The birth of a young man!

Lodi, who had the ability to see and hear, naturally heard the conversation between the few people.

When he learned that the rough man called Captain Leba wanted to attack Aikou, who was still a little girl, a nameless anger suddenly emerged.

He had never been so angry!

"Kou'er, get ready to kill!"

Aikou was a little surprised to hear this, but she was not afraid of killing, after all, she had just come in.

However, she had killed hundreds of beasts in the past few years. Although it was her first time to kill someone, she did not object.

Besides, she would have to avenge her parents in the future, and killing people would be inevitable.

"Do it!"

The moment the little pirate stood up, Lodi and Aikou also moved.


Lodi turned into a black shadow and disappeared from his seat.

On the other side, Captain Leiba was picking up the wine glass, but in a blink of an eye, a figure appeared in front of him.

Before he could say anything, he saw the figure holding his hands in the air, and a black sickle of nearly 1.5 meters suddenly appeared.

That's right, it was exactly 1.5 meters. The sickle of death has growth potential!

At this time, it is longer and more lethal than four years ago.

The person who came was Luodi!

"Ghost sickle·Shock Slash!"

The sickle of death was swung out violently and then quickly pulled back as if to relieve the force.

The instant burst of power mixed with the power of death caused the air to vibrate rapidly, and then another black slash was slashed out at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as the slash arrived, Leiba rolled his eyes and fell on the sofa as if he was unconscious.

From the outside, Leiba was intact, as if the slash was only a visual effect.

But only Luo Di knew that Leiba was dead. The blow just now directly shattered his brain.

Then, Luo Di returned to his original position in another instant. The whole process took less than two seconds, so fast that almost no one noticed.

In comparison, Ai Kou was not so fast.

"Hey, little beauty, our captain asked you to accompany him... er..."

As soon as the little pirate approached, he was greeted by a fatal knife.

Ai Kou cut and slapped, without any delay, and solved it in an instant.


"Tabu, keep your voice down... Hey, Taibu, what's wrong with you?"

A pirate who was drinking was startled by the loud noise. Just as he was about to scold, he saw his companion fell in a pool of blood.

And the little girl who looked harmless was holding a bloody knife in her hand.

This is too much.

The other members of the Leiba Pirates were instantly shocked and angry.

How dare she?

Does a little girl dare to provoke pirates these days?

Do you really think they are vegetarians?

"Damn, little girl, you're looking for death!"

A pirate who was on good terms with Taibu raised a western knife on his side and slashed at Aikou with a fierce look.

Aikou's expression remained unchanged, and she dodged it easily by slightly tilting her body, and then she raised her knife and chopped down another pirate.

In recent years, Aikou's battle targets have all been fierce beasts, and the degree of danger alone is far from comparable to these little pirates who only know how to eat, drink and have fun.

At the age of 9, her strength may not be comparable to that of an adult, but in terms of skills, it is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Brothers, go ahead, let this little devil see how powerful our Reba Pirates are!"

"Leave her alive, and we will "treat" her well later!"

"My brother's big iron rod is very thick, you bear it."

Pirates swarmed up one after another.

Aikou was "dancing" in the crowd, and a pirate fell to the ground with every knife.

Seeing that nearly twenty companions were about to be killed, the vice-captain sitting next to Leiba could no longer sit still.

"Hey, Leiba, wake up!"

He shook Leiba's body, but Leiba did not respond at all.

"How... How is it possible, Leiba is actually... dead!"

He moved closer and was shocked to find that Leiba was not breathing.


There are masters here!

The slightly drunk vice-captain was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He didn't care about the lives of other pirates at all, and ran out without saying a word.

"Did you find it?"

Luo Di raised his eyes slightly.

"So what?"

"Ghost sickle·Shock Slash!"

The black slash passed through the vice-captain who had just stepped out of the door, but his body still crossed the hurdle.

"1, 2, 3!"

Luo Di counted to three silently, and a sound of falling came from outside.

At this time, Ai Ko wiped the bloody knife with the square cloth on the table and sat down next to Luo Di.

"Huh, it's my first time killing someone, I'm still a little uncomfortable!"

Luo Di turned his head and saw that Ai Kou's pretty face was a little pale.

"Imagine them as, uh... beasts... maybe it will be easier. Besides, it's the first time after all, so it's normal to be a little nervous."

Ai Kou nodded and looked around again.

"Now that everyone has run away, how can we get information? Or should we go to other bars?"

Luo Di shrugged, then stood up and walked to Leiba.

"We have achieved our goal!"

The bar owner watched Luo Di and Ai Kou leave and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Two evil spirits, 12 million pirates were killed by them. Fortunately, the people I called have not come yet, otherwise..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shuddering.


The naval station in Drada Town.

"This is a 6 million Bailey bounty!"

Luo Di took a stack of banknotes worth 10,000 Baileys, glanced at them, and threw them directly to Ai Kou without counting them.

The original bounty for Leiba was 12 million Baileys, but Luo Di only received half of it.

Although the bounty list said that it didn't matter whether the pirates were dead or alive, there was no doubt that the dead pirates were far less valuable than the living ones.

"Did you really kill Leiba?"

The young navy was still a little unbelievable, and he repeated the same words three times.

Are the two people in front of him only 11 or 12 years old at most?

Can they really kill pirates with such a high bounty?

For the navy, Luo Di currently has no hostility. After all, who would have a problem with money?

However, it's hard to say in the future. He might meet a Celestial Dragon one day and kill one or two of them. At that time, it would be inevitable to be wanted.

Seeing Luo Di nod, the young navy rubbed his hands and asked tentatively.

"Then, do you want to join our navy?"

However, Luo Di left with Ai Ko without looking back.

"Hey, wait, I haven't finished talking yet!"


After buying a few sets of clothes, thinking of the words of the young navy, Luo Di couldn't help but ask Ai Kou beside him.

"Kou'er, do you want to join the navy?"

This was Luo Di's question after thinking for a long time.

Because he was used to being bound in his previous life, Luo Di yearned for the sea and wanted to go to different places to appreciate different scenery, which was often accompanied by great risks. Ai Kou followed him and might only live a life of blood on the tip of a knife.

In contrast, the navy is different. Although it is restricted by various rules and regulations, safety can still be guaranteed during the recruit period, and various abilities can be mastered.

As long as you have good talent, you can learn the six styles of the navy and even domineering.

After learning, you can still protect yourself in the first half of the great voyage.

However, Ai Kou refused flatly.

"No, unless you go too!"

"Uh, well, I'm afraid that's not possible."

"Didn't you say you would never leave me? Luo Dige, you're not lying to me, are you?"

"Did you?"

"Yes, humph, you can't get rid of me anyway!"


Just at this moment, a carriage came quickly, the driver was wearing silver armor, his face was completely covered by a helmet, and the whip in his hand was constantly waving.

"Go, get out of the way!"

Behind them, a team of people who looked like mafia rode horses and chased quickly, firing bullets from their guns.

Occasionally, a few unlucky people on the roadside were shot and fell to the ground in pain.


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