Pirates on Top of the War: I Will Stand In the Sky

Chapter 747: Flowing Cherry Blossoms

"You are slandering, can't it be the bad thing that Sora and Ying fooled Luffy to do?" Lieutenant General Garp continued to retort stubbornly.

"The grandchildren of the old man are definitely not pirates. You are slandering and slandering the old man..."

Zhan Guoyuan was so handsome that his hair almost stood up, he pulled his neck and shouted directly in front of Garp.

"Even if it really is Kong Yuying, the grandson of the old man is definitely not willing to become a pirate, but is forced by your bastard's grandson."

For a time, these two elderly people who were over 150 years old together became more and more noisy in the office, constantly blaming each other, shirk responsibility, and even gradually developed into the past when they were young and started to do it directly. up.


Lieutenant General Crane, who sat on the side and continued to drink tea, could not help but let out a long sigh, and then continued to drink tea.

As for the villains who attacked the Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands, the navy must give an account to the world government in any case, and take corresponding actions in front of the world.

It's just... Admiral Crane can't really kill the Admiral and the descendants of the two naval heroes at once, right?

So, probably Polsalino and Kuzan have already gotten to know each other, right?

Let the luxurious lineup of two admirals attack the "raider", and they evaporate directly, and then quietly bring back the group of nonsense bastards. In this way, there is barely a reason to block the world government and the Tianlong people. accountability, right?

'It's... so ridiculous...'

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General He still couldn't help but twitch.


On the other side, in the Chambord Archipelago, as the news of the Tianlong people being beaten spread like an explosion, everyone in the entire Chambord Archipelago could not help but feel their scalp tingling, and almost everyone realized what would happen next. .

"Admiral...will come!"

For a time, while the navy stationed in the Chambord Islands quickly began to block the Chambord Islands, a large number of pirates who were aware of the danger began desperately to leave the Chambord Islands.

"Which bastard is..."

"To dare to attack Tianlong people like this is simply courting death!"

"Flee quickly, or we will definitely be affected when the Admiral arrives."


In the chaos of the Chambord Islands, this group of pirate captains known as "Supernovas" quietly gathered in one place, including Kidd, Hawkins, Kira, Bo Ni, Urki, baby-5...

"Ahahaha, yes, that's it, make a fuss, make a complete mess, let the world's eyes gather here..." Kidd laughed wildly.

Hawkins was doing divination as if he was paralyzed. "The outcome of this operation bodes well, but there is an 80 per cent chance of arrest."

Baby-5, who secretly leads the group, smoked a cigarette and said impatiently.

"Don't be so nonsense, this is a good opportunity to take the opportunity to completely destroy the slave chain of the Chambord Islands. There is not much time, and you already know the specific goals of each action, right?"

After a pause, baby-5 continued without forgetting.

"In addition, the Admiral will arrive soon. Those who need to be arrested, remember not to be too arrogant and make too many senseless resistance, otherwise...you will really die."

"Tsk, no need for your nonsense..."

Kidd said a little dissatisfiedly, but his voice couldn't help being much smaller in front of baby-5.

"Hmph, now that it's clear, let's act separately. In addition, for the next step, after you are sent to the underwater prison, someone will naturally contact you."

Immediately, baby-5 ignored the group of guys and quickly left the place.


On the other side, where the Straw Hats were.

The Straw Hats were struggling with how to remove the explosive collar on Reijiu's neck.

I was so anxious that I didn't know what to do.

Seeing that the navy had begun to surround him, Luffy couldn't help but said anxiously. "Damn, why don't you go back to the Merry first and talk about it."

"No, the Tianlong man just said that this explosion collar is specially made and has great power. If Reijiu returns to the Merry and the collar is detonated, it is very likely that even the Merry will be damaged." Sanji, whose forehead was sweating so anxiously, tried his best to remain calm.

"It's just that this collar doesn't seem to have a key at all, but the controller has just been smashed by me. How can I unlock it?" Usopp said regretfully.

And just when everyone was a little helpless, Nami couldn't help thinking of that gentle and reliable guy and said.

"It's a pity that Sora is not here. Sora is very good at mechanical things. If Sora is here, there may be a way but not necessarily."


Immediately, Usopp, who had reacted, quickly took out the phone bug from his arms and explained.

"Before disembarking, he secretly stuffed me with a phone bug and told me to contact him in advance if I had something. It's just that the situation was so critical just now that I forgot about it."

It's just that with the connection of the phone bug, Usopp didn't know how to speak to Sora to describe this disaster, and subconsciously turned his attention to Luffy and the others.

But Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and other guys who were deeply involved in the incident subconsciously turned their eyes away and whistled, apparently speaking to Sora with some guilt.

But before Usopp could speak, the phone worm rang a hollow voice. "Usopp? I already know the situation on your side."

"Sora, how did you know?" Usopp asked awkwardly.

"Now the entire Chambord Archipelago is in a mess, I don't know if there is any way to do it, right?" Kong asked in a somewhat helpless tone.

Suddenly, Luffy's group of guys couldn't help blushing, and said in unison.


The phone bug pondered for a while, but said something that made the Straw Hats smile subconsciously.

"Although it was a little too impulsive to beat the Tianlong people, but...you did a good job, how could it be possible to allow the Tianlong people to take Leijiu away."

Reijiu...was moved to the point of tears streaming down her face.

Mingming... Obviously he did such an unforgivable thing, and he is likely to be besieged by the world government and the navy, but these guys... can still smile on their faces.

And Usopp, who smirked for a while, suddenly reacted, realizing that this time was not a happy time, and quickly explained the current situation to the air.

"I see, a special explosion collar without a keyhole?"

Sora's still calm and calm voice sounded, and then shouted. "Luffy."

"I'm here, Sora." Luffy responded quickly.

Sora continued. "It doesn't matter if you don't have a key, use 'Flower Sakura'! Luffy, just transfer the explosion through 'Flower Sakura' at the moment when the collar explodes..."

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