The year 1512 of the Haiyuan calendar.

Time flies like a white horse.

Four years is neither fast nor slow.

Luo Di and Ai Kou insist on exercising every day without stopping for a day.

Now, the nine-year-old Ai Kou is 1.5 meters tall. After a long period of exercise, her originally fair skin has turned into wheat color, healthy and full of vitality. Her delicate facial features and slightly childish face are eye-catching.

In four years, although Ai Kou is still a little girl, her strength is different from the past.

Fighting a few wolves alone is no problem.

In addition, Luo Di's intentional or unintentional teaching, which allowed her to cover her eyes to avoid attacks, greatly improved Ai Ko's reaction and perception, and she was able to temporarily use the observation Haki.

Although it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, it won't take long for her to master it.

In comparison, the ten-year-old Luo Di is more outstanding, with a height of 1.65 meters, a well-proportioned and perfect figure, handsome facial features and bright eyebrows, a handsome boy.

After four years of long-term research and development, Luo Di is basically familiar with the power of the devil fruit.

Some things that were not clear before were also understood by him.

First and foremost.

At the beginning, when the original body died, the devil's power did leave the body, but half of it was pulled back because of his arrival.

In other words, half of the devil's power remained in the body, and the other half merged with his soul.

He can release the devil's power in his soul and present the energy body form that he has seen for the first time.

This part of the demon power inherited the disadvantage of the devil fruit, that is, fear of sea water.

And when he released that part of the demon power, he would not be afraid of sea water.

Luo Di had tried this.

Of course, there are disadvantages. Maintaining the externalization of that energy requires a lot of physical strength, and the strength of the main body of the death god will be greatly reduced.

Luo Di gave the energy body a name, the demon clone.

The second point is that when the demon clone completely returns to the main body, it will produce soul pressure at that moment, and the effect is similar to the domineering color.

In addition, there is also the effect of observation color.

After continuous attempts, Luo Di can now actively trigger it even without the demon clone.

It can be said that he has initially mastered the domineering color and observation color.

The third point is also very important.

When the Death Scythe kills the enemy, it will feed back energy to the host and strengthen the body.

In the past four years, Luo Di has been killing beasts in the Gora Forest, and his physical fitness has increased rapidly.

Now, even with his physical strength, he can kill a tiger with one punch.

His strong body prompted him to train his legs and pay more attention to speed.

Among the six styles of the navy, shaving is to stomp the ground at high speed for dozens of times in 0.36 seconds to generate explosive reaction force to move at high speed, which looks like disappearing.

After continuous training, Luo Di finally mastered shaving.

In fact, shaving is not difficult. When the physical fitness reaches a certain condition, it will be easy to use.

The fourth and last point is the death god transformation and half death god transformation.

In the past four years, Luo Di has been continuously developing devil fruits.

Just a year ago, the death god robe appeared.

The death god robe is invulnerable to water and fire, thunder and lightning, and can also allow the user to fly. It is a concrete manifestation of the initial mastery of the death god transformation.

After mastering the death god robe, it means that the devil fruit recognizes Luo Di.

And the half death god transformation is a natural result.

Half-death transformation allows Luo Di to summon the Death Robe or Death Scythe alone, which can greatly reduce physical consumption.

Finally, Luo Di also comprehended some special skills, which are powerful skills that can only be displayed by the power of the Death God!

"4990, 4991, 4992...4999, 5000"

After completing 5,000 swings, Ai Ko wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran to Luo Di impatiently.

"Brother Luo Di, how long will it take to leave?"

Luo Di wrapped weights on his feet, slowly stood up, shook his legs, and looked at the sky again.

It was a cloudless day, and it was indeed a good day for traveling.

"Say goodbye to 'them', it may be difficult to come back in the future!"

For four years, Luo Di and Ai Ko have never left this small fishing village.

Even Luo Di, a visitor from another world, has developed a little affection for this place.

There is also an extra bond.

Ai Ko

Kou, the sister in his heart.

In fact, Ai Kou didn't want to call him brother at first, but she finally compromised under the pressure of force.

After saying goodbye to the "villagers", Luo Di and Ai Kou walked step by step to the road where the navy left four years ago.

Their destination is the Kingdom of Sitkaya.

Luo Di also has his own plan for the future.

First, start as a pirate hunter, kill pirates to get bounties and accumulate money.

After that, we'll talk about it later.


Drada Town is backed by the Gola Forest and is connected to the west gate of the capital Duz Saint Varan.

Merchants, pirates, navy, etc., all gather here.

If you want to get intelligence, the best place for Luo Di who doesn't have Bailey is the bar!

There are not many entertainment methods in this world, and the bar is undoubtedly one of them.

"Brother Luo Di, are you sure you want to go there?"

At the door of a bar, Ai Kou pulled Luo Di's arm, his face slightly flushed.

It's no wonder she thought too much. Just now, she saw with her own eyes that an uncle walked in with a gorgeous woman in his arms, and even kissed the woman when he passed by her.

How could Aikou, who had never been exposed to any sexual affairs, stand this?

"Uh, how about you wait for me outside for a while?"

Luo Di was also a little embarrassed.

To be honest, taking my sister to the bar might lead the child astray.

"Forget it, I'll go with you!"

I don't know if it was because she was worried or what, after struggling for a while, Aikou still planned to go in with Luo Di.

Entering the bar, the strong smell of cigarettes and alcohol hit me in the face, and the chaotic conversations were endless.

"Little brother, little sister, what do you want to drink?"

The bar owner was a fat uncle with a kind look.

However, are there any good people who deal with pirates all year round?

All this is probably a disguise.

"We are here to look for someone!"

Luo Di didn't want to talk too much, so he made up an excuse and walked straight to the inner room with Ai Kou.

The fat boss looked at the backs of the two people, took out a Den Den Mushi from below, and whispered to someone.

"Haha, 12 million Baileys, Captain Leiba's bounty has increased again. If you ask me, it won't be a problem to travel across the West Sea in a while!"

"Follow our Captain Leiba to eat and drink, I'll drink first!"

"Let's go, brothers!"

In his drunken eyes, a little pirate noticed Ai Kou who had just walked in, and whispered to the bearded man sitting in the middle with a smirk.

"Captain Leiba, look, what about that little girl over there?"

The bearded man subconsciously looked in the direction of his finger.

Looking closely, it was a little girl.

Then he took a sip of wine and smiled evilly.

"You still understand me, go, catch her!"

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