With a faint smile on the corner of Cage's mouth, his palm slowly loosened a few times, looking at them with other careful looks in his eyes, he said sarcastically.

"If you want to fight against me with these greetings, you should first weigh your strength and Bifrieza's strength, after all, I have already defeated him. "

"If you defeat him, it doesn't mean that you can defeat me, after all, some of us are far more numerous than you. "

At this time, Sabo leaned over and said loudly to Cage.

After his words fell, the people who were originally standing next to him were also approaching Sabo at this moment, so that the power between them had been completely condensed into a rope, so they took this opportunity to confront this Cage.

Cage smiled sarcastically, "You guys are stupid pigs!"

"What did you say?"

Sabo's face turned even more pale.

"No one on this planet has ever dared to tell us with such an attitude, and those who dare to challenge us have all died at our hands in the end, I think you kid is looking for death. "

Sabo's roar fell, and a sudden white streamer had already crossed his neck in an instant.

In the next second, Sabo's palm wiped along his body towards his neck, but suddenly he found that his head was gone.

At this time, Sabo suddenly realized that he had been attacked, but when he tried to see Cage clearly again, he had suddenly fallen to the ground.

Sabo was defenseless in front of Cage, and was deeply shocked by the other guys who tried to attack Cage.

They looked at Cage with a wave of trepidation in their eyes.

Cage smiled and continued.

"Look at you guys like this, it's ridiculous to say!"

"I've told you more than once, don't provoke me, why can't you remember?"

"You've killed Sabo!" the other man let out an angry voice at Cage.

But this time, Cage's streamer had not yet reached him, and the hatred in his eyes turned around and hid behind the others.

Cage looked at the timid and fearful look shown by this guy, and knew that this person should be able to exert his great strength in his follow-up work.

Cage didn't launch a new attack on him, but continued to cast his gaze on the others, quietly waiting for the others to give him a response.

For the people who came to this place at this time, they have already found themselves in a dilemma.

They don't know much about Cage, and what if they can't enjoy their current freedom anymore? But if they don't surrender and kill Cage without blinking, they feel that it is not easy for them to survive in Cage's hands.

For these guys who have been in high positions for a long time, the more they get, the more they feel superior.

Cage didn't give them much time to think.

The white streamer began to reverberate in the area.

Although Cage didn't kill them, these guys usually blocked Cage's attacks, although they built up energy in front of them.

But all the energy chapters were like paper paste, and they were soon completely shattered under Cage's streamer attack.

The streamer is that these guys have left a lot of traces on their bodies, and under this effect, the eyes of these people, this look of panic is more and more obvious.

At this time, they clearly realized that no matter how many people they had, they would not have any power to fight back against Cage.

Eventually, they nodded helplessly, and they all fell to their knees, shouting at Cage.

"Congratulations to our king!"

When Cage saw this scene, his palm tapped lightly a few times.

"You look good, at least you're smart!"

The men did not respond to what Cage said.

They were still on their knees, and it seemed that without Cage's command, they would have been on their knees in this place until the sea was rotten, and they would never get up.

Cage's energy suddenly raged on the creatures' bodies, until their bodies were covered with dense wounds.

As Cage's energy formed a dominant energy inside their bodies, the eyes of these people looking at Cage began to reveal more doubts.

They didn't understand why Cage had suddenly acted like this, but Cage smiled faintly and explained to them.

Cage could leave this place with Frieza, but having so many subordinates was a big burden for Cage, and he was looking forward to keeping these people here and managing the planet better.

If there is no way to manipulate their minds, it may not take long to build a planet, and it may become more chaotic to manage, which is not a scenario that Cage wants to see.

By the time Cage had done all the preparations, the guys stood up from the ground, their eyes halfway across his gaze, and a faint red light flashed by chance.

Frieza looked at Cage in fear.

At this time, he realized that Cage could easily manipulate their minds.

Doesn't this mean that his entire planet has completely fallen into Cage's hands, and there is no room for repayment?

When Frieza realized this, her eyes began to show more despair.

Cage noticed the change in Frieza's demeanor, and the smile on his cheeks grew brighter.

Sure enough, this guy didn't completely surrender to the palm of his hand from beginning to end.

Only at this time can this guy get to know him deeply.

After solving all the problems on the planet, Cage slowly left the planet with Frieza.

In the next few hours, he would rush to the place where King Vegeta was as fast as he could.

That planet is the end of their journey.

However, if you can take the remaining dragon ball from King Vegeta's hand, then it means that you only need to take the last dragon ball in your hand to summon the power of the dragon.

From then on, the planet he was guarding would not need to worry about the blows of other external forces.

He can also rest assured to face the Great Demon King Vic, so that the biggest trouble on their planet will completely disappear his threat.

Thinking of this, Cage's body even trembled slightly because of excessive excitement.

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