"Hahaha, it seems that this problem is none other than me!"

Blackbeard's voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

He was quite proud!

It's time to press the answer button!

But there is a figure that is faster than him!


A man dressed in the costume of the director of the city was the first to get the opportunity to answer.

Exactly Hannibal!

Someone who experienced things firsthand!

Seeing that his opportunity was actually robbed by Hannibal, a cold essence flashed in Blackbeard's eyes.

But Hannibal doesn't fear his blackbeard!

[Please answer, Your Excellency Hannibal]

As the sound of the light curtain sounded, everyone present was now looking towards him!

The Warring States were even more relieved in their hearts.

He knows!

Mostly stable!

But being watched by so many people present obviously made Hannibal a little shy!

His voice began to stutter: "I... I..." Looking

at his stammering look, the people on the naval side were about to die!

I thought, "Something has changed?"

"My... The answer is... Blackbeard! "


Hannibal finally spoke the answer.

It's just that!

When they heard that his answer was actually Blackbeard, everyone couldn't help but be surprised!

It's actually Blackbeard, a guy with thick eyebrows!

"He actually had a conflict with Hannibal?"

"Yes, this Blackbeard guy liberated those vicious criminals in the sixth layer, how could he not have a conflict with Hannibal, who was the deputy director at the time!"

Everyone turned their eyes to the light curtain again....

Wondering if Hannibal's answer is correct!

[Correct answer

] [Congratulations, Your Excellency Hannibal, please choose your reward]

Hear here....

The Warring States suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!


[Reward 1: Capture all prisoners released by Blackbeard on the sixth layer and maintain order in the sea]

As soon as this reward comes out....

Sengoku breathed directly thick/heavy!

Blackbeard's eyes were glaring, and his face was a little pale with horror!

Countless sea powerhouses changed their colors when they heard it!

[Reward 2: Gain immunity to all things, from now on, space, time, nothing can trap you, any attack can not hurt you, so that you can better catch criminals]

This second reward....

The shock brought is not inferior to the first one!

Everyone looked at Hannibal!

No matter which reward he chooses, he can become the balance of the sea in an instant!

"I... I choose..."

Hannibal still looked a little shy, "Reward one!" "

Hannibal thinks!

Instead of allowing yourself that magical ability, let everything go back to the way it was!

There are too many prisoners escaping from the sixth floor!

Capturing them back will definitely relieve a lot of pressure on the Navy!


Hear Hannibal's choice!

Blackbeard slumped directly on the ground!

This is good....

Not only did he become a true loner!

It's really going to be hunted down and killed by the Whitebeard Pirates!

As soon as he thought of this desperate life, he couldn't help but see the darkness in front of him!

This is so shocking!


The navy side erupted into a sky-high exclamation.

In this way....

Their pressure is much less all of a sudden!

Sengoku glanced at Hannibal appreciatively and thanked him for his efforts!

[The reward is being executed, exit the current chat room to check the progress of the reward distribution

] [This prize quiz is over, welcome to continue next time]

disappear with the hum of the light curtain....

Everyone also felt that their eyes lit up and they had returned to their original place.

"Hannibal !!!"

Blackbeard drank angrily!


This day!

Countless sea pirates cry out in despair!

But it doesn't change anything!

A ray of light descended from the sky, taking them away and entering the sixth layer of Advance City!


"Director Hannibal, you are amazing!"

"Thanks for having you!"

After learning that all this was caused by Hannibal, countless people excitedly thanked Hannibal!

Because the rapid disappearance of the sea pirates directly hit the morale of other pirates!

Let them converge their arrogance at once!


It's at this time!

The light curtain suddenly appeared all over the world again!

[Special short video - trampled justice]

See this name!

Many people have a sense of foreboding!

The picture moves!

Directly to Hannibal....

"Hey, isn't this what I've seen before, Director Hannibal is desperately trying to stop the Straw Hats!"

Looking at the familiar picture in front of you, many puzzled!

I have already seen the picture, why is it still playing!

But right away!

And they get it!

"This is the Great Fortress of Hell, if it falls, the world will be in infinite panic and turmoil!"

Hannibal had just uttered this touching and tragic sentence....

Behind him, suddenly came the screams of the jailer soldiers!

I saw a black smoke, which engulfed all the jailers who were guarding by the gate.

A rough and ambitious voice came: "Shut up!

"Don't keep your mouth shut or it's either just or evil, even if you search all the countries in this world, there will be no answer!"

It's Blackbeard!

He trampled Hannibal under his feet and grinned, "Stupid! "

He unscrupulously squeezed the jailers' bodies with his Dark Fruit ability, completely treating them like toys!

And then!

They were released from the sky again!

Look at his unscrupulous appearance!

And with his fierce face!

Many people are angry at the moment and can't wait to rush directly into the video and beat Blackbeard!

So try so hard to resist the evil Hannibal....

All his glory!

His justice!

Just like that, he was trampled by Blackbeard with a kick!

As you can imagine....

If there is no Hannibal to block it!

Let more vicious pirates like Blackbeard descend on the sea....

What a desperate thing that would be!

"Lonely justice, if not helped, will also be defeated by the darkness of evil, and nothing will be left but tragic sacrifice!"

"There is no need to advocate any tragedy, what is needed is timely support, so that the tenacious faith can be inherited in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere!"

"Justice that is late, it is better than nothing!"

After the light curtain left such three lines....

Officially gone!

But Hannibal's tragic picture is something that people will not forget for a long time!

It's so heavy!

People can't help but cry!

All his efforts are so vulnerable in Blackbeard's eyes!

But the Warring States they don't have time to be tragic at the moment!

They need to hurry up and send troops to support the sea in various regions!


Yellow Ape!


White Dragon!

Purple Moon!

Ghost spider!

A large number of high-ranking naval officials and masters were sent to the New World, the first half of the Great Voyage and other places!

Especially the Hundred Beast Pirates....

Focused on deploying three general-level combat powers!

Sengoku, Kapu, Fujitora personally led the team, and Lieutenant General Tsuru personally sat in the center and was responsible for strategizing!

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