to the day when I meet you, and I hope you will still be as sharp-tongued as you are today!”

In the end, Whitebeard’s reply was a bit confusing, but as he hung up the phone, the call between Diris and the strongest man in the world was also announced to be over.

“Bista, I will leave the new world soon. I don’t know when we will see each other again. You should take care of yourself and don’t die inexplicably!”

With that said, Diris returned the phone bug to Bista. The unhappiness between him and Whitebeard has nothing to do with this friend. If the other person’s life is in danger in the future, he will definitely save his life. This is also After all, he was repaying Bista’s favor for giving him the Armed Color Haki Cultivation Method. That’s the way he is. He will remember those who are kind to him and repay as much as possible. As for those who have grudges, he will be embarrassed. He will definitely let him die without a burial place.

At present, he is a little confused about what Whitebeard means, but it doesn’t matter, just like he said, he is about to leave the new world, and he won’t be there for a while. Facing Whitebeard, as the saying goes, plans can’t keep up with changes, and who can say for sure what will happen in the future?……

“Sigh…what a pity……”

Bista sighed. He really wanted Diris to join the Whitebeard Pirates. On the one hand, it would allow his friend to grow up better, and on the other hand, it would also solve his father’s worries!

In fact, their sons who have been on the ship for a long time all know that Whitebeard has been looking for his successor, and the reasons are self-evident.

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