Marine Headquarters Marine Vando, Office of the Admiral.

At this moment, in this Admiral's Office, in addition to the Sengoku Marshal, Lieutenant General Garp, Lieutenant General Crane, General Polsalino, and General Kuzan are all gathered here to discuss the original Qibukai Eni Road. question.

With the defeat of Anilu and his arrest in the Great Underwater Prison, the position of "King Xia Qiwuhai" has been vacant, and a new suitable candidate is needed to fill it.

In addition to this, it has been several years since the "King's Seven Wuhai" held a meeting.

Recently, such monster-like rookie pirates have appeared inexplicably, and the Warring States Marshal is also thinking about whether to hold a Qiwuhai meeting with the rest of the navy, so as to stabilize the situation through the power of the Qiwuhai.

at this time……


The door of the Admiral's Office was slammed open, and a colonel who belonged to the Intelligence and Communications Department broke in breathlessly and reported in a loud voice.

"Yuan... Marshal, it's not good, the world aristocrat Roel Rud was attacked in the Chambord Islands!"

Immediately, the atmosphere in the marshal's office changed slightly, and both Polsalino and Kuzan, who were admirals of the navy, raised their heads to look at the navy colonel at the same time.

"What?! Is it a pirate?" The Warring States Marshal asked in a slightly angry tone.

"That's right, the attacker is the supernova that arrived in the Chambord Islands this time," the colonel replied.

"This batch of supernovas is really rampant!"

The Warring States Marshal gritted his teeth a bit, then looked towards Polsalino and Kuzan.

After all, according to the rules, once someone offends the Tianlong people, the admiral who represents the "highest combat power of the navy" must attack and maintain it.

Polsalino put down the teacup in his hands, and stood up disapprovingly, saying.

"Forget it, let the old man run and blow the arrogance of those supernovas by the way, so that they can understand that the sea is not just for them to mess around."

"It's hard work, General Polsalino."

The Warring States Marshal nodded, approving Polsalino's decision, and would not doubt that Polsalino did not have the strength to suppress Supernova. .

Immediately, Polusalino was opening the window of his office, and when he was about to rush to the Chambord Islands to control the situation with the ability of "Sparkling Fruit", he casually asked the colonel a question.

"By the way, who exactly is the attacker?"

The colonel hurriedly stood at attention and saluted, and replied nervously. "According to the information reported by the Chambord Islands, the attackers should be the Straw Hats of the Straw Hat Pirates."

In an instant, Polsalino raised his leg for a while, and the senior naval officers in the office who had already started to do other things also froze.

The colonel felt the strange atmosphere in the office suddenly, but he didn't know why.

'What's going on here? Just now, the officers didn't seem to have such a big reaction when they heard that the Tianlong people were attacked. ’

And Polsalino smashed his mouth, slowly retracted half of his feet that had stepped out of the window, and turned his eyes to Kuzan, said.

"That... The old man suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with, why don't you go to Kuzan?"

Kuzan silently pulled down the blindfold on his forehead to cover his eyes, and quickly let out a slight snore, as if he hadn't heard Polsalino's suggestion at all.

Immediately, after Polsalino waved the colonel away, he turned his attention to Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Garp and said.

"So, um, old man... uh... do you want to leave quickly? Or do you need to prepare a little bit more. When the Tianlong people are attacked, bring a few more warships to block the scene and prevent the attackers from escaping?"

Not to mention the Warring States Marshal and Lieutenant General Crane, even Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help but twitch.

Where did Polsalino go to blockade the scene, it was clearly to give the Straw Hat Pirates sufficient time and opportunity to escape.

It's just... After the "Straw Hat Pirates" defeated Anilu, the Navy has already mastered most of the information about the "Straw Hat Pirates", which has led to the fact that the senior navy leaders in the office already knew about Captain Monkey. D Luffy is the grandson of Lieutenant General Garp.

If it was just like this, the Warring States Marshal would naturally handle it "justly", but... on that thief ship, there were also Sora and Ying, who were suspected to be the grandchildren of the Warring States Marshal. embarrassing.

In this way, what is the difference between killing the "Straw Hat Pirates" and wiping out most of the descendants of the top navy?


The Warring States Marshal suddenly stood up and said angrily.

"General Porusalino, what are you hesitating about? Maintaining the safety of the world's nobles is the duty of the navy. Once the navy fails to take appropriate actions, it will only cause unnecessary doubts to the world, and it will also make the world government lose face. lose. "

Immediately, the Warring States Marshal's expression sank, and he gave an order. "General Polsalino, General Kuzan."

Hearing the words, Kuzan could only push off the blindfold and stood up lazily.

"In order to show the determination of the navy to execute justice, and to maintain the face and majesty of the world government, you two admirals of the navy attack together, be sure to kill the attacker..."

Having said that, the Marshal of the Warring States Period supported his hands on the desk, with a heavy tone, he spoke again.

"The attackers of the world nobles must be killed on the spot, and all the Straw Hats must be arrested. Do you understand?"

Kuzan and Polsalino looked at each other, and both read similar meanings in each other's eyes.


With the departure of Kuzan and Polsalino, Lieutenant General Garp couldn't sit still for the words "kill the attacker on the spot" that the Marshal of the Warring States just said, and then pretended to stand casually. He got up and walked out of the office.

"Kapp, where are you bastard going?" The Warring States Marshal asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"No, I've been sitting for a long time, just walk around." Lieutenant General Karp replied casually, but his footsteps continued to move out of the office.


The Warring States Marshal drank and said. "Kapp, you can't go to the Chambord Islands!"

"Why?" Lieutenant General Garp said dissatisfiedly.

"Just because your attacker, the straw hat boy, is your grandson." The Warring States Marshal said angrily.

"Hey, hey, Sengoku, don't forget, Sora and Ying are probably also in the Straw Hat Pirates, and they are also accomplices." Lieutenant General Garp retorted.

In an instant, the Marshal of the Warring States period seemed to have been stabbed to the point, he couldn't help but slapped the table and shouted. "Isn't that the result of some bullshit pirate group established by your bastard grandson?"

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