And the bigmom pirates....

The pheasant himself sits down!

Ziyue, White Dragon is responsible for monitoring the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Red-Haired Pirates, these two relatively stopped four emperors!

"What, the general Yellow Ape personally descended on the Chambord Islands!!"

"Hey, hey, what a joke!"

The first half of the Great Voyage....

When I heard that the yellow ape, the star killer and forcing the king, came!

Countless pirates are so scared that they can't escape!

The sea is changing so fast!

Obviously a few days ago it was still a great form of their pirate industry!

How did it take two or three days....

That's it again, they were beaten again!

"It's really terrible, there are actually so many pirates going to sea!"

The yellow ape is so terrifying in one bite, one blow to a pirate group!

This time!

Sakaski's order was....


The yellow ape can't continue to fish!

And the serious yellow ape really looks like a general!

Kill all sides!

In this great route, there is no one who can stop him!


Advance into the city!

"Get ready to take in pirate prisoners!"

"Remember, what happened two years ago must not happen again!"

"The prisoners of the sixth floor must not go wrong!"

Now, Magellan, who is the deputy director of the Advancement City, is fully mobilizing the manpower of the entire Advancement City to prepare for the army of pirates who will be transported immediately!

"Seeing you fierce guys come back again, my heart is suddenly at ease!"

Even if he was demoted to deputy director, it would not affect Magellan's deterrent power to the prisoners of the entire Advance City!

"Hehe, Magellan, you guy is less proud, the person who captured us is not you, but the timid administrator!"

"Don't let me run out again, Magellan, or I'll give you a headache for a while!"

"I thought I would never come back, but I didn't expect to become a prisoner again in a blink of an eye, this life is really dreamy!"

Prisoners who can be held on the sixth floor!

None of them are simple!


Dangerous very!

Magellan's gaze was not on these shouting people!

Biting dogs don't bark!

Those who sit in prison, are tied up by Hailou Stone, and do not say a word, are the real ruthless characters!

Like the man named Barrett, a descendant of demons!

Even if he was handcuffed by Hailou Stone, his hands and feet were pierced, locking the key point, ensuring that he could not move, Magellan did not dare to take him lightly!

Because this man is so dangerous!

Sitting there, like a ferocious beast, is chilling!

The real ruthless characters are all one person and one room!

Only in this way can they really be trapped!

"It's amazing, I didn't expect to enter this sixth layer again!"


Someone spoke, there was no shouting, only a calm description!

Xuanyue hunter Daipeng!

"You're locked in this sixth layer, that's a good thing!"

Magellan snorted coldly, his eyes cold!

"Don't worry, more people will come to accompany you!"

Venom emerged from Magellan's body, turned into a poisonous dragon, and rushed towards the shouting rooms.

"You losers on the sea, give me peace!"

In the face of this sudden attack of the poisonous dragon, many people changed color, "Magellan, you bastard!" "

After many people were poisoned, they screamed violently!

And then!

No sound!


"What a thrilling scene!"

Su Yang watched all this happen, and couldn't help but sigh.

This is much more exciting than watching the "Sea King" anime!


This kind of plot cannot be seen in the "Sea King" anime!

"This world is amazing!"

"In other words, if those big people know that I am actually connected to the anime world, will they arrest me and study me as a guinea pig!"

Su Yang felt that it should be!

"You still have to be careful in your words and actions!"

He just wants to make money quietly!

"Tearjerker highlights, well, three or four more pictures, let's start making!"

"The prize quiz is still the same!"

Although "The Sea King" is a story where the protagonist is a pirate!

But there are too few kind-hearted pirates like Luffy!

What Su Yang prefers is still the navy!

At least!

They defend the interests of the broad masses of the people!

Su yang!

As a member of this vast array of beings!

Naturally, he cares more about the interests of civilians!


"I kind of miss the video played by the light curtain!"

"It's been two days, why hasn't the video behind the tearjerker been played!"

"I dream now that the light curtain appears, and then play my favorite video, you say, why did he broadcast it!"

"Wait, if it doesn't air, can we still beat him out?"

With Operation Thunder of the Navy!

The sea is calm and calm all of a sudden!

The first half of the Great Voyage....

It's almost impossible to see any scenes of pirates raging!

The safety of people's lives can finally be guaranteed again!

And the new world....

On the surface, it is extremely calm, but secretly it is turbulent!

It is concentrated in the confrontation between the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Navy!

Because of the 'pretending to be famous scene' in front, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group got unexpected benefits!


Ambition has expanded a lot!

If it weren't for the Navy's luck!

I got a lot of benefits in the quiz with prizes!

I'm afraid that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is already preparing to attack the other four emperors!

Kaido has this ability!

And his goal!

The first is his former comrade-in-arms, bigmom!

It's just that because of the sudden addition of the Navy, it was forced to give up!

Three general-level people blocked his path!

Kaido really doesn't dare to go out to sea!

Without him sitting in town, those people on Ghost Island can't stop the menacing pirates!


And just like that, it entered a false calm again!

Although this peace can be broken at any time!

But it's better than nothing!

"Haven't you found out the origin of this light curtain!"

After the sea temporarily entered peace, the world's zhengfu began to engage in moths again!

The thief's heart is not dead!

I want to continue to explore the origin of the light curtain!

They want to control the mysterious thing of the light curtain!

With this killing weapon, who else in the sea can compete with them in the future!

After mastering this killing weapon, they don't have to worry about their roots, which are revealed by this light curtain!

They also do not allow ....

There is something on this sea that they cannot control!

And Su Yang, who watched this scene!

I can only shake my head helplessly!

The world's zhengfu is looking for its own death!

And it's doing useless work!

He didn't think that the World Zheng Mansion could find out the origin of this light curtain!

Because of the level of technology in between!

Not on a dimension at all!

"Video upload successful!"

"Under review!"


This time!

Su Yang went to sleep without closing the computer!


Then the website, live broadcast watched the reaction of everyone in the pirate world.


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